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Would you fly with Malaysian airlines ?


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I am not Russian but still find it unacceptable they u generalise like this and insult all 140mln Russians for UKRANIANS shooting the ma plain down in their own air space...


in case u r not aware the pro Russian rebels are still UKRANIANS fighting in Ukraine against other UKRANIANS! It's a sivil war were part of the country wants to join the EU (I bet UK can't wait for some of the 60mln ukranians to come and join polish and other Eastern Europeans in the uk...) and other part wants to be independent and keep close ties with Russia like it was for centuries...


In any case it is hardly Russians fault that some bunch of UKRANIAN idiots ended up getting their hands on UKRANIAN military missiles in a civil war...


Just a plain old civil war...no russian involvement or responsibility ?

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I have during the course of my airline flying career flown over a few notable hotspots........you don't expect a bunch of lunatics who have been given a BUK Missile System by a "Superpower" to use said system.


But of course after a 40 year Military and civilian flying career.......WTF would I know


I don't know why the angst with me Les. I am not an expert, I am just a regular person that has to make decisions about my life and my choices. And I think that a airline that loses two planes in four months needs its risk management processes to be looked into. Do you seriously not agree with this?


Until such time this review is completed, I am making a personal choice not to use this airline. This is my choice and there is no need for you to be affronted about it. The primary blame for this incident is for sure the organisation that fired the missile, but there are steps we can take to keep ourselves and others safe as well, which sometimes means we don't go to places we want to go to.

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I'm booked in to fly with Malaysia Airlines via that route in September and im happy to go provided they detour around the affected area.


If they are at fault then so are all the other airlines that operated in that area. Even if you accept that they're all at fault, they have all since changed courses to avoid the area so its not like this can happen again.


My biggest worry is that the airline will go bust and default on my ticket, this is all going to get so complicated..

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I don't know why the angst with me Les. I am not an expert, I am just a regular person that has to make decisions about my life and my choices. And I think that a airline that loses two planes in four months needs its risk management processes to be looked into. Do you seriously not agree with this?


Until such time this review is completed, I am making a personal choice not to use this airline. This is my choice and there is no need for you to be affronted about it. The primary blame for this incident is for sure the organisation that fired the missile, but there are steps we can take to keep ourselves and others safe as well, which sometimes means we don't go to places we want to go to.


No angst at all Pumpkin...all I am saying is the shooting down of a civilian airliner by a bunch of nutters cannot be laid at the feet of the Airline......sometimes sh!t happens. As I said I haave flown over a few "hotspots" in my time and I must admit I have never really been worried. MH17 was flying on a designated airway....nobody could expect this to happen. It is up to you (the individual) to fly with whomever you choose......personally it wouldn't worry me if I had to fly MAS.

One thing I do know.......wherever the Separatists got the BUK Anti Aircraft System from.......without proper training they would not be able to operate it successfully....the BUK is a sophisticated (and good) piece of kit........the Russians are involved.... mark my words either directly or indirectly

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Russia is very much involved so as the US... Us has officially confirmed that they've spent $5bln on maidan etc...



i am not saying Putin is a tooth fairy... Or Obama for that matter... But in that particular case ukranians shot it down in ukranian air space so kind of not fair to point finger at Russians


oh no of course not.....the Russian Military are a wonderful bunch of softies.....I'm also sure Vladamir loves his mum and wouldn't kick a small dog......Planet Fishenka must be a wonderful place full of rainbows and Fairies.

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I am not denying russian involvement and more likely than not they do train rebels or advise them in some way. Same as the US does with Syrian and other rebels, that's politics for you...


but please bare in mind that rebels are ukranians who lived and worked in that area and many in military, police etc... So they have plenty of their own people who were educated and trained in Ukranian army, police etc long before the conflict split the country in two.... It's not like a bunch of lunatics just conquered good part of Ukraine out of the blue, it's whole cities that turned against official Kiev and there are doctors, engineers, army officials local governments among them etc....


Hey....I am not denying this but the Russian Military have form for involvement in this sort of thing.......cue 1983.....Korea Flight 007....shot down by a Russian Su15 "Flagon" in the Sea of Japan......269 people dead......the Russian Military have no scruples when it comes to this sort of thing. When I was in the RAAF on exchange to the USAF I was privy to a fair bit of information.

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I live in Kuala Lumpur and feel the shockwaves of this recent tragedy, as it could easily have been any one of my close friends from KL on board. I am also due to fly back to the UK soon and would have flown over this region. I think this is just a case of bad luck and there were many other airlines flying through this airspace at the time. If some of the reporting is true it is a case of mistaken identity. The Ukrainian separatists claimed to have shot down a cargo plane...


Most flights from this part of the world to Northern Europe fly over this area and I have often peered out the window wondering what life is like down on the ground while passing over Iran, Afghanistan and some other nations where there has been fighting in the past. Yes, some airlines chose not to fly over this airspace at the moment and serious questions will be asked, but it was deemed safe by the international Air Transportation authorities. Malaysian Airlines are a reputable airline with a previous exemplary reputation. I am a frequent flyer with them and wouldn't hesitate boarding another flight with them. The fact that I chose to fly with Ethiad for the UK route from KL is for personal preferences with timings with young children as my travelling companions (plus their Nanny service!). MAS is already in financial dire straits so this is yet another terrible blow.


