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Would you kill a snake??


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So you would leave a snake in a house with a baby but you killed a mouse or rat just because your cat brought it home? That makes sense..


I hate rats but like snakes is the problem.

I would try first to get rid of the snake without killing it if I possibly could.

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I have encountered dangerous looking snakes three times - once out bush, once in my garden, once in a botanic garden (two brown snakes, one red bellied black). They are fascinating to look at, and when I finished looking I stomped my foot and they went away. Found a huge python in the street (Mt Gravatt!) took a photo and a few hours later it was gone - off to bushland... My son has a pet black headed python in our spare room - It was nippy at first but now used to handling and always attracts a lot of interest when out on 'walks' I think they are fascinating creatures - but have seen nothing to fear if you respect them and leave them alone. They have every right to be here and do a good job with eating rats, mice etc.... I do worry about stepping on one out bush - But if I found a dodgy one in the house, I'd call help. Now cockroaches..... that's an entirely different thing altogether!


Hated cockroaches! We have only lived in Tasmania for a year but I've never seen a cockroach here :cute:

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We have only lived in Tasmania for a year but I've never seen a cockroach here :cute:


I've lived here, on and off, since 1953 - and have never seen a cockroach here!:wubclub:


Though, goodness knows, with global warming....it may be a joy awaiting us.:laugh:

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Not seen very many but one baby brown that our cat brought back didn't survive the experience - OH threw his gardening hat at it, jumped up and down on it, then cut its head off to take to the vets with the cat so they knew what had bitten him! They were able to save the cat luckily, but not the snake - but didn't tell us off for killing it. The baby browns are apparently much more dangerous than the adult brown snakes, as they don't regulate the amount of venom they inject, so you just get a full dose. If I saw one out and about, minding its own business though, I'd leave it alone - with this one we were worried about one of the kids or the other pets getting bitten if it was brought into the house.

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I've came across several snakes. I've actually seen more in Perth Metro than I did up North. There are loads of Tiger Snakes along the banks of Swan River in Perth. Best avoided as they can be quite aggressive. A Dugite went past me last week up near Joondalup. It got out of my way pretty quickly though. Seen quite a few Dugites in the Metro area since I've been here. They don't really bother me.

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Almost none.

Maybe if you came across an inland taipan in central queensland.

They are about the only aggressive snake that might go you for no reason.


In virtually all cases a snake will not attack you for no reason and you have the option of retreating.


I'm sure you don't want the hassle of being prosecuted for killing a protected species.


If you are out gardening and you have a couple of dogs going absolutely crazy and you walk around the corner and see them with a red belly bailed up you would do what you have to, you have a shovel in your hand as well. Are you going to put the shovel down and try and get your dogs away? Dogs never seen a snake before and are very wound up so no chance of them listening to you. There is no way I would risk sticking my arm in and try to grab the dogs collar to pull them away.

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If you are out gardening and you have a couple of dogs going absolutely crazy and you walk around the corner and see them with a red belly bailed up you would do what you have to, you have a shovel in your hand as well. Are you going to put the shovel down and try and get your dogs away? Dogs never seen a snake before and are very wound up so no chance of them listening to you. There is no way I would risk sticking my arm in and try to grab the dogs collar to pull them away.


My Heinz's 57 varieties terrier used to bail up snakes all the time, how she never got bitten i'll never know.


But, i agree, i had to rescue her with the fern hook a few times.

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Just had one come through the garden, Linda screamed out first from the kitchen, I went out to have a look to see what type, it had a peep at me a couple of times must not have liked the look of the shovel! ended up around the pool pump area, cannot see the bugga now, all the rain must be flushing them out. Linda will not be going outside for a while now.

I've said it before but Linda sure is some sort of snake magnet, she has seen more snakes than the average Australian!

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