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Need to move back to UK we believe....


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I am Australian. My husband is Yorkshire. Our son is two. We also have pets here in OZ. I lived in UK for 6 years and all my work experience was basically in England and finding work in my (home state) Tasmania is ridiculous! No work prospects at all and we have been here for 4 years now, and despite having our son, we assumed that I would have managed to get work here by now.

My husband can only manage a little garage job for three days a week on bare minimum wages.

We miss (especially my husband) miss our friends and life in UK. But with it being 4 years ago since we left. We are scared that we will not find a good enough job back in Leeds. Or manage to fit back into the fast paced life of a city.

I blame myself for being here in Tasmania, as I was the one who mentioned to my Husband that I think that to raise a child we should go to my home town in Tasmania. I didn't get the economic stats or do enough research on the state. My family didn't advise me that to get a job here, we need certifications and qualifications even for Office work...Bar work and low and behold Cleaning work!


We are planning on leaving in October. Taking our son and dog to the UK. I am worried but know this is the right decision. Can anyone shed light on what changes the UK especially Leeds has had in 4 years.



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Have you checked our whether you will be able to get back into the UK as I believe things have tightened up a lot and partners of UK citizens may find it a lot more difficult to enter the UK.


Also ensure you are aware of things such as whether you will be eligible for NHS funding or benefits as I believe the UK is a lot stricter than OZ for people arriving.


As for the UK, despite me flying out of the UK soon I think generally the country is doing much better and I think businesses and individuals are generally better off than they would have been 4 years ago.


Leeds is a great city btw!

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It's a difficult situation to find yourself in. We have been back around during 4 years now, in that time the economy has improved noticeably, not for everyone of course but that is always so. There is a lot more work, we have found the cost of living cheaper and food is actually coming down in lots of cases. Todays election result will increase stability in the economy. Good luck with whatever you do.

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I am Australian. My husband is Yorkshire. Our son is two. We also have pets here in OZ. I lived in UK for 6 years and all my work experience was basically in England and finding work in my (home state) Tasmania is ridiculous! No work prospects at all and we have been here for 4 years now, and despite having our son, we assumed that I would have managed to get work here by now.

My husband can only manage a little garage job for three days a week on bare minimum wages.

We miss (especially my husband) miss our friends and life in UK. But with it being 4 years ago since we left. We are scared that we will not find a good enough job back in Leeds. Or manage to fit back into the fast paced life of a city.

I blame myself for being here in Tasmania, as I was the one who mentioned to my Husband that I think that to raise a child we should go to my home town in Tasmania. I didn't get the economic stats or do enough research on the state. My family didn't advise me that to get a job here, we need certifications and qualifications even for Office work...Bar work and low and behold Cleaning work!


We are planning on leaving in October. Taking our son and dog to the UK. I am worried but know this is the right decision. Can anyone shed light on what changes the UK especially Leeds has had in 4 years.





We had a similar experience - I struggled to find work in Perth. Seems they decommissioned all the mainframes while I was away.


The UK is a different place to what it was 4 years ago. Don't know Leeds, but everything seems much more positive. Not booming but okish.


But you do need to check you can get a visa. I think your partner may need to earn a certain amount before they'll let you in. Try google the govt sites.

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Hi and welcome to PIO!:cute:A certificate for cleaning jobs?That's ridiculous!Fwiw,where I live in the UK,you wouldn't of known that the recession had ever happened tbh!I know other area's of the UK were hit fairly bad though.I've never been to Leeds,but if you prefer not to live in the city/burbs,I am quite sure there are some lovely towns/villages which might suit? The UK is in a good place right now!My kids are grown up aussies and love living in the UK!One's in Hampshire,the other in Cornwall.As you've already lived in the UK,I think you would find it quite easy to settle back into life.

As others have already advised,you need to seek some immigration advice first.Best wishes and good luck for a lovely future!

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As others have said i think your first step is to make sure you can get a visa to resettle back in the Uk if you need one. Things have changed a bit in the last few years and getting a spouse visa has become a little harder. Goodluck.

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It is quite notoriously difficult to find work in Tasmania on these forums, you probably had better chance than most if you are from there. But if it is that bad, I feel sure you would fare better in Leeds. The UK is doing well.

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It's some times a blessing to be a dual national, but it's also a bit confusing on where to settle. We wouldn't have an issue living here in Tasmania, if it weren't for the job situations and the fact their seams to be no social life here...at all.

We have thought of moving inter state but we are not sure if it's worth popping over to Melbourne before relocating to Leeds.

Is the certificate system as bad interstate as it is in Tasmania?

I have a degree but that seams to be redundant here.

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Hi Marenmatt1


I have found a lot of discrimination here. Especially during interviews. I also feel a bit rejected as I am Australian born. My accent is a bit mixed up now, but never the less, I am quite surprised at how difficult it is to get a job.

It looks like we will have to take the chance and hope for the best in England. The move back wouldn't be such a concern, it's the fact we have a toddler that we are worried about making the wrong choice.

Sorry to hear that the same work situation is up in Brisbane. Best of luck with your move plans.

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Hi Jacaranda.

