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Robot vacuum cleaners


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Who has one?


What make do you have? Is it any good?


black moulting dogs on white tiled floors are doing my head in:sad:


I've looked into one that was on groupon but the reviews werent great.


so is there one out there that does do the job:dull:

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I got the aldi one for $170.


We are very happy with it.



Some issues:


It will eat anything. And then complain about the taste of big things/clothing, beep for a bit then shut down.


It dry humps the bases of the bench stools, beeps for a bit then shuts down.


It gets stuck under our bedside tables (strange base shape), beeps for a bit then shuts down.


It is loud, I wouldn't be able to run it at night.


The oh moults enough long hair to compare to a dog, it deals with it ok, but I have to take it apart with a screwdriver every few weeks and untangle a few fur balls from its innards. But it's kid of fun doing the surgery.


The 6 yo loves setting it off and driving it from one end of the house to another with the remote control.


We shut it in a room at a time and let it go for half an hour then move it to the next room.


The 3 yo has a blotchy coloured rug in her room, it thinks the black blotches mean its about to go off a cliff and spends a lot if time making short stabbing runs around her room. But still seems to clean it ok.


It does the main living area when we leave the house. Press the auto button and leave.


Dont watch it, it gives you a headache wondering if it will get everything.



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FiFI!! I have the iRobot, OMG it has transformed my life!!!!! I cannot recommend highly enough, as you know I have Charlie and Milo, just moved to a much bigger house with bamboo flooring and was having a nightmare with the dog hairs (never noticed it in the smaller house with the tiled floors!,) I put it on as I'm leaving at 7.30 to do the school run, get back about 8.30 and gleaming floors and it's recharging itself, by 9am it's recharged so I put it upstairs and it does all the upstairs (carpets and wooden floors and tiled bathroom floors) and by 10.30 it's done so I put it back in its charger (downstairs) then an hour later I'll put it in the theatre or some other room!! Basically I'm saying, it does the lot, and after the dogs have been in for a lunch time snooze I put it on again when I do school pick up at 3!! As I said, my life is transformed, can't speak highly enough, there is even a box thing that I put at the top of the stairs, it sends out a beam to stop it going down stairs. Mine sits behind the sofa (out of sight) and just charges until I tell it where I want it.


Im so so impressed, mine cost about $500 from Harvey Norman but I got a free shark steam mop with it!, it was a bit expensive for me but seriously now, I can't understand why I didn't buy one years ago!!!!!


If you need anymore info text me or PM me, would love to hear from you xxxxxxx

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PS when it's finished hoovering and it knows it's running low it just finds it's way back to its docking station (when it's downstairs!) and starts charging itself, hubby didn't believe me until he saw it for himself!! I'm saving up to get one for upstairs too so I can get them going at same time!! Can't remember the last time I got my big dyson on out, think it's covered in dust under the stairs somewhere!!!!

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FiFI!! I have the iRobot, OMG it has transformed my life!!!!! I cannot recommend highly enough, as you know I have Charlie and Milo, just moved to a much bigger house with bamboo flooring and was having a nightmare with the dog hairs (never noticed it in the smaller house with the tiled floors!,) I put it on as I'm leaving at 7.30 to do the school run, get back about 8.30 and gleaming floors and it's recharging itself, by 9am it's recharged so I put it upstairs and it does all the upstairs (carpets and wooden floors and tiled bathroom floors) and by 10.30 it's done so I put it back in its charger (downstairs) then an hour later I'll put it in the theatre or some other room!! Basically I'm saying, it does the lot, and after the dogs have been in for a lunch time snooze I put it on again when I do school pick up at 3!! As I said, my life is transformed, can't speak highly enough, there is even a box thing that I put at the top of the stairs, it sends out a beam to stop it going down stairs. Mine sits behind the sofa (out of sight) and just charges until I tell it where I want it.


Im so so impressed, mine cost about $500 from Harvey Norman but I got a free shark steam mop with it!, it was a bit expensive for me but seriously now, I can't understand why I didn't buy one years ago!!!!!


If you need anymore info text me or PM me, would love to hear from you xxxxxxx



Cheers Hun, made a note of that....sounds just the thing I'm looking for.


to be fair my cheapo k mart vacuum does the job ace....but it's just that having to do it, like twice a day now that we are out of winter and the dogs are just moulting everywhere :cry:

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Cheers Hun, made a note of that....sounds just the thing I'm looking for.


to be fair my cheapo k mart vacuum does the job ace....but it's just that having to do it, like twice a day now that we are out of winter and the dogs are just moulting everywhere :cry:


The great thing about the iRobot is the NOT having to do it!! if I get back early enough I just sit with my cup of tea and lift my legs as it hoovers under me while I'm catching up with the news ha ha!!! I'm just waiting until they invent the iRobot iron then I'm sorted!!!

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The great thing about the iRobot is the NOT having to do it!! if I get back early enough I just sit with my cup of tea and lift my legs as it hoovers under me while I'm catching up with the news ha ha!!! I'm just waiting until they invent the iRobot iron then I'm sorted!!!


So you just switch it on...and it does it all:jiggy:


doesnt get scared of corners, furniture, rugs etc..


sounds like I've just found my new boyfriend:laugh:

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We have a Neato, and love it! It does a great job, particularly on the hard floors. We have two cats. One has long straight fur which seems to stick to the sofa, rugs etc, but the other cat has very short, fine and wavy hairs which drift around in great plumes. I am allergic to those (didn't know until we got her), and the Neato does a fab job of keeping the hair under control meaning that they don't irritate me. Haven't run it for a couple of weeks because we have been decorating and there is stuff all over, and I can definitely see (and feel) the difference!

