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my time has come to leave australia


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Guest Guest55385

We got made redundant 4 weeks ago and have made the decision that we cannot afford to stay. There have been no jobs and with further redundancies, unlikely to be any others. Not the way we wanted to leave :(

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For those that want more than the sugar coated version of life in Perth I think you will be missed. I don't suppose you will participate once back. The way things are going there will be very more following.


Sadly it's looking that way. But as Jeremy Clarkson said, a recession is only a problem if you lose your job. For everyone else, it just means everything gets cheaper.

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For those that want more than the sugar coated version of life in Perth I think you will be missed. I don't suppose you will participate once back. The way things are going there will be very more following.


I don't think people want sugar coated, but nothing but negativity is as useless as sugar coated.

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For those that want more than the sugar coated version of life in Perth I think you will be missed. I don't suppose you will participate once back. The way things are going there will be very more following.

I'll share my experiences when I return, I'm going to miss the blue sky's but not the heat.. still got 9 months max till I'm leaving, redundancy is looming in the next 2/3/4 months

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Like to say it how I see it, sorry we don't share the same opinion, I must be wrong


Where did I say you are totally wrong? You are just a glass half full/empty kind of character. I think the blue sky thing is the only positive thing you have ever said on here about Oz.

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Sadly it's looking that way. But as Jeremy Clarkson said, a recession is only a problem if you lose your job. For everyone else, it just means everything gets cheaper.


Yes. Hopefully. I mean a return to sanity. Less economic emphasis and material pursuit on credit and a return to living. What is means of course is those that purchased over priced houses over the past few years should be prepared for a hit. Many will be paying mortgages way beyond there worth I suspect with little way out. No handing the keys back here. Also wages will likely decline as new contracts over less.

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I don't think people want sugar coated, but nothing but negativity is as useless as sugar coated.


I do, so opinions differ. Whatever there is a distinct denial being played out with a number of migrants over recent years. Whatever so call negativity certainly goes some way towards correcting the balance and as such is very relevant.

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You do think a correction has to be on the way with house prices over there. It is a lot more expensive than Brisbane it seems despite being the smaller less established city. The fact that it is catching up with Melbourne is crazy.

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I'll share my experiences when I return, I'm going to miss the blue sky's but not the heat.. still got 9 months max till I'm leaving, redundancy is looming in the next 2/3/4 months


A lot in the same boat. My partner may well be after a number of years for her organisation. She want be too disappointed providing the payout offer but in general has had a raw deal considering the work put in and ideas tendered. Once again rather poor management and very treatment of many staff including those in management over the years.


The flip side would be to leave as well. Likely be to Europe than UK although an early retirement just being free and living in different countries could b e on the cards.

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You do think a correction has to be on the way with house prices over there. It is a lot more expensive than Brisbane it seems despite being the smaller less established city. The fact that it is catching up with Melbourne is crazy.


A correction not only in house prices which are obscene but general rip off prices as well. I'd welcome a downturn and a return to pre 2003 conditions when people for the most part were less greedy and more content. There is a connection.


There has been speculation that Perth's population will pass Brisbane's in the coming decades. Just what all these extra half million are supposed to do goodness knows. Although I do expect Asia will be very heavily involved in all aspects of this state including migrants.

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Good Luck! Life is an adventure after all and there are plenty of other places in the world that warrant adventuring! My sympathies to everyone facing redundancy and job uncertainty - that's a very uncomfortable bench to be sitting on!

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I'll share my experiences when I return, I'm going to miss the blue sky's but not the heat.. still got 9 months max till I'm leaving, redundancy is looming in the next 2/3/4 months

mate we have had plenty of blue sky over here the last few years with record sunshine records being broken the last 2 years, 26 degrees by wednesday and it is only April :eek:, you will still enjoy plenty of sun mate....:cute:

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Well I won't be missed, I'm still 9 months away but I can safely say that I'm gone 100% in January. maybe sooner if I get made redundant.

Wow that came out from nowhere:laugh:. Don't blame you, just been riding the waves myself like you, get out while the goings still good, we won't be far behind you good luck mate.

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wow that came out from nowhere:laugh:. Don't blame you, just been riding the waves myself like you, get out while the goings still good, we won't be far behind you good luck

Just riding my luck at barrow island... going to get laid off... hope i can get another 5/6 swings, i was always going home.. glad i picked up the last 4 years of the boom. Missed the uk recession, going to miss this one here too .....just ..

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Just riding my luck at barrow island... going to get laid off... hope i can get another 5/6 swings, i was always going home.. glad i picked up the last 4 years of the boom. Missed the uk recession, going to miss this one here too .....just ..


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Yep, I'd love to claim it was anything more than luck but managed to move out when the exchange rate was 2.6, ride out the GFC in Australia, see my Australian house increase by $60k then move back to the UK when the exchange rate was 1.6, got a job within 2 weeks on more than I was earning in Australia and buy pretty much the same house we sold before we left for £43k less.I didn't particularly enjoy my time in Perth, though had some good experiences and have some good memories but I do think it was the best place to be in the GFC and however tough we found it there it could have been tougher in the UK.

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Yep, I'd love to claim it was anything more than luck but managed to move out when the exchange rate was 2.6, ride out the GFC in Australia, see my Australian house increase by $60k then move back to the UK when the exchange rate was 1.6, got a job within 2 weeks on more than I was earning in Australia and buy pretty much the same house we sold before we left for £43k less.I didn't particularly enjoy my time in Perth, though had some good experiences and have some good memories but I do think it was the best place to be in the GFC and however tough we found it there it could have been tougher in the UK.

Wow! And they say lightning never strikes twice! In your case it seems it struck many times! That's amazing, you should have bought some lottery tickets too!!

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