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UK May General Election 2015


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Vote SNP get labour, get Milibean, and then get chaos.


Hosie said: "We are an anti-Tory party, we are an anti-austerity party. We have offered Ed Miliband a deal.


"We would not prefer to see a Tory government. The damage Tory governments do to ordinary people is so bad."

Asked about the argument that a Tory government for another five years would boost support for a second referendum, he replied: "The arguments for and against independence stand on their own merits.

"This is definitely not a re-run of the referendum. This is about holding Westminster to account."


I hope Labour win, I'm going back to Blighty in Nov. If Labour get in the pound will crash against the $Au, so I'll have lots more beans to spend on holiday

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Vote SNP get labour, get Milibean, and then get chaos.




I hope Labour win, I'm going back to Blighty in Nov. If Labour get in the pound will crash against the $Au, so I'll have lots more beans to spend on holiday



What on earth makes you think this?

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Tories and Labour are virtually indistinguishable now, with Milibean desperately trying to shift the party rightwards. This is a continuation of the work of Bliar, the man who destroyed Labour.


No, Labour under Ed Milliband is a lot more left wing than under Blair and Brown - there is more clear water in terms of policy between Labour and Conservatives than for many years, e.g. concerning the EU, and austerity.

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What on earth makes you think this?


A period under a Labour / SNP alliance, would destabilise the pound. I don't think any serious economist would disagree.


(Bloomberg) -- The likely outcome of Britain’s general election is finally becoming clear. The outcome, that is, for the pound.In a bearish sign for the currency, traders are paying more to hedge against sterling losses versus the dollar now than in the weeks before the Scottish independence referendum back in September. The pound tumbled Monday as opinion polls ahead of the May 7 vote put the Conservative and Labour parties virtually neck and neck, with investors saying there are dangers whichever one ends up running the government.

“All paths lead to a degree of sterling weakness,” said Daragh Maher, a London-based strategist at HSBC Holdings Plc, which sees the pound falling more than 2 percent to $1.45 by year-end. “Traditionally the pound does better if the Conservatives are expected to win and does worse if Labour are set to win. That doesn’t hold so closely this time around.”

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Vote SNP get labour, get Milibean, and then get chaos.




I hope Labour win, I'm going back to Blighty in Nov. If Labour get in the pound will crash against the $Au, so I'll have lots more beans to spend on holiday


What on earth makes you think this?

It would massively destabilise the pound... for at least 6 months... the UK has done well as an economy under the Conservatives ... any change will have an impact on currency... even the fact that there is an election next month is already having an effect on the currency - uncertainty always does.


I for one am hoping for a conservative win... I think it is the best thing for the country, but also.. as someone who is holidaying abroad in june and July and emigrating in September I could do without the currency throwing a wobbly. :-)

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A period under a Labour / SNP alliance, would destabilise the pound. I don't think any serious economist would disagree.


You said a Labour win, no mention of the SNP. Also interest rates being cut in Australia will have far more of an impact than any government change in the UK.

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It would massively destabilise the pound... for at least 6 months... the UK has done well as an economy under the Conservatives ... any change will have an impact on currency... even the fact that there is an election next month is already having an effect on the currency - uncertainty always does.


I for one am hoping for a conservative win... I think it is the best thing for the country, but also.. as someone who is holidaying abroad in june and July and emigrating in September I could do without the currency throwing a wobbly. :-)


I'm willing to bet that the pound will be stronger against AUD by the time Thom holidays, as there is a good chance of more interest rate cuts here and a good chance of a post election interest rate rise in UK

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You don't want SNP? Isn't Scotland a important part of this union and we're all "better together". So that means Scotland votes for who it wants. I apologise for that not suiting some people. A bit like us getting Tory governments that most if us don't want

Personally I think the SNP in coalition with anybody would be a terrible terrible thing to happen for the rest of the UK. The parties who run the country are meant to be representing the whole of the UK.. not 10% of it. It would just cause problems.


The SNP / the Welsh and Irish have a place in Westminster... but not running the show. England already gets a crap deal ... (where's our parliament?) ...We'd be proper screwed over with her in any sort of power.

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I'm willing to bet that the pound will be stronger against AUD by the time Thom holidays, as there is a good chance of more interest rate cuts here and a good chance of a post election interest rate rise in UK

I read somewhere the other day that an interest rate cut was just as likely in the uk as a rise.. (a weakened euro will harm british exports... so a drop in exchange rates wouldn't be a terrible thing for business)


I can see it staying as it is for a long time. A rise would be detrimental at this point in time.

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It's a sad state of affairs when you can place a bet on the outcome of a general election. That's enough to make a few people who may have voted for one of the minor parties, but are thinking they might make a few bob, vote for whoever they have put their money on. Betting on elections should be banned.

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You said a Labour win, no mention of the SNP. Also interest rates being cut in Australia will have far more of an impact than any government change in the UK.


I don't think there's a chance of a Labour Govt without them sucking up the SNP.

