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British Style Chippy


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I never ate fish and chips in England because we weren't keen on the soggyness. We were spoiled in my home town in Ireland there were 3 really good Italian run ones. We have found some really great ones in Oz where it all tastes really fresh so it is on the menu for us again.



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This thread is silly. I cant believe someone is saying you can't get vinegar in Australian fish and chip shops and the staff have never heard of adding vinegar to chips.

What absolute rubbish.

Must be a windup anti Aus thread is all I can put it down to.

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Can't imagine why anyone would want those horrible soggy things they call chips in the UK. Or the fake fish, either. Maybe hooked on the rancid fat? Australian F and C are far, far better.


Not sure where you had fish and chips in the UK but that doesn't describe what we get here. Real chips as opposed to the frozen chips in Australia and real cod, haddock etc.

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I much prefer the chips at the local chippy to the British one. Yes, the British ones are like home, but the local does chips that are beer battered and are absolutely scrummy. Actually found the British one to be a bit soggy/greasy last night when we went there!

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I much prefer the chips at the local chippy to the British one. Yes, the British ones are like home, but the local does chips that are beer battered and are absolutely scrummy. Actually found the British one to be a bit soggy/greasy last night when we went there!


I don't get this soggy chips thing, the 2 shops we use aren't at all soggy and use real chips. Also a piece of cod is almost big enough to feed 2 people lol

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I must have been here too long. I just can't eat fish and chips anymore - it just seems like a massive load of greasy fish and stodgy potatoes to me. Maybe it's the climate, but fish and chips just don't seem suited to Sydney's warm weather. I sometime have the barramundi at Doyles, but grilled, not in batter.

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I must have been here too long. I just can't eat fish and chips anymore - it just seems like a massive load of greasy fish and stodgy potatoes to me. Maybe it's the climate, but fish and chips just don't seem suited to Sydney's warm weather. I sometime have the barramundi at Doyles, but grilled, not in batter.


I dare fish and chips is still right up there as one of the most popular meals in Australia.

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Uk fish and chips aren't soggy.not where we get them from anywhere.i really do miss cod/haddock.fish and chips here are just not right


I was beginning to wonder if it was just me lol Years ago they might have been soggy but certainly not now. I do love a REAL piece of flake but that was getting harder to come by, it was being substituted with other fish.

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Never was a huge fan of cod. Always went for haddock or hake. We had a great chippy near us in the UK with good fresh fish and non soggy chips. Still no choice of salads though.


Actually I probably prefer Haddock myself. I can't say our local fish and chip shops in Australia served salads, they did deep fried Mars bars though lol

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Last time we went, admittedly a while back, we went to see some cousins in Yorkshire. I was really keen to get some good old Yorkshire fish and chips- best I could remember, ever. Sadly disappointed though. We went to a highly recommended chippie only to be confronted with these gross greasy and soggy chips, batter a half inch thick and not even crispy ( horror) and the fish was something from fifty shades of grey- ugh. Tried another place- ditto. So don't tell me about British F and C- they have no clue, no taste and wouldn't know a good fish or chip if it leapt up and bit them on the bum.

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I get cod and chips from our local they have such a massive selection of fresh fish


Cooked to order


Excellent taste cooked to perfection


I didn't know you could get cod in oz...need to start looking around for cod.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Every fish and chip shop has vinegar.

I've never seen vinegar in any in Melbourne or Cairns.

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Guest The Pom Queen
This thread is silly. I cant believe someone is saying you can't get vinegar in Australian fish and chip shops and the staff have never heard of adding vinegar to chips.

What absolute rubbish.

Must be a windup anti Aus thread is all I can put it down to.

Well you don't have to post on here :wink:

Anti Oz thread? Really? Just because someone asked what a chippy was like. Parley you are getting more and more like a whinging Pom :tongue:

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Do the majority of people take their fish and chips home to eat?Can you not buy the vinegar in the supermarket and put it on yourself????

I eat then more out than at home tbh


Plus I don't even use vinegar here


Always squeeze a lemon on the fish though


Funny how my habits have changed here

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My husband is Aussie. He thought I was mad for putting vinegar on chips as did his family & friends! They'd never heard of it! We are talking Tasmania though! Hubbie does now put vinegar on chips here in the UK though! Wonder if he'll revert back to type once we're back in Aus??

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