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Moving back to the UK.. Advice.


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Ok, so originally I was born in qld Australia after my English parents had spent 10+ years here. At a very young age we moved back to the UK, after some other several year stops around the world. I spent 12 years in Wales in the United Kingdom & was very settled, had two children & married all by the age of 21. It was then my parents & older sister & her husband & children decided they all wanted to move back to qld. Having not remembered all of it & in fear of being left pretty much alone, my husband & I decided to move with them. We have now been back in qld, in the same town I was born for 2 & a half years. For the first 6 months I was content, honey moon period etc. Since then I have been itching to leave, despite trying to make myself like & enjoy the country, as has my husband & eldest daughter (7) who still remembers aspects of home. We have saved enough money to just scrape our airfares one way, our dogs flight costs, shipping & barely enough to put a deposit down to rent when we get back to England or Wales. My concerns are, my husband has a managers job over here with very good pay, holiday hours etc. We live comfortably most weeks & if so desired we could afford to buy with our savings if we were approved a mortgage. Once we get back home, we are going to be skint & counting pennies, especially now with all David Cameron's plans for the UK. We will never be able to afford to buy a home & I doubt my husband will ever be in such a high up position with great pay... But... Our hearts are set on going home. I will have to say goodbye to all my family & I will probably never be able to afford to come back. I know ultimately it is our decision, I am just looking for advice. Everyone I speak to says I'm stupid, but for me Australia is not what it's cracked up to be. I am not fond of the schooling, the eating conditions in the schools, the curriculum & with such bad heat I don't enjoy being as out doorsy as I was. I walked every where in the UK, took the children to feed the ducks, trips to the park, splashed in puddles, the sound of the ice cream man & just the fact I enjoyed walking even in the blizzarding cold. I no longer enjoy being outside for longer than I have to, I break out in heat spots still, headaches & I am sad to admit I don't do half as much with my children outside as I once did.. I'm just looking for advice, not judgement. Apologise in advance for any possible spelling errors as I am typing this on my phone.

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Hi SugaredApple. Sounds like you are having a horrible time of it at the moment. I live in qld to so completely get feeling sick from the heat. It's absolutely awful here. With ppl calling you stupid;it's your family and your decision, no one else's. Have you thought of sticking it out for a bit longer to try & get a little more money put aside? (Seeing as you said your husband has a good job). My husband & I are both hopefully going back next yr despite both of us wanting to leave right now but we can't afford it :(

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It's so nice to hear that someone understands, as everyone I speak to can't get their heads around why I'd rather be poor & happy. We were also planning on leaving next year as we don't want to uplift the children before birthdays, Christmas etc. We also had a baby in November & I would like my parents to be able to see her on her first birthday. Our lease is up late January 2016 so we were planning on leaving immediately after. Going to try & set some money aside whenever we have some spare :) Goodluck with your move too. Sorry you're also suffering.

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My husband & I hear the exact same stuff. Ppl saying how awful it is over there, etc, but I always think well those same ppl love it here whilst I hate it so obviously we have very different ideas as to what's good & bad. Depending on where you go some places are more affordable in England then here & vice versa. What part of the UK are you looking at?

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I know what you mean. Everyone is always telling me how silly I'm being & that I won't last a year if we move back. I know that's not true because I happily lived there for many years with no intention to leave. To start with we will be heading back to North Wales, as that's where my husbands parents are, we will no doubt have to stay with the whilst we look for somewhere to live & while my husband finds a job. Where's abouts are you wanting to move?

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Know exactly what you mean about the heat.i never thought i'd ever complain about the heat,as i loved my summers back in uk,but this is just unbearable, feel exhausted from it..plus i guess i appreciate the heat alot more in uk after the freezing cold winters.we're moving back next year,and cant wait!your not alone and your not silly for wanting to go back,as there are many on here that want to...best of luck!

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It sounds like a no brainer to me. I guess your family in Australia are bound to say you are mad for wanting to go back, they are just scared of losing you. I can't think why anyone else would say it though. We moved back January 2015, nobody passed any comment on our decision, other than those in UK to express their pleasure that we were moving back.


If your husband is capable of holding down a good management job in Australia then he is capable of doing the same in UK and I am sure you will soon be back on your feet. I don't think people should make a decision like what country to live in based on short term political views, you need to learn to live with whatever party is in power and accept that 50% of the time you might not like it. But Britain is back on its feet now and unless you are planning to bludge off taxpayers (and you don't sound like you are), then I don't know what you have to worry about in terms of Tory plans specifically.