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I'm willing to bet that the pound will be stronger against AUD by the time Thom holidays, as there is a good chance of more interest rate cuts here and a good chance of a post election interest rate rise in UK


I'll take that bet, if a Labour govt (plus SNP/Plaid/Green, alliance) get in.

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Who cares what investors think? This is where we get things wrong.

They are there to make money and not interested in what affects the voters.

Whereas as a voter I care about the crime and poverty near me, the library closing, my police and nurse friends being undervalued and squeezed more and more.


That's exactly the problem paulv. Everyone is in their own little world, worried about what affects them and votes accordingly. I can't blame you but your comment about "who cares what the investors think" would be the investors themselves. They don't give a rats arse about how crime and poverty near you or how much police and nurses are getting paid. All they are interested in is how it will affect them. So in essence they are just like you, but with different reasons driving their vote.

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I'll take that bet, if a Labour govt (plus SNP/Plaid/Green, alliance) get in.


Haha well feel free to bump the thread then. I think you may well be getting less pounds to your dollars by this afternoon

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History will show that the intervention by bush and Blair in Iraq was the catalyst for ww3......whilst Saddam Hussein ...ghaddaffi...mubarak and Assad were in control ,a lid was kept on things....now pandoras box has been opened,and there is no shutting the lid.

When the bastard who is running the country is ousted.....all the other bastards fight to take his place.

Look at the mess over Libya....we back the rebels with arms and air strikes...ghaddaffi is ousted.....cameron stands with the libyan people , a victory for democracy he called it....now look at Libya

We are now backing the wrong side in Syria...for all his faults,Assad protected all minorities,including the christians.

Now look at Syria.....little christian boys and girls being beheaded for refusing to convert


All good arguments and very true bunbury. It was a coalition that led to the intervention though, supported by all sides of politics.

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I don't think there's a chance of a Labour Govt without them sucking up the SNP.


Probably true - but there's no chance of the Tories winning an outright majority: they couldn't in 2010 when Cameron and the party were more popular, Labour were very unpopular, and UKIP weren't on the horizon.


Labour really have two routes to government: alliances with the SNP or LibDems. The latter is quite possible, as [a] the LibDems will do better than polls suggest to give them a meaningful number of seats*; and Nick Clegg may well be replaced by Vince Cable as leader, and he is much more Labour-leaning. Clegg may well lose his seat of course.


*most analysts agree: LibDem MPs are not easy to unseat owing to their local appeal and they wisely target winnable seats with resources.

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I agree with you there Danny. The whole thing is blown out of proportion…and who cares what Nicola Sturgeon said? If Sturgeon did actually say that Milliband wouldn't make PM material then you'd have to give her a lot of credit, because she is basically saying what everyone else is thinking...


If SNP and Labour do agree to become a coalition government, then I wonder if Paul would be laughing if the money dries out and all the benefits will not get paid?


Amelie - we have one of the strongest and largest economies in the world. Despite the scaremongering the UK will not go 'bankrupt' if anyone other than the Tories get in.

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Personally I think the SNP in coalition with anybody would be a terrible terrible thing to happen for the rest of the UK. The parties who run the country are meant to be representing the whole of the UK.. not 10% of it. It would just cause problems.


The SNP / the Welsh and Irish have a place in Westminster... but not running the show. England already gets a crap deal ... (where's our parliament?) ...We'd be proper screwed over with her in any sort of power.


As far as I know Scotland has one conservative MP and there's a very good chance we won't have one after may. If we ended up with a conservative government do you think that would be fair? What do you think would happen afterwards? I'd be all for England getting a parliament if they wanted and other areas getting more powers but Westminster seems to be against Scotland getting more (decent) powers. Threatening to veto everything if the SNP do well etc. I actually can see you're point about SNP not representing the rest of UK other than wanting to protect the nhs etc but I'm afraid it's the third largest party or is almost that. You can't just expect them to disappear. It's democracy - the UK in general asked Scotland to stay and we did but now looks like we are voting SNP so you need to deal with the "consequences" of that. Believe me - I never expected SNP to do well either. After the ref I expected it to stay the same. Everybody on here knows my view point on that. Scotland is likely to have a SNP landslide, England's going to go mad about it and then we're back to square 1.. Probably another referendum within the next 5 years, maybe nearer 10.


Also damn you for getting me to post lol i think this was my 4th day if not posting :laugh:

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Amelie - we have one of the strongest and largest economies in the world. Despite the scaremongering the UK will not go 'bankrupt' if anyone other than the Tories get in.


Now then, I must get hold of some of these magic glasses, the ones that show the invisible writings.

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Now then, I must get hold of some of these magic glasses, the ones that show the invisible writings.


I thought you had a set already?

How else can you possibly talk about the UK being full soon?


Anyway it's great to see Labour targetting the Non Doms today - this is the kind of equality needed in the UK and will be a big boost for the coffers and for those people who aren't able to take advantage of this ludicrous loophole.

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