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telephone Interview tonight - MH Nurse


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OMG I am starting to panic, after 4 hours sleep following a night shift I have a telephone interview, just before midnight (uk time) this evening... My head is spinning due to lack of sleep and broken body clock and I am worrying that I am going to say something incredibly silly tonight or my head will go blank!



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They totally allow for extra nerves n the lack of face to face stuff a fone Interview brings..I usually find their bit nervous too trying to make it all come together..good thing is u can do it in ur pyjamas n wander around ur livingroom making weird faces at the idiot answer u think u've just given lol and u can have notes in front of u..their will be pauses as they take notes but they usually tell u wen they go quiet so dnt worry abt any silences. They liked ur cv n skills u got so all ur doing is expanding on that..b confident..their will b no trick questions n everyone feels same before an interview..n remember they are all in the caring profession so they will naturally go out of their way to make u feel good n relaxed n not b judging u negatively...n if u do make an ass of it at least it wont b in person n u never have to see them again anyway lol but u wont..nerves r a good thing..means the job matters to you n that will come through. Good luck :)

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Thanks everyone, I thought I would be feeling a little more myself but doing a night shift last night did not help at all. I feel so asleep. I have also just eaten Dominoes and an easter egg so my body feels terrible. I was hoping to go out for a sprint/small jog just to wake my mind up prior to the interview.


I want to feel ready to answer anything but at the moment, i feel like I will forget my own name.


I am also nervous about doing it on my mobile (no landline) and the problem in hearing.

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Aww hon,come on!You'll nail it!:wink:I used to do night shift too so I know what you feel like haha Why don't you try and have a little snooze tonight?Tell OH to wake you up at 10.30pm,make a nice hot drink,a few minutes of deep breathing.Go over some notes,and keep telling yourself,they are only people.If(and this is a huge if)you don't get the job,atleast you now have some experience of a phone interview,and it will put you in good stead next time.Best of luck hon,it'll be fine!:cute:

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Best of luck! I'm sure you'll do great.


You may be a little nervous initially, but after a couple of questions you'll get into the rhythm of it. One benefit of phone interviews is that you can have some notes with you which may help calm your nerves and you can make notes throughout the interview. Also think of a couple sensible questions to ask at the end of the interview in advance :)

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Apologise up front for your tiredness and tell them that you have just completed a shift on ........


It was good because.......

Difficulties i had were........

I overcame them by.........

Reflecting on it afterwards, i would now do.......instead.


It may help open up the interview into a more personal chat than a formal process.


Be flexible to go whichever way it leads, but be professional and dont bag the ward manager.


Re: asking your own questions at the end, If the interview has been very thourough, you can always say "all my questions have been answered as we have gone through, except for"



Good luck

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Lots and lots of luck. I'm sure you'll nail it. It's a great way to interview. They can't see you, you can wear your nightie, no make up, have notes everywhere etc etc. With my QLD health interviews by phone they also emailed the questions 20 mins before. Fingers and toes crossed

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Thanks everyone! My voice has decided to do a little wobbly after having no voice last week so I am trying to warm up my voice. Also done some yoga, had a nap and a bath. Now going over some research I have done, I have organised my notes and about to plan my toilet stop in preparation!

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OMG that seemed worse than a normal interview. I was talking so fast trying to squeeze in as much information as I could as quick as possible. I even forgot how to pronounce a word half way through (The word 'provocative'). However, after a few questions I did hear the panel (yes 3 people ahhh) compliment me on how well I answered a question which helped with the confidence. I tried to give a few examples along the way. It was 9 questions and they were not exactly what i prepared for but I think I did ok. Technically they only sent the questions five minutes before however, there was a difficulty phoning my mobile and I got an extra 5 minutes to google as fast as I could! At the end they stated they do not have the power to offer me a position however, they compile a report and will present it to the executives who will make a decision on whether a role will be offered. They did say they would be recommending me based on my interview and stated my referee's were very positive too. So... hopefully if a position is available there may be a job on arrival. Ahhhh I did it. I do not want to ever do that again!

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OMG that seemed worse than a normal interview. I was talking so fast trying to squeeze in as much information as I could as quick as possible. I even forgot how to pronounce a word half way through (The word 'provocative'). However, after a few questions I did hear the panel (yes 3 people ahhh) compliment me on how well I answered a question which helped with the confidence. I tried to give a few examples along the way. It was 9 questions and they were not exactly what i prepared for but I think I did ok. Technically they only sent the questions five minutes before however, there was a difficulty phoning my mobile and I got an extra 5 minutes to google as fast as I could! At the end they stated they do not have the power to offer me a position however, they compile a report and will present it to the executives who will make a decision on whether a role will be offered. They did say they would be recommending me based on my interview and stated my referee's were very positive too. So... hopefully if a position is available there may be a job on arrival. Ahhhh I did it. I do not want to ever do that again!


From what you have said I think you have got this one, fingers crossed for you

On another note what were the questions like in nature?

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Thanks everyone! So it helps others these were the questions I got:


1. What is involved in performing an assessment of a consumer accessing MH services?


2. What are important considerations in managing risk & workplace health and safety in the acute inpatient setting?


3.What changes do you make to your nursing practice working between a locked and open closed ward?


4. A young woman who has a diagnosis of Major Depression and has a history of sexual assault by a family member is about to be discharged.


5. What are the priority considerations to make this transition?


6. What behaviours do you think contribute to a good team environment at work?


7. What are your responsibilities in addressing negative behaviours in the workplace


8. You are allocated to the Intensive Care Unit and have a consumer who is escalating, appears psychotic and is threatening, yelling and pacing


9. What do you do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to update you all... I got the formal job offer last night! So over the moon now as it takes a lot of pressure off.


We will have a back up fund of around £4k to last after our budgetted 2 months living allowance we have calculated. At least now we know this can be used for furniture, schools, towards a mortgage deposit etc rather than tins of beans!


Just waiting for my ANMAC skills assessment outcome (hopefully positive) in the next few weeks and then I can submit my EOI.


Apart from AHPRA which I started early due to my lack of work experience, I have calculated that potentially my entire 189 visa process will have taken approx 6 months from start to finish if my visa is granted in an 8 week timescale. I was told so many times that 6 months was being a little ambitious. I just wanted to give hope to others. Although, I am not there yet, just basing this on others timescales at present.

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