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My observation of folk around me here is that they all seem to be doing ok. I've never met so many "working class" (I'm not being snobby but people who don't hold down high flying, high paying jobs, just your Mr and Mrs Average) people who take so many fabulous holidays! I think I'm one of the few in my social group who has never been on a cruise! Most of them have been to Australia at some stage or another. They also seem to have more generous leave entitlements than I ever had in Aus. Kids are doing just fine, happy, chatty, playing outside etc


Of course your Aus family are going to rubbish your choice - you are dissing their decision (and often those who protest the most are the most jealous!) but it's your life to do with as you want. There might be a short term financial pain but then I'm sure it will pick up. Perhaps do a belt and braces thing - take a career break etc just in case.


If it's what you want then go for it.

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Everyone I speak to says I'm stupid, but for me Australia is not what it's cracked up to be. I am not fond of the schooling, the eating conditions in the schools, the curriculum & with such bad heat I don't enjoy being as out doorsy as I was. I walked every where in the UK, took the children to feed the ducks, trips to the park, splashed in puddles, the sound of the ice cream man & just the fact I enjoyed walking even in the blizzarding cold. I no longer enjoy being outside for longer than I have to, I break out in heat spots still, headaches & I am sad to admit I don't do half as much with my children outside as I once did.. I'm just looking for advice, not judgement. Apologise in advance for any possible spelling errors as I am typing this on my phone.


Hi, we left England to return to NZ for our families. We felt guilty that our parents were missing out on seeing their grandchildren. My second child was born in NZ when I was 34. When she was 3 we moved to Australia for my hubby's work. I have a sister here.


To cut a long story short, we were really happy in England. When we first arrived newly married to England, we started from scratch and were broke. But, we had a great outdoorsy life and were really active. We also had a great social life where we seemed to constantly have dinner parties with our friends, or meet at the pub. Neither cost a lot of money, it was more about the socialising. It does not cost money to walk in the fresh air, or go to the park to feed the ducks. You can get discount tickets to all the fantastic "cultural attractions". And if you live initially in a two bed apartment, but are happy, then there's your answer.


Interestingly enough, we only see our families in NZ twice a year, and I see my sister about once a year. I was very active in England but hardly ever go outside in Queensland. I hate the heat. I love four seasons! I hate the beach. I love culture. We are moving back in two and a half years. It is about us now, not our extended family. Live for yourself, your hubby and your little one first.

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May be a crazy question, but have any of you who hate heat and loved life in the UK considered another part of Australia, such as Melbourne?


Weather much more like UK (although not quite as cold), no humidity even in the height of summer, lighter summer evenings etc etc


Might offer you the best of both worlds.



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Hiya I've been back home a week today gone so quick , I'm here for another 5 weeks though , I'm sneezing 5 mins on here because my son has just took baby nursery one day a week while I'm here to keep his place open so I'll have 5 mins lol , I feel like I have never been away and I could settle back in no problem . It's been chilly though but my son and his girlfriend arnt cold so it's just me lol . Had some lovely days out , still plenty more to do . I drove past my house yesterday it looked sad they had all **** shoved in the window sills which pigged me off I carnt stand see it but it's not my house really although it still is my house lol . My grandson is a little gem I could eat him , my son and his fiancé have missed my daftness , I am missing my hubby though lol , my kids in qld arnt bothered they having the time of their lives back in oz lol but I'm missing them . We are all coming back home at Christmas I think my hubby needs to see what he thinks aswell I could quite easily stay and not fly back now but haha but my hubby said steady on shelly ! To be honest niether place is bad and I'm on the fence yes I would move back in a heartbeat but I have to consider the others aswell so I'll see what they think at Christmas . Australia does look bigger and brighter but UK has a feel good factor variety and I just carnt explain how I feel . Anyway niether place is a bad place to live in at ellesmere at my sons it's lovely . I'm off out with my mates next week when my son goes back work bring it on although I want it to go slow . My youngest finishes school in November so we shall see how things go from there . Hope you figure out what you want to do ! It's a toughie !

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May be a crazy question, but have any of you who hate heat and loved life in the UK considered another part of Australia, such as Melbourne?


Weather much more like UK (although not quite as cold), no humidity even in the height of summer, lighter summer evenings etc etc


Might offer you the best of both worlds.