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Dan.....you've not sold it to me:dull: anyway I'm in 20 years behind the rest of the world WA, so no Aldi:cry:


furkew....liking the sound of yours...where did you buy it, are we talking major $$$?


Life isn't all positives, but there are few negatives with the vacuum.


You are talking serious dollars, from $150 upto $1000.


Sometimes the more you spend the better you get, sometimes not.


In this case, I'm not sure.


Maybe some reading on the whirlpool forums is needed?

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Life isn't all positives, but there are few negatives with the vacuum.


You are talking serious dollars, from $150 upto $1000.


Sometimes the more you spend the better you get, sometimes not.


In this case, I'm not sure.


Maybe some reading on the whirlpool forums is needed?


I did a lot of research before buying, because over $700.00 for the model I eventually bought was a lot of cash, but the Roomba stood out from the rest for reliability & options.


I definitely think the upper range models are overpriced, but haven't regretted buying it since.

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I did a lot of research before buying, because over $700.00 for the model I eventually bought was a lot of cash, but the Roomba stood out from the rest for reliability & options.


I definitely think the upper range models are overpriced, but haven't regretted buying it since.


A few friends have the iRoomba and have being saying exactly the same as you when I was looking myself.


But we couldn't afford the Ferrari so had to settle for the Kia. :twitcy:

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I wish is seen this last week when I bought my boring 'normal' Hoover! I jokingly suggested we get a robot, but wasn't convinced it would actually do the job!!


Stupid plug in, do it myself Hoover :-(


Will it help if the point is raised that the robot vacuum owners are all going to be fatter than you, and therefore more likely to check out earlier?

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I just have to comment ;-) My partner decided to buy a robot vacuum a couple of weeks ago. It is fantastic! I was skeptical at first and now love it. We got a samsung one - not top of the range, and cost about $400 BUT it is definitely worth it! We have a black dog too and light tiles and I love not having to see the hair on the ground nor drag the old vacuum out of storage. Can't say how much easier it is.

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Do they actually clean into the corners where the dust balls gather though? Do they go up to the edges properly, just looking at the shape.


They are great on hard floors including the corners, I have found, which basically covers our downstairs (with the exception of the kids playroom, which is carpeted and usually full of lego anyway!). I actually don't use it upstairs on the carpets, simply because we have stupid carpet (fitted by the previous owners) which, for want of a better description, is like an Aaron jumper, with troughs and peaks in the pile. The Neato can't cope with that, and doesn't get the dirt out of the many ridges in the pattern. However, downstairs we have rugs (including one very deep pile one) and it is great on those, so with smooth pile carpets I would think it would be fine. I do still hoover once in a while downstairs, but only when I am due to mop anyway which is rarely, since the dirt doesn't get the chance to get walked in due to the frequent Neato hoovering!


ETA: Forgot to say, the Neato has a square front edge and goes right in to corners. It also has a HEPA filter, I think. I don't know what the round ones would be like with corners.

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Do they actually clean into the corners where the dust balls gather though? Do they go up to the edges properly, just looking at the shape.


Its got these fab rotating mini brushes that get right into the corners!!! I have to say my good friend had one a few years ago and I just pooh poohed it and thought it was a fad but having relented a few months ago and bought one myself I'm a true convert!!

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I'd be worried my dog would attack it when I was out. I called in a house once to pick up a dog for a walk and I thought someone had broken in. I jumped a mile when it just zoomed across the room.:laugh:



We've got two chocolate Labs and I have to say it's just hilarious watching them dodge the iRobot! They followed it round in total bewilderment when we first got it, now they're used to it they get snuggled up for a snooze and ignore it until it comes crashing into them! I have to say you could actually call it a Hoover and a dog organizer all in one! They soon go off to their dog house for some peace and quiet while it's doing it's clean!!!

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We got a Samsung one for around $300. It's supposed to have some sort of mapping system, but still seems to spend a lot of time cleaning under one of our sofas and completely misses the kitchen.


It very quickly got the name Rodney ( as it's a bit of a plonker), it frequently gets stuck under our sideboard, or wedges itself on top of one of the ikea chair legs and bumps into our table legs for some reason. It also isn't to good at the corners or on the carpet in the bedrooms.


I vac with our now 7 year old Dyson once a week, and set off Rodney a couple of times during the week. It's not a patch in the Dyson.


But It's worth it as it certainly gives the place the appearance of being clean, and saves me sweeping, but I wouldn't buy that particular model again. I think I'd go for a more expensive one, maybe they do a better job ?

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Friend of mine went to visit his sister who had one docked in the bathroom. Friend of mine isn't the brightest bulb in the box and thought it was a set of scales, got on top and when it didn't register anything started jumping on it.


They don't cope with compressive forces that well...

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We have one, the $200ish X500 that's always being punted through groupon etc though we bought it from oo.com. It's pretty good, especially with cat hair, but we have a lot of obstacles in our cramped home and it hates rugs and gets trapped or stops dead when it encounters one. No issues with open, hard floor areas though so helps to keep on top of kitty moulting issues.


It does discharge quickly when not in use, so need a very recent charge-up to function. We are not big on leaving any appliances running/charging/on standby while at work so it can be a pain waiting for a fresh charge.


At first cat was really wary of the robot (I have video evidence!), but now he'll just sit eating his biccies while the robot nudges his bum before turning and cleaning elsewhere.

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