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Driving courtesy in Melbourne!


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just wanted to find out about the unwritten rules of the road in Melbourne. I'm finding turning right on four lane roads crazy! If there is traffic consantly both ways do people pull out to the middle of the road here?

do people wave to say thank you like in the uk?

Is there anything else I should know? I have read and conquered trams, turning left and people crossing the road (crazy)!!!

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Multi lane highways use the lights or roundabouts. Can cross but you need to be a good judge of speed and remember that people pass on the inside so you may get across and get wiped out by the person on the roadside lane.

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I think the thing to do when driving (Australia and UK), is to anticipate and to expect the unexpected. Don't pull out until it really is safe, regardless if someone behind you is beeping their horn.

Tailgating , in my mind, is one of the worst aspects of driving in both countries. Trucks on the major roads in Australia seem to be the worst offenders,(not all, of course), but I always back off and let them get on with it, rather than speed up, after all the police seem to be happier booking car drivers than truckies. You'll always catch them up anyway on the next incline, and then have to go through it all again on the next downhill/flat section.

Turning right across 4 lane freeways isn't usually a problem as there normally is a slip road off the outside lane and as long as you indicate in plenty of time you should be OK.


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Watch out for those hook turns in the CBD - they can be a bit of a shock if you arnt used to them.


I personally don't feel UK drivers are any friendlier than Melbourne drivers. Sometimes they wave, sometimes they don't. Driving around London and p North I had just as many people sitting up my arse as I would have got in Australia. People doing stupid speeds on highways.


I was was born and bread in Australia - I'll always let someone in if it's safe and if someone lets me in I'll always give a wave. Really don't think it's much different from the UK

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  • 2 months later...
Driving courtesy in Australia = doesn't exist....


Generally I agree, it is very different to driving here. You do get some thank you waves but generally drivers are a bit more ignorant and impatient in Melbourne, probably Australia generally. We have had Australians mention to us how polite drivers here when they drive in the UK.

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If you want courteous driving, move to Northern Ireland.


I think in Victoria - and especially Melbourne, driving is quite stressy. In particular, you know that the slightest slip up is likely to lead to hundreds of dollars of fines, so you are going to be driving with one eye on the road and one on the speedo. People are worried about what everyone else is doing, so that makes them tense and defensive, which in turn makes everyone else tense and defensive. It is a vicious circle.


The same people in other circumstances are fine. They are not horrible people, just people in a situation they don't greatly enjoy and are worried that if they are not aggressive, they will be aggressed at. It's just the way it is, and you do get used to it. No point sweating over things you can't change.

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