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Things we won't get in Oz


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In our family we all have extremely sensitive skin so every time we so much as change shower gel we all break out in rashes. I'm just wondering what products we might not get in Oz and what alternatives there might be so we can get used to them if they're available here. I have a wee bit of a list lol sanex hypoallergenic shower gel and bubble bath, e45 body lotion, timotei shampoo, and I use no7 cosmetices which I know we definitely can't get . Anyone know good alternatives?

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Clinique makeup. Give up the shower gel and get one of the soap bars. Just been reading on the health thing that shower gels are no good for us anyway. There are lots of people with allergies and asthma in Australia so there are a lot of products that will suit.

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Thanks , I've tried clinique before and had no problems, just a tad pricey! Lol we use boots own sensitive skin sun lotion (not that we need to use it often in NI) but I'm hoping sun lotion for sensitive skin should be pretty easy to come by

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You may not be able to get exact matches, but some Australians have sensitive skin too and there will be neutral, unscented products that don't cause skin problems. As Jock says, you will need to find an appropriate sun cream. Also, I find on very hot days I have to wear deodorant - I haven't yet found a brand that doesn't make me itch.

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Slightly off topic, but has anyone been following the press about Johnsons Baby Powder and links to Ovarian cancer? Very scary stuff.


Bit more on topic, but Avon are quite active here in Australia - do they do anything that would be suitable for you?

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My girls and I have sensitive skin, eczema etc and use products from a great Aussie company called MooGoo. They have a fab range including cleansers, moisturisers, eczema cream, shampoo and conditioner, soap, body wash, bubble bath, and a fantastic sunscreen which is the only one I have found that I can use on our youngest daughter. I don't work for them, by the way, they are just great products :wink:! I developed adult acne and dermatitis on my face, and the MooGoo products were far better than the things that the doctor prescribed.

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Slightly off topic, but has anyone been following the press about Johnsons Baby Powder and links to Ovarian cancer? Very scary stuff.


Bit more on topic, but Avon are quite active here in Australia - do they do anything that would be suitable for you?

Yes, I've heard this one! I think its anything that includes talc at all that's why you find a lot of talc free products now. But i don't think its as simple as just using talc I heard its if yano, ' use It down there ' lol but if it was a big issue I dont think they would still be selling it for babies ??

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I stopped using it years ago when this news first came out- and my children never used it on their babies either. When you think about it it is not so surprising because it is so fine and could easily get inside the body . Wonder about the surgical gloves, too- always thought you should keep away from surgeons!

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I've never used talc anyway coming from a family with skin conditions (that's not to say its hiding somewhere in the ingredients list of other products). I suppose this is why there are so many 'mineral' products now , and you do see a lot of talc free baby powders now, at least I do in Asda. I remember going to buy a face powder called 'banana powder' I heard it was used a lot by make up artists and the lady in the shop must have done her research on talc as she's the one who told me about the link and advised I buy mineral products. But when I looked it up myself I read it was because a lot of feminine hygiene products used to contain talc?

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I can vouch for MooGoo!My daughter suffers from eczema and uses their products.Excellent results!She had previously been using steroid creams,E45 and others but this stuff is fab.Its also stocked in the UK. (See website).It is expensive compared to other products,but for the relief my daughter gets from using their products its worth every penny (or cent lol)

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I can vouch for MooGoo!My daughter suffers from eczema and uses their products.Excellent results!She had previously been using steroid creams,E45 and others but this stuff is fab.Its also stocked in the UK. (See website).It is expensive compared to other products,but for the relief my daughter gets from using their products its worth every penny (or cent lol)


Haha! I think I put you on to it! I should start charging them commission, given how many people I tell about their stuff!


It is great, far better than the steroid creams for eczema. Their acne moisturiser, Tamanu oil and Evening Primrose and Borage oils cleared my acne up within about four weeks, where antibiotics and other topical preparations had failed. If you order online they quite often send extras in your package too. Last time I ordered one of the Evening Primrose and Borage oil, but they sent two.

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Hi, I suffer from Psorasis and have found that they have far more on the shelf choice over here for products that cater to different skin types. I use a range called QV which is affordable and great value for money.. hope this helps... Good luck

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Oooo Which Moogoo products would you recommend for clearing up acne? I get some serious breakouts and its my birthday at the end of the month I might spoil myself ! Lol was googling their products there , there's so much I don't know what the different products do :wacko:

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In our family we all have extremely sensitive skin so every time we so much as change shower gel we all break out in rashes. I'm just wondering what products we might not get in Oz and what alternatives there might be so we can get used to them if they're available here. I have a wee bit of a list lol sanex hypoallergenic shower gel and bubble bath, e45 body lotion, timotei shampoo, and I use no7 cosmetices which I know we definitely can't get . Anyone know good alternatives?


Trial and error. My son has sensitive skin. Some things work, some don't. Fortunately I can put up with anything so I get the rejects.

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Oooo Which Moogoo products would you recommend for clearing up acne? I get some serious breakouts and its my birthday at the end of the month I might spoil myself ! Lol was googling their products there , there's so much I don't know what the different products do :wacko:


I used their Acne Cleansing Cream (I think they are re-branding it as blemish clearing moisturiser? I'm sure I've seen it labelled as that on a blog or something) as a moisturiser (it isn't a cleanser as the name suggests) and their Tamanu oil at night underneath the acne cleansing cream. The tamanu oil has a bit of an odd smell to it, which puts some people off, but to me it smells like burnt toast which isn't unpleasant. I noticed a definite improvement in the acne after about two weeks, and the scarring was definitely starting to diminish (red mark type of scarring, rather than lumpy or pitted scarring, if you know what I mean) after four weeks or so. It was pretty bad acne (think deep and boil-like), particularly on my cheeks. Other than that I just use a dermalogica cleanser (special cleansing gel) which I have used for about 15 years and won't change from. I rarely get spots now, maybe one or two tiny ones around my period time, which are gone within a couple of days. In fact, I would go so far as to say that my skin is in better condition now than it has ever been! Their evening primrose and borage (starflower) oil is great too. I have quite dry skin, especially in the winter, and have found that it is much better if I use this oil at night.

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