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UKIP closing in on tories

Guest Andy

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UKIP are closing in on the tories and now just a few points behind them according to latest polls, they appear to have somewhere near or more than 20% of the vote when you look at most polls :shocked:


Lib dems may as well pack their bags and forget about it :daydreaming:

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Guest Guest 47403

Playing straight into Labours hands then, if people could see past UKIP's immigration and EU talk (won't go as far as calling them policies) they'd realise they offer very little.

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Playing straight into Labours hands then, if people could see past UKIP's immigration and EU talk (won't go as far as calling them policies) they'd realise they offer very little.


I am not sure a lot of people want to see past their immigration and EU policies to be honest because those two are probably the most talked about subjects ( certainly among my friends and work mates ) and two thing the last governments have failed to address regardless of their promises.

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Guest Guest 47403
I am not sure a lot of people want to see past their immigration and EU policies to be honest because those two are probably the most talked about subjects ( certainly among my friends and work mates ) and two thing the last governments have failed to address regardless of their promises.


Fair point Andy.

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UKIP will not have been helped by the French National Front cosying up to them, because they obviously think they are "kindred spirits." I am not certain that they are.

UKIP voters are not idiots, and they realise that there is absolute zero chance, null, nada, chance of UKIP winning the next General Election, so they will either vote UKIP, and waste their vote, or, vote Tory, knowing that there is a huge anti European sentiment in the Tory Party who rightly or wrongly want to "leave Europe."

So don't be surprised if the Tories rubbish the UKIP politicians, but go rather softly on the "core message," between now and polling day.

They are pulling exactly the same stunt in Scotland. They will be unable to contain their glee if they vote to stop sending Socialists to Westminster. Mark my words, the nearer it gets to the referendum, the more Tory Toffs you will see in Scotland, campaigning against independence, knowing full well their presence will get right up the noses of the Scots, meaning a "yes" vote is a racing certainty.

The end result, a Tory Government for the next 20 years, I might even go back!

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Guest Ptp113
UKIP will not have been helped by the French National Front cosying up to them, because they obviously think they are "kindred spirits." I am not certain that they are.

UKIP are not idiots, and they realise that there is absolute zero chance, null, nada, chance of UKIP winning the next General Election, so they will either vote UKIP, and waste their vote, or, vote Tory, knowing that there is a huge anti European sentiment in the Tory Party who rightly or wrongly want to "leave Europe."

So don't be surprised if the Tories rubbish the UKIP politicians, but go rather softly on the "core message," between now and polling day.

They are pulling exactly the same stunt in Scotland. They will be unable to contain their glee if they vote to stop sending Socialists to Westminster. Mark my words, the nearer it gets to the referendum, the more Tory Toffs you will see in Scotland, campaigning against independence, knowing full well their prescience will get right up the noses of the Scots, meaning a "yes" vote is a racing certainty.

The end result, a Tory Government for the next 20 years, I might even go back!


See ya!

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UKIP will not have been helped by the French National Front cosying up to them, because they obviously think they are "kindred spirits." I am not certain that they are.

UKIP voters are not idiots, and they realise that there is absolute zero chance, null, nada, chance of UKIP winning the next General Election, so they will either vote UKIP, and waste their vote, or, vote Tory, knowing that there is a huge anti European sentiment in the Tory Party who rightly or wrongly want to "leave Europe."

So don't be surprised if the Tories rubbish the UKIP politicians, but go rather softly on the "core message," between now and polling day.

They are pulling exactly the same stunt in Scotland. They will be unable to contain their glee if they vote to stop sending Socialists to Westminster. Mark my words, the nearer it gets to the referendum, the more Tory Toffs you will see in Scotland, campaigning against independence, knowing full well their presence will get right up the noses of the Scots, meaning a "yes" vote is a racing certainty.

The end result, a Tory Government for the next 20 years, I might even go back!


Ukip voters are idiots as far im concerned,a party thats even more to the right than the tories,who have one policy more or less,get out of Europe,and when we do all the workers rights that the EU have given us can be watered down,which the right would love,i notice you think the Scots are that daft and naive they would fall for any right wing reverse psychology and vote yes,just because some tories presence has annoyed them,honestly?!

I dont think it will be a yes vote,but if it is,it wont be based on tories annoying them

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  • 3 weeks later...
Playing straight into Labours hands then, if people could see past UKIP's immigration and EU talk (won't go as far as calling them policies) they'd realise they offer very little.


