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Abbot govmint Gaffe Watch


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I'm speaking forever as the real patriot not thinking how some shock jock or right wing government or journal directs me. After all not Soviet Union, much as you right wingers would love it to be. Freedom of expression being an important part that enables clear thinking to critique bad policy and government.


Not a case of My country, Right or Wrong, I'm afraid. Indeed a real patriot.


What sort of country do you want Australia to be? One with an open door policy for anybody who wants to come here, and who cares if Australia turns into another of the world's trouble spots, and then you will just blame it all on racist bogans?


Australia, just like the UK, has welcomed refugees and immigrants from all over the world, but there is a limit, which you won't accept.


I do not want Australia to turn into a right wing dictatorship, but nor do I want it to be the left wing version that you would like, with the shock jocks and the Murdoch Press all silenced.

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I do not want Australia to turn into a right wing dictatorship, .....


Too late, I fear, it's definitely on the slippery slope towards that target.


Cringing with embarrassment on behalf of our great country again this morning as all the headlines are what a fool Abbott has made of himself again :embarrassed:

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Too late, I fear, it's definitely on the slippery slope towards that target.


Cringing with embarrassment on behalf of our great country again this morning as all the headlines are what a fool Abbott has made of himself again :embarrassed:


What? For standing up to Putin for his and Russia's role in the killing of our citizens? In the 1930's you would have been raging at Churchill for standing up to Hitler!

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What? For standing up to Putin for his and Russia's role in the killing of our citizens? In the 1930's you would have been raging at Churchill for standing up to Hitler!


Oh purlease! You're stepping beyond argument and discussion into the realms of comedy now! Abbott is a complete moron - and not impressing anyone (oh sorry - except you and Parleycross!) with his bogon behaviour! He's in the top job in the government of a supposedly civilised country, and his actions and words are totally unbefitting his position! There are ways to do things, and ways to say things, and he just doesn't have a clue! Considering his speech containing this crass threat was obviously written for him, or being fed to him through an earpiece (at one point he said "yes, you are" or something similar, then quickly corrected it to "yes, I am") then I fear one of his puppet operators has decided to get him to dig his own grave! I really can picture some backroom shenanigans where a group of his minders are daring each other to get him to say worse and worse, sillier and stupider things, to see just how far he will go without realising it! I almost feel sorry for him!!

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What sort of country do you want Australia to be? One with an open door policy for anybody who wants to come here, and who cares if Australia turns into another of the world's trouble spots, and then you will just blame it all on racist bogans?


Australia, just like the UK, has welcomed refugees and immigrants from all over the world, but there is a limit, which you won't accept.


I do not want Australia to turn into a right wing dictatorship, but nor do I want it to be the left wing version that you would like, with the shock jocks and the Murdoch Press all silenced.


What I don't want is the increasingly scared, over regulated, self interest, narrow focused, insular, lack of freedom, controlled, mind numbing, blaming one another, short sighted, increasingly nasty, country where undue focus in influence is given to the under educated, ill informed, racist within the community. That's a right wing dictatorship. Keep everything under wraps. Avoid scrutiny. Sack or discipline anyone that steps out of line. In other words no accountability.


I despair at times as to how you formulate the same tired tirade of abuse towards the left yet conveniently not see the very short comings of the present right wing clueless government. The Left at least stands for progressive politics and not regression, it has as fact brought in all the change over the decades that makes life generally worth living.

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Dianne, I suggest you don't read the editorial in today's Herald Sun as you won't like it.


It dares to be critical of your beloved President Putin.




You really don't do yourself any favours by trying to make it an "you're either an Abbott fan, or a Putin fan" issue - politics and life is rarely as black and white and I can happily think Putin is a vile little tosser, AND so is Abbott!! Sometimes, you know, a hero can have feet of clay, and you really need to start accepting that Abbott just might be not up to the job.

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Dianne, I suggest you don't read the editorial in today's Herald Sun as you won't like it.


It dares to be critical of your beloved President Putin.




What populist nonsense. Both leaders being right wing ideologues in their respective countries. Bogan Pride. How about Australia for once adapting a statesman like pose and accept its responsibility to host all leaders in the summit they agree to stage?

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What populist nonsense. Both leaders being right wing ideologues in their respective countries. Bogan Pride. How about Australia for once adapting a statesman like pose and accept its responsibility to host all leaders in the summit they agree to stage?


Err, they have haven't they ?

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Oh purlease! You're stepping beyond argument and discussion into the realms of comedy now! Abbott is a complete moron - and not impressing anyone (oh sorry - except you and Parleycross!) with his bogon behaviour! He's in the top job in the government of a supposedly civilised country, and his actions and words are totally unbefitting his position! There are ways to do things, and ways to say things, and he just doesn't have a clue! Considering his speech containing this crass threat was obviously written for him, or being fed to him through an earpiece (at one point he said "yes, you are" or something similar, then quickly corrected it to "yes, I am") then I fear one of his puppet operators has decided to get him to dig his own grave! I really can picture some backroom shenanigans where a group of his minders are daring each other to get him to say worse and worse, sillier and stupider things, to see just how far he will go without realising it! I almost feel sorry for him!!


Yet on the 'stoush' with Putin, the ALP Opposition, who normally, just like any Opposition, would get stuck in to him, are 'all the way with LBJ' on this issue. Now, WHY would that be? Perhaps because he tapped into the mood of the Australian people? In fact, he may even have been 'pushed' a little by Bill Shorten who also made an agressively anti-Putin speech before Tony Abbott started to 'beat his chest.'