I visted Melbourne two weeks ago,and i must admit it were alot better then sydney,weather wise too,was sunny,but cool.kind of regretted not moving there in the first place.i find sydney really warm and humid,not enjoying weather here at all...but unfortunately we are unable to relocate now,due to my husband's job and my own health reasons

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Hiya I've been back home a week today gone so quick , I'm here for another 5 weeks though , I'm sneezing 5 mins on here because my son has just took baby nursery one day a week while I'm here to keep his place open so I'll have 5 mins lol , I feel like I have never been away and I could settle back in no problem . It's been chilly though but my son and his girlfriend arnt cold so it's just me lol . Had some lovely days out , still plenty more to do . I drove past my house yesterday it looked sad they had all **** shoved in the window sills which pigged me off I carnt stand see it but it's not my house really although it still is my house lol . My grandson is a little gem I could eat him , my son and his fiancé have missed my daftness , I am missing my hubby though lol , my kids in qld arnt bothered they having the time of their lives back in oz lol but I'm missing them . We are all coming back home at Christmas I think my hubby needs to see what he thinks aswell I could quite easily stay and not fly back now but haha but my hubby said steady on shelly ! To be honest niether place is bad and I'm on the fence yes I would move back in a heartbeat but I have to consider the others aswell so I'll see what they think at Christmas . Australia does look bigger and brighter but UK has a feel good factor variety and I just carnt explain how I feel . Anyway niether place is a bad place to live in at ellesmere at my sons it's lovely . I'm off out with my mates next week when my son goes back work bring it on although I want it to go slow . My youngest finishes school in November so we shall see how things go from there . Hope you figure out what you want to do ! It's a toughie !


Im going for a hol back to uk in 9weeks time!yipeee!i cant wait.enjoy yourself hun,make th most of it

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Not crazy question at all. Just we all have our reasons. My answer to your question is, we are tied to Brisbane, Queensland, for hubby's job. He works for Virgin, and is a simulator trainer/pilot. So his career has always come first. Fair enough, I wanted children, he earns the money. So I have to support this. But means we can only live here by the simulator, airport, or where his work is.


But that is OK. Cause we always have a plan. I am studying. When we go back to England, I will work in the health sector, and I take back two wonderful children. Oh yes, and I guess my hubby. Bless him! of course he can come.:tongue:

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Could hubby get a job with Virgin in Sussex? Am biased as from Sussex but lots of airport activity around Gatwick. We both have good jobs here in Brisbane and rent in a lovely place - although I absolutely hate renting. Been here 8 years and have had the steady pull to go home over the last 3-4. I still wake up thinking I'll go for a walk on the downs or shopping in Brighton. I don't belong here at all and although I know some great people I have no close friends and miss going out with the girls for a natter. I think if you are very rich you can have a lovely lifestyle anywhere including Australia, but for ordinary working folk it's not worth the reduction in holidays, leisure time & increased prices. People who look at the swimming pools and sunshine and think it's paradise on earth invariably can't appreciate the richness of UK life. In your shoes I'd save like mad to get the biggest financial buffer you can. The Tory win is a bit of a blow but remember that only 25% of eligible electorate voted for them and there are many people who believe in fairness and equality. Good luck!

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My husband & I hear the exact same stuff. Ppl saying how awful it is over there, etc, but I always think well those same ppl love it here whilst I hate it so obviously we have very different ideas as to what's good & bad. Depending on where you go some places are more affordable in England then here & vice versa. What part of the UK are you looking at?

People who say you are mad coming back to the UK have never lived in Oz, all they see is judith chalmers with a plum up her arse making sure the background is always on a beach and sunny.

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We are definitely eyeing up around Gatwick / Sussex. Just waiting the two and a half years to time in with the girls schooling, and hubby has to convert his licence next year. He has just studied hard for a qualification with CASA as a simulator trainer, so he can train outside of Virgin as well. That will help hugely in England with him getting a job.


To sugaredapple please have the realisation that it may never get better for you here, no matter how many years you wait.


I agree Chortlepuss, I would say you meet many nice people here, but I find it is all "on the surface" and hard to make a genuine friend. I have one close friend here, however she is a kiwi too! Not planned, we just gelled and we both make an effort.


I do not find it social here, or up to my expectation anyway. And in some other posts, their have been assumptions that some people here who don't have a lot of friends and state this on this forum, get this comment back from other posters "negative or unfriendly people attract like, and that is the reason why people here are not making friends".


I hope I just made sense with that. I have made a huge effort trying to make friends here, constant invitations, making an effort to introduce myself, suggesting groups or activities etc. I just find here that people keep to themselves a lot more. Yes friendly and polite, sure, but it is home to be behind closed doors and little socialising. Maybe it is the weather, or the traffic problems, or the time it takes you to get anywhere.


Just my experience. And I like to see myself being a very positive and friendly person on the whole! (I made friends very quickly in England, and some European countries, but not here)

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We are definitely eyeing up around Gatwick / Sussex. Just waiting the two and a half years to time in with the girls schooling, and hubby has to convert his licence next year. He has just studied hard for a qualification with CASA as a simulator trainer, so he can train outside of Virgin as well. That will help hugely in England with him getting a job.


