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Anyone having or had mixed feelings about the move!


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Hi, just wondering if anyone in the process of moving to Oz has been having any doubts about it?! At the moment I am having days where I am super excited but others when I just feel anxious about it all. I know that all of this is probably normal but just wanted some reassurances that it is! I am worrying a lot about my children and how they will settle, especially my 14 year old son; although he is happy to go. I am concerned that if we come back after 2 years ( we have planned to assess the situation after this time) that he will have missed his GCSE's. I am wondering whether the NSW's Rosa I think it's called, will enable him to do a levels here if we did return?! If anyone knows the answer to this I would be really grateful.

Also, I would like to hear from anyone who had doubts and worries but are now settled and happy!

Thanks xx

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I moved it, don't worry.


As for getting doubts, i think most of us have doubts and wobbles as the move gets closer, i certainly did and its been a popular topic on here so others have to. Migrating is a huge move, so its quite normal to have those ''What the hell am i doing ? moments' lol.


I cant help with NSW education, sorry but hopefully someone can.


Cal x

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Education is an issue - he could do GCSEs by correspondence if there was a likelihood you might want to return. I'm not sure what you mean by NSW's Rosa - NSW does the HSC at yr 12 and it is perhaps the most rigorous of all states assessment processes but HSC scores don't travel that well back to UK for Uni. Or if he came back in time for A levels he could pick up some GCSEs at the same time. Or if it really doesn't look good you could send him home to board with relatives and do what he needs to.

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I feel like this all the time and it tends to be after reading about people who have regretted the move or are on there way back to the uk. I try not to read these threads now and focus on our friends that are in Newcastle and Brisbane, both are completely settled and are having the time of their lives. We are going to try and get our citizenship as a minimum as if it does not work out this time around, things may be different when were older. Stay positive!

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Even Iam and Iam a Aussie returning after 15 yrs, with 14,12,7 yr olds, I have mixed feelings about going back and the kids settling in,and will I still like, why Iam leaving all my friends and family, even thou I have friends over there and family , it is still all Abigail shock and thinking Iam I doing the right thing .if you contact schools in the area you are going to they will let you know what they have on offer for your kids, and might be easier to understand, as they don't do GCSE over ,but there schooling is so much different to here some things we are more advanced, and then they are in some subjects.

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The question to ask is, are they just wobbles or are they justifiable doubts?


If you've both always been keen to do the move, then they're probably just wobbles and you'll get over them. However if your oh was mad keen to move to Australia and you had to be persuaded to go along with it, then maybe it's some real doubts that are resurfacing and you need to be sure you're committed.


It's a great adventure and if you're up for it, I'm sure you'll have a great time - but the actual move can be very stressful and expensive and if your heart's not really in it, it's not easy to get through.

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Hi , thanks for all your responses. I have been researching the school thing and as long as my eldest can get GCSE's in maths and English he should be fine. I am excited about it and looking forward to the adventure!

thanks again! X

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