I get shivers every time I walk past the memorials for those lost on MH370 in our local shopping centre. To have two awful tragedies in such a short space of time is so shocking. So very sad for all those on board and their families. Thankfully all my friends are accounted for. Two friends are due to fly this sector next week.


The wider consequences of what transpires between Ukraine and Russia worries me....and the Ukranian separatists didn't have this kind of capability before. So it if is them who are proven to be responsible the question is who supplied them? Most likely Russia...

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I wouldn't choose to fly with MAS- have to wonder about the maintenance side of things. Not that that was anything to do with this event, however. Why were a rebel group able to get weapons of that calibre? I mean these were serious killing machines. Have to ask some really probing questions of the Russians and those selling the gear. Will this give ideas to other nasty terrorist groups? All the check in precautions in the world wouldn't and couldn't stop this. Our next holiday is going to be here in Australia for now!

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I wouldn't choose to fly with MAS- have to wonder about the maintenance side of things. Not that that was anything to do with this event, however. Why were a rebel group able to get weapons of that calibre? I mean these were serious killing machines. Have to ask some really probing questions of the Russians and those selling the gear. Will this give ideas to other nasty terrorist groups? All the check in precautions in the world wouldn't and couldn't stop this. Our next holiday is going to be here in Australia for now!


Why ?????

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Guest The Pom Queen

There is no way that I blame Malaysia Airlines for the recent events over the last 6 months and I really do feel for them, however, I probably wouldn't fly with them right now but I wouldn't fly with any other airline on that route either.

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I would fly with them, it's not their fault at the end of the day. However, I am glad I don't have to be flying anywhere right now as flying generally would give me the shits!!


^^^ I'd be lying if I said I'm not a bit jittery about my upcoming flight...even though logic tells me it will be fine. I'm travelling with my two young kids, so I am going to have to keep any nervousness to myself.

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as far as flying with the airline i'm going to side with SL on this one. (rare i know! ;) )


the conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day with this one though.

the downing (or mislaying) of an airliner is such a rare event, and with so many operators, i wonder what the odds are of 2 in such a short space of time.

my cynical side suggests they need to merge with aer lingus, for some of that irish luck, or is this just incredibly bad fortune?


from the little good information i've seen on this, it seems the notam has been in circulation for a couple of months warning of the area to avoid. no mention however was given to the possible threat of SAM's.

with this in mind it is a standard procedure to fly over if there is a comfortable separation. areas to avoid are numerous and posted all the time and checking and planning around them are part and parcel of operating an aircraft.

i'm sure if they knew there was a possibility of a SAM in rogue hands with the ability to comfortably reach the jet, they would have not been there in the first place!



our thoughts are with those affected by both of these tragedy's, i hope the truth comes out accompanied with decisive corrective action.

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My wife and I were only back less than two weeks (flew with Malaysia airlines) when the first flight MH 370 crashed. We made the conscious decision back then not to fly with them on our return to aus later this year.

And now because of this other ill fated flight, it's definitely a big no no even though the airline is not to blame. A complete tragedy....

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I understand the fear people have considering the short amount of time since the last one. However, do any of you or have flown British airways? Just one airline that I googled for incidents and accidents. Would you reconsider flying with them on past history? Or perhaps google the 'safest' airline in future? All airlines have them and the results can be catastrophic but surely the probability of air travel incidents is considerably lower than road traffic but you all still go out and drive every day, or catch a bus etc.


this wasn't Malaysian airlines fault so how can you cast the doubt and never fly again? It could have happened to any airline and an air travel incident is likely to happen again.


Personally I would fly with them. I've never brought into consideration the airline I fly with (until Emirates but that was purely comfort in comparison too some horrible flights before) and their safety record. I'm still amazed they manage to stay up their long enough to get my half way round the world! Mind boggle moment!

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I think you are best off going with the really successful and popular airlines- more likely to be well maintained . You hear tales of nepotism with some of the Asian airlines, including the Chinese ones. How to get a job there is not what you know but who you know. Scary.

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I have flown with them 4 times before, and this latest incident is not their fault. However I may leave it a year or so before I fly with them. I know it is not their fault but I am a nervous flyer anyway and two incidents in one year is off putting. I know it could have happened to any of the airlines in that airspace at that particular time, so I know my reasons aren't rational but it is just how I feel.

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I think you are best off going with the really successful and popular airlines- more likely to be well maintained . You hear tales of nepotism with some of the Asian airlines, including the Chinese ones. How to get a job there is not what you know but who you know. Scary.

Not massive airlines like Malaysia though. The allegedly 'poor record' or Asian airlines lies with the domestic and regional players and even then... its more rumour than fact.

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The risk with them is that they are in such dire financial difficulties that they may make decisions based on cost rather than risk or other factors.

An absolutely ludicrous suggestion. They nor any airline makes these decisions based on cost. Why would they risk a plane and it's passengers and their reputation to save a couple of hundred dollars of fuel?

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