To sugaredapple please have the realisation that it may never get better for you here, no matter how many years you wait.


I agree Chortlepuss, I would say you meet many nice people here, but I find it is all "on the surface" and hard to make a genuine friend. I have one close friend here, however she is a kiwi too! Not planned, we just gelled and we both make an effort.


I do not find it social here, or up to my expectation anyway. And in some other posts, their have been assumptions that some people here who don't have a lot of friends and state this on this forum, get this comment back from other posters "negative or unfriendly people attract like, and that is the reason why people here are not making friends".


I hope I just made sense with that. I have made a huge effort trying to make friends here, constant invitations, making an effort to introduce myself, suggesting groups or activities etc. I just find here that people keep to themselves a lot more. Yes friendly and polite, sure, but it is home to be behind closed doors and little socialising. Maybe it is the weather, or the traffic problems, or the time it takes you to get anywhere.


Just my experience. And I like to see myself being a very positive and friendly person on the whole! (I made friends very quickly in England, and some European countries, but not here)


I believe there is a simulator company in burgess hill too, sorry, can't remember the name.

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We are definitely eyeing up around Gatwick / Sussex. Just waiting the two and a half years to time in with the girls schooling, and hubby has to convert his licence next year. He has just studied hard for a qualification with CASA as a simulator trainer, so he can train outside of Virgin as well. That will help hugely in England with him getting a job.


To sugaredapple please have the realisation that it may never get better for you here, no matter how many years you wait.


I agree Chortlepuss, I would say you meet many nice people here, but I find it is all "on the surface" and hard to make a genuine friend. I have one close friend here, however she is a kiwi too! Not planned, we just gelled and we both make an effort.


I do not find it social here, or up to my expectation anyway. And in some other posts, their have been assumptions that some people here who don't have a lot of friends and state this on this forum, get this comment back from other posters "negative or unfriendly people attract like, and that is the reason why people here are not making friends".


I hope I just made sense with that. I have made a huge effort trying to make friends here, constant invitations, making an effort to introduce myself, suggesting groups or activities etc. I just find here that people keep to themselves a lot more. Yes friendly and polite, sure, but it is home to be behind closed doors and little socialising. Maybe it is the weather, or the traffic problems, or the time it takes you to get anywhere.


Just my experience. And I like to see myself being a very positive and friendly person on the whole! (I made friends very quickly in England, and some European countries, but not here)


Have you ever lived in the south east of England? It is just that the way you are describing people you know in Queensland sums up people in the south east nicely. A lot is down to long commutes, chiefly into London, long hours and kids with activities everywhere so parents are glorified taxi firms. A lot of people, ourselves included, have limited time and energy for socialising. I have few close friends and see them only rarely.

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We are tied to Brisbane because that is where the simulator is for Virgin. You have to live by the simulator for many reasons. He would never leave Virgin here. Only when we go back to England, and then hubby will work for a different airline.



Know I have never lived in the South East, we were in Hertfordshire. But I'll put it this way, unless things have radically changed, I think there is more opportunity for socialising in England than here. Just a different way of life and thinking. And

of course you can be outdoors a lot more. I find the intense heat for 7 months of the year here horrifying and I stop all outside activity. Plus add in me and my youngest daughter have the fair skin of the Irish, we go red just looking out the window!

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We are tied to Brisbane because that is where the simulator is for Virgin. You have to live by the simulator for many reasons. He would never leave Virgin here. Only when we go back to England, and then hubby will work for a different airline.



Know I have never lived in the South East, we were in Hertfordshire. But I'll put it this way, unless things have radically changed, I think there is more opportunity for socialising in England than here. Just a different way of life and thinking. And

of course you can be outdoors a lot more. I find the intense heat for 7 months of the year here horrifying and I stop all outside activity. Plus add in me and my youngest daughter have the fair skin of the Irish, we go red just looking out the window!


Hertfordshire is definitely south east and London commuter belt.


Having always lived in south east England I do wonder how we will feel about the hot summers there, but then we do love to be warm outside. We are all different of course and as I have got older I find the cold, damp, darkness of the UK climate particularly between October to April very restrictive (it was much less so when I was younger though I have always lived for the summer and endured the winter). Dressing in 3 or 4 layers and wearing 2 pairs of socks day in/day out is a pain. More washing and the tumble dryer is the only real option from November to February.


Many people love it though and I have friends who prefer the winter over the summer. There are no insects for instance.


Luckily I am not highly sensitive to the sun, though definitely not a sun worshipper. I prefer sitting in the shade but in the UK I normally have to sit out in the sun when outside because at below 22C I find the shade too cool to be comfortable without layers and not that many days exceed 22C in the year.

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