'Ways to do things?' With a dictator who does not recognize any of the 'norms' for a supposedly 'civilised country?' The same guy who was elected legitmately but then refused to bow out after his two terms, (unlike those nasty US Presidents) so first he connived to make one of his lickspittles president, whilst he changed the constitution, and then he cemented his position by killing or imprisoning his political foes, and doing the same to all the independent newspapers.


We tried to do things the right way as soon as the plane was shot down. Any 'normal' country would have allowed international air investigators IMMEDIATE access to the crash site, not deliberately prevented access so they could destroy as much of the incriminating evidence as they could (and move the missile launchers back to Russia.)


Chamberlain tried to do the right thing with Hitler, but where did that get us? A little more time to re-arm perhaps, even if it meant doing the dirty to the Czechs, and in any case, if we'd listened to the likes of Churchill from the start, we could have re-armed at the same pace as Hitler.


Perhaps you are right though, and at the next election, the voters will look back and remember their shame and embarrassment at Abbott stopping the boats, ending the carbon tax, and standing up to Putin. It's a shoo-in for Shorten!

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Yet on the 'stoush' with Putin, the ALP Opposition, who normally, just like any Opposition, would get stuck in to him, are 'all the way with LBJ' on this issue. Now, WHY would that be? Perhaps because he tapped into the mood of the Australian people? In fact, he may even have been 'pushed' a little by Bill Shorten who also made an agressively anti-Putin speech before Tony Abbott started to 'beat his chest.'


'Ways to do things?' With a dictator who does not recognize any of the 'norms' for a supposedly 'civilised country?' The same guy who was elected legitmately but then refused to bow out after his two terms, (unlike those nasty US Presidents) so first he connived to make one of his lickspittles president, whilst he changed the constitution, and then he cemented his position by killing or imprisoning his political foes, and doing the same to all the independent newspapers.


We tried to do things the right way as soon as the plane was shot down. Any 'normal' country would have allowed international air investigators IMMEDIATE access to the crash site, not deliberately prevented access so they could destroy as much of the incriminating evidence as they could (and move the missile launchers back to Russia.)


Chamberlain tried to do the right thing with Hitler, but where did that get us? A little more time to re-arm perhaps, even if it meant doing the dirty to the Czechs, and in any case, if we'd listened to the likes of Churchill from the start, we could have re-armed at the same pace as Hitler.


Perhaps you are right though, and at the next election, the voters will look back and remember their shame and embarrassment at Abbott stopping the boats, ending the carbon tax, and standing up to Putin. It's a shoo-in for Shorten!


Let's cut the nice guy Abbott pretence and really show them. The Aussies could manage to be in Moscow by Christmas and the entire Russian nation under the Aussie jackboot by the New Year, with Abbott's hot air, helped on by the comic Herald Sun and their shock jock mates. Pity poor Boris about to receive a lesson those pesky Russkies will never forget.

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Anyway, who let these monkeys loose on the levers of power?


Yesterday, Brandis *in a NewsCorp column*, was revealing his surprise that journalists were...not exactly pleased...with new powers which would see them imprisoned for reporting on special intelligence operations.


But it was his wording that said a lot about the man, and about the government of which he claims to be the attorney general:


“That complaint has come not just from the usual suspects of the paranoid fantasist left, but from reputable conservative commentators as well, including this newspaper’s Greg Sheridan. I respectfully disagree with their criticism.”




So, I ask all reasonable commentators on this thread (not the usual suspects of the paranoid fascist right), does this qualify as a gaffe for gaffe watch?

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The ALP does actually support the new controls on the media, not that is a good reason to support them. I seem to remember, not that long ago, during Gillard's reign when she, supported by the left, wanted the exact sort of controls over the media, though for different reasons.


Anyway, I've just had an insight. I always used to vote for Labour/Labor, until I discovered The Murdoch Press, and what I can say? I was happily indoctrinated in my late 20's and I've been like that ever since.


Though I will rebel if Rupert ever tells me to vote for Labor, as, unfortunately he has done in the past.

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Not a gaffe but worthy of a mention, Richard Flanagan, winner of this year's Man Booker prize, will presumably be labelled 'unAustralian' by the usual suspects (by golly that phrase is catchy!), after saying he feels 'ashamed to be an Australian' as a result of the Abbottt govt's environmental policies.




The winner of the Man Booker prize, Richard Flanagan says he is “ashamed to be an Australian” because of Australian prime minister Tony Abbott’s environmental policies.


Flanagan has won the prestigious award for his novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North, about prisoners and captors on the Burma railway.

Speaking on the BBC’s Newsnight program after the award ceremony, the Tasmanian author and committed environmentalist was asked about Abbott’s recent comment that “coal is good for humanity”. The prime minister made the comment while opening a coalmine in Queensland on Monday.

“I’m very saddened because Australia has the most extraordinary environment and I don’t understand why our government seems committed to destroying what we have that’s unique in the world,” Flanagan said.

“To be frank, I’m ashamed to be Australian when you bring this up.”

Flanagan was also asked about the repeal of the Tasmanian forestry peace deal between environmentalists and logging companies last month.

“I genuinely believe that people of Australia want to see these beautiful places, these sacred places, preserved, [but] the politics of the day is so foolishly going ahead and seeking to destroy them when there isn’t even an economic base to it, when there is no market for the woodchips that would result from the destruction of these forests,” he replied.

“I think it’s unnecessary and I think it’s just politics being used to divide people that could otherwise be brought together on all that is best and most extraordinary in our country.”


Good bloke, I've been meaning to read some of his books

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