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I hope Hockey leads by example then?

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Treasurer Joe Hockey says people should "work as long as they can", as the likelihood grows that the Government will raise the age of eligibility for the pension in its first budget.

Speaking to AM this morning, Mr Hockey gave the strongest indication yet that the age pension will be pushed back from 67 to 70 years of age, saying there is an "inevitability" that the entitlement age will have to increase.

"We should celebrate the fact that effectively, one in every three children born today are going to live to 100," he said.

"We should also not see someone's life ending when they turn 65 or 70.

They should work as long as they can."

Mr Hockey added that he wanted to encourage businesses to employ people who were "restarting" their careers at the age of 50 or 60, particularly those switching from jobs in manual labour.

The Opposition says any changes to the pension would be a broken election promise.



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I think most people think they will work for as long as possible. I think retirement is something you can plan for but if you're not easy to retire why should you ?


In Australia the superannuation scheme has been pushed by employees for a long time so that there's not really the sane dependence on govt pensions here as in other countries.

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Treasurer Joe Hockey says people should "work as long as they can", as the likelihood grows that the Government will raise the age of eligibility for the pension in its first budget.

Speaking to AM this morning, Mr Hockey gave the strongest indication yet that the age pension will be pushed back from 67 to 70 years of age, saying there is an "inevitability" that the entitlement age will have to increase.

"We should celebrate the fact that effectively, one in every three children born today are going to live to 100," he said.

"We should also not see someone's life ending when they turn 65 or 70.

They should work as long as they can."

Mr Hockey added that he wanted to encourage businesses to employ people who were "restarting" their careers at the age of 50 or 60, particularly those switching from jobs in manual labour.

The Opposition says any changes to the pension would be a broken election promise.




Oh I am sure he will. Probably a nice talking tour (say,$100 000 a lecture) in the US followed by a position at an Ivy League college for a while.....

Isn't that what most of them do?

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Mr Hockey added that he wanted to encourage businesses to employ people who were "restarting" their careers at the age of 50 or 60, particularly those switching from jobs in manual labour.

Would like to know how he is going to do this. I am 51 and cannot find a job. So how is someone who is 60-70 going to get one?

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Guest Guest66881
Mr Hockey added that he wanted to encourage businesses to employ people who were "restarting" their careers at the age of 50 or 60, particularly those switching from jobs in manual labour.

Would like to know how he is going to do this. I am 51 and cannot find a job. So how is someone in there 60-70 going to get one?


I hear that mate.

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Guest Guest66881

This is why pollies need to be grass roots from birth not spoon fed or made millions and lost touch with reality.

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I think most people think they will work for as long as possible. I think retirement is something you can plan for but if you're not easy to retire why should you ?


In Australia the superannuation scheme has been pushed by employees for a long time so that there's not really the sane dependence on govt pensions here as in other countries.


Still away to go until most will have enough in their super fund to retire with comfort. Relying on the share market can mean a few future shocks in store as well.

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Most people will not have enough super to retire. I pay a fair bit of money into super and wont have much.


The stock market simply doesnt give enough return. There was an intersting article on the news about a month ago analysing market returns. If you had put $1 over the top 200, you would now have 80c

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Freckleface..You sound like a silly woman with this daft comment :

I won't be working for as long as possible but then I won't be asking tax payers to fund my pension either. - See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/news-chat-dilemmas/210366-i-hope-hockey-leads-example-then.html#sthash.SQg1aPVc.dpuf

Taxpayers may be paying for your pension, but they are not paying for mine...Iam paying for my OWN pension, by paying 35% of every dollar I earn to the ATO...This percentage in tax I pay..I expect a pension guaranteed, regardless of if the useless Govt has blown all our money down the drain...Super and self sacfricice..People who believe or trust in that are really going to be sacrificed on retirement when they find our the Govt has blown all their super also..Dont trust this corrupt , 3rd world Govt whatever you do with your money..

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The pension is not an entitlement because you have paid tax during your working life,

It should be a safety net for those who need it


Echidna you are sounding silly to me.


Silly woman its attitudes like yours, that are so common now amongst the population of australia and the Govt know we are all soft as shite and will take

anything and everything they throw at us...So I suppose you agree with tax increases do you?? If so why..

Cant you see this Govt are lying, traitors and they will always waste our money and always ask for more, whatever they promise..

So you say I shouldnt expect a pension when I retire, even though I have been paying $40,000 approx in tax for the last 15 years..Why??...What do i get for that

contribution and dont say better roads as my $600 per year car rego pays for that, and dont say schools as I dont have kids so couldnt care less about that...Okay maybe

it pays for a hospital, to be built, but I still pay Medicare on top of my taxes to cover health and no there is no way on this earth I will pay for private health insurance..I would

rather go back to the UK..We have a Govt that is intent on vacuuming as much money as they possibly can from each and every one of us and people still cant see this..

I love Australia, but I can see this country going down the plug hole fast as its becoming too expensive and is led by a useless, lying, tyranical Govt who cannot be trusted and

you cannot trust them with your future..

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What do i get for that contribution and dont say better roads as my $600 per year car rego pays for that, and dont say schools as I dont have kids so couldnt care less about that...


Just for fun, how much 2 lane road (just residential, not highway) do you think you can build for 600$ (Let's assume that all the rego goes for this without any admin costs).


You might not have kids, but you did go to school didn't you? You do realize that you've got to pay back that expense. You didn't think that the whingers of yesteryear had paid for it, did you?


Police, defense, civil works, social services....the list goes on. And all this is supposed to come from your 40k tax. Has it occurred to you that if someone else hadn't already built a country that is stable and prosperous that you wouldn't have a job which allows you to pay the tax? If you're really so self-sufficient why not bugger off into the outback. No tax, but no services either. I guarantee it'll give you a much better perspective on life.

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Just for fun, how much 2 lane road (just residential, not highway) do you think you can build for 600$ (Let's assume that all the rego goes for this without any admin costs).


You might not have kids, but you did go to school didn't you? You do realize that you've got to pay back that expense. You didn't think that the whingers of yesteryear had paid for it, did you?


Police, defense, civil works, social services....the list goes on. And all this is supposed to come from your 40k tax. Has it occurred to you that if someone else hadn't already built a country that is stable and prosperous that you wouldn't have a job which allows you to pay the tax? If you're really so self-sufficient why not bugger off into the outback. No tax, but no services either. I guarantee it'll give you a much better perspective on life.


Bahaaa...Oh dear another lamb to the slaughter..

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