Apparently a cleaner is called an Environmental Service Worker here, and certificates are needed. No such thing as applying for work here without a certificate. Even for Retail. Basic Admin is a high end job here too.

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My son needed carts for bar work but he got them on line for less than $50. Depends on what sort of Certs you mean. His were available at TAFE for a lot more money but the on line ones were enough to get him the job.

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I am a British Citizen. Both my Parents are Londoners. But migrated to Tasmania. I was born in Australia. But I am a dual national.



Well that certainly makes life easier.


But you do need to do some Leeds research if that is where you want to live. Are you in contact with any friends there? It may be easier for hubby to go first, get a job, then bring you, child and pets.

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We have been here 8 years. Neither of us has had a permanent job, always casual. We were both highly skilled in our respective careers in the UK. We were unable to secure any work in those areas, despite holding high qualifications form the UK. I took the view that I would not spend any more money on Australian qualifications, when the advertised roles asked for exactly what I already had. It has been an interesting learning experience for us and now we have decided to head back to the UK.


We have enjoyed it here, but found that despite our best efforts we need more than Australia can offer us.

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Hi Jacaranda.

Apparently a cleaner is called an Environmental Service Worker here, and certificates are needed. No such thing as applying for work here without a certificate. Even for Retail. Basic Admin is a high end job here too.


It's all part of the money making business of forcing people to seek expensive un needed bits of paper that mean jack all.

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It is frustrating when employers place pieces of paper above solid experience - I've found in my area (IT project management, change management) that particularly where recruiters are inexperienced they think a qualification is an acceptable substitute. Didn't happen in the UK - had to prove I'd already done the job with lots of practical experience! It doesn't help that costs for even basic training here are off the scale...

Currently work for a company in Brisbane which is very European in their outlook - so refreshing - they couldn't really care about professional qualifications as long as you work hard and deliver great results.

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I was in IT Project Management as well. Didn't even get a look in. Was actually told by a number of recruiters that PRINCE 2 was ok but not enough here and I should do this course and that course for $0000. I politely declined their kind advice. I am hoping that I can secure work in the UK in the same field again. Here it really seems to be a struggle when you have years of experience, they appear afraid of you. I have found though that the manual job I do now has been great. They just want you to work. Simple. I have gained other skills from that work which I can fall back on in the UK.

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I was in IT Project Management as well. Didn't even get a look in. Was actually told by a number of recruiters that PRINCE 2 was ok but not enough here and I should do this course and that course for $0000. I politely declined their kind advice. I am hoping that I can secure work in the UK in the same field again. Here it really seems to be a struggle when you have years of experience, they appear afraid of you. I have found though that the manual job I do now has been great. They just want you to work. Simple. I have gained other skills from that work which I can fall back on in the UK.

Spot on - as an independent contractor I couldn't get a look in - was getting turned down by program managers with 3 years experience due to my 'lack of experience' (Approx 25 years in IT). Joined a consultancy and they love my experience - they can chuck me at any old thing.

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Hi Yorkies84 - My husband and I are from West Yorkshire and have lived in Brisbane for 6 years, however, we are moving back to Halifax in 3 weeks time and we cannot wait. We also have a 21 month old toddler and feel that he will have a much happier life back there with his grandparents, aunties, uncles & cousins etc. We have both secured jobs already so there is definitely employment out there. I'll be sure to put an update on here when settled about how we are finding things. Good luck with your decision - sounds to me like you feel it will be the right one too. :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Yorkies84 - My husband and I are from West Yorkshire and have lived in Brisbane for 6 years, however, we are moving back to Halifax in 3 weeks time and we cannot wait. We also have a 21 month old toddler and feel that he will have a much happier life back there with his grandparents, aunties, uncles & cousins etc. We have both secured jobs already so there is definitely employment out there. I'll be sure to put an update on here when settled about how we are finding things. Good luck with your decision - sounds to me like you feel it will be the right one too. :smile:


oh that sounds promising!! Can I ask what line of work you and your husband are in and how did you find gaining employment this end in the UK? My HB and I are hoping to move back in Nov but we want him to secure work before we get on the plane as we will have a newborn and a 2yo!

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oh that sounds promising!! Can I ask what line of work you and your husband are in and how did you find gaining employment this end in the UK? My HB and I are hoping to move back in Nov but we want him to secure work before we get on the plane as we will have a newborn and a 2yo!


Hello LostMyWay - I'm a Nurse & my hubby an Electrician. We went back for a holiday last November and before we went there was an advert popped up for Nurses in my old job and they were having a recruitment drive whilst I was there, so I applied to see what would happen, anyway long story short - got offered an interview and offered a job on the spot, they've said I can choose my hours and I've just to get in touch when we finally get back as they have me on the back burner so to speak. My hubby just enquired at a place he used to work at as a Contractor as he still knows a lot of the people there and he went for a chat whilst we were there too, then has had telephone interviews whilst back in Australia and offered the job too - in fact they rang him the other night to see if he could start on the Monday after we land back!! What does your HB do? It's definitely a good feeling to know there are jobs to go to. Good luck with your move

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