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Any kind words of advice for this newly minted Australian citizen?


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Oh, a mixture of disorganisation, apathy and laziness mainly!


You can thank a certain Tony Abbott for shaking me out of it though! :wink:

Quite right too, you cannot complain about the establishment if you don't step up to do something about it ! Keep telling my girls that but only one of them has citizenship, the other one can't be bothered.

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Well done, I did it last September. Awarded by his eminence Darren Lyons?


I was surprised by how many friends and colleagues here started to regard me as a native.... as in 'Now you're an Aussie...' whereas I'm just a Briton who has dual citizenship.

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Well done, I did it last September. Awarded by his eminence Darren Lyons?


I was surprised by how many friends and colleagues here started to regard me as a native.... as in 'Now you're an Aussie...' whereas I'm just a Briton who has dual citizenship.

I'm definitely English with Aussie Citizenship :yes:

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I must say I was very impressed by the whole experience of the ceremony.


The enthusiasm with which Darren Lyons was welcoming us 'new Australians' was what struck me most: he seems to really like this aspect of his job.


It was a real united nations of people, a real sign of Geelong's and Australia's thriving multiculturalism. It felt good to be a part of that. My kids were very proud of their dad too.

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I must say I was very impressed by the whole experience of the ceremony.


The enthusiasm with which Darren Lyons was welcoming us 'new Australians' was what struck me most: he seems to really like this aspect of his job.


I did like the way he conducted his part of the ceremony, along the lines of 'You've reached a significant milestone on your Australian journey - but enough about you, let me tell you my life story...'

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I did like the way he conducted his part of the ceremony, along the lines of 'You've reached a significant milestone on your Australian journey - but enough about you, let me tell you my life story...'

Yeah, there was definitely an element of 'Anyway, enough about you', but he seems a likable enough bloke!

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So, I'm an Aussie now!


I can imagine what some might be saying: 'What? But Harpo hates Australia, what's he gone and done that for?'.


Well, now's your chance to offer some kind words of advice, or even congrats! Yay!!



Congratulations, Harpo. Why have you done it? I guess, like most of us who live in OZ, sooner or later, you go native. You have just tried to fight it, but eventually even you have 'surrendered!' On the other hand, maybe it's just 'insurance' against being expelled back to the UK.

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Congratulations, Harpo. Why have you done it? I guess, like most of us who live in OZ, sooner or later, you go native. You have just tried to fight it, but eventually even you have 'surrendered!' On the other hand, maybe it's just 'insurance' against being expelled back to the UK.

Cheers mate.


As far as I'm aware though, being an Abbott critic doesn't result in deportation.


Yet, but I'm sure 'Mr Free Speech' is working on it:wink:

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