Well when Britain is being strangled to death by ,EU rules and regulations.And the Tories are no different to Labour The Tories have lost contriol of immigration.They are so up themselves they think they can change the way the EU is running things.The Tories are a complete JOKE.At last the British People have relised that voting Tory or Labour,for decades has ruind Britain.Britain has to have Change,WE need a Realy Right Wing Government to sort it out,Put the British People First and STOP Immigration and the only way to do that, is getting out of the FAILED EU.Britain as Nigel Farage says we need Immigration polices like Australia,and thats what he will do,take immigrants in, that Britain needs.Not Hundreds of thousands of welfare tourists.Like the Tories and Labour have done.You need to read UKIP's Policices they have much much more to offer the British People that you seem to think and mention.

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Well when Britain is being strangled to death by ,EU rules and regulations.And the Tories are no different to Labour The Tories have lost contriol of immigration.They are so up themselves they think they can change the way the EU is running things.The Tories are a complete JOKE.At last the British People have relised that voting Tory or Labour,for decades has ruind Britain.Britain has to have Change,WE need a Realy Right Wing Government to sort it out,Put the British People First and STOP Immigration and the only way to do that, is getting out of the FAILED EU.Britain as Nigel Farage says we need Immigration polices like Australia,and thats what he will do,take immigrants in, that Britain needs.Not Hundreds of thousands of welfare tourists.Like the Tories and Labour have done.You need to read UKIP's Policices they have much much more to offer the British People that you seem to think and mention.


You really think that most immigrants to the UK are welfare tourists?! Lived in London for over 30 years with many friends from Europe - all of them working extremely hard, 10 hours plus per day, 6 days per week. If only some of the millions of brits on welfare had the same work ethic!


To UKIP voters, all I say is be careful of what you ask for. Where will the jobs come from when the 2 million brits living in Europe are sent back home after the UK pulls out?

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You really think that most immigrants to the UK are welfare tourists?! Lived in London for over 30 years with many friends from Europe - all of them working extremely hard, 10 hours plus per day, 6 days per week. If only some of the millions of brits on welfare had the same work ethic!


To UKIP voters, all I say is be careful of what you ask for. Where will the jobs come from when the 2 million brits living in Europe are sent back home after the UK pulls out?



Spot on about the eastern european work ethic , I have no issue with that, most of them work bloody hard ....its the school places , the hospital beds , the housing .....at least the catholic churches are kept full ( no I aint kidding )

My main issue is with immigration from outside of the e,u .......

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UKIP are offering something incredible. The opportunity to stick two fingers up at the 3 parties who've served only their own interests for the past generation.



I remember a certain Mr N Clegg promising exactly the same thing 5 years ago.

UKIP will get a maximum of 8% of the vote, equating to ZERO MP's but they will spilt the Tory vote majestically, handing victory to a Lab/Lib coalition. The world won't end, nor will all our hopes be realised as a result.

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Guest Andy
I remember a certain Mr N Clegg promising exactly the same thing 5 years ago.

UKIP will get a maximum of 8% of the vote, equating to ZERO MP's but they will spilt the Tory vote majestically, handing victory to a Lab/Lib coalition. The world won't end, nor will all our hopes be realised as a result.

According to a report this morning voters are fleeing labour in favour of UKIP whereas the Tories and lb dems are steady

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According to a report this morning voters are fleeing labour in favour of UKIP whereas the Tories and lb dems are steady


That 'report' presumably came from CCHQ as Labour has solid following from the very demographic that UKIP hate - young, city dwelling, mobile, non white, non xenophobic. Let's see how Tories are after UKIP steal their seats in Euro elections - they'll be bartering with UKIP to stop Labour getting an outright majority next year.

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Guest Andy
That 'report' presumably came from CCHQ as Labour has solid following from the very demographic that UKIP hate - young, city dwelling, mobile, non white, non xenophobic. Let's see how Tories are after UKIP steal their seats in Euro elections - they'll be bartering with UKIP to stop Labour getting an outright majority next year.

It was a sky news/you gov poll

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I hope at the next general election UKIP tell people to vote Tory. They have promised to give the referendum and I do believe they will give it if they are voted in on their own right.

I'm not convinced that leaving the EU is the correct way to go, but I think it is such a pivotal issue now that the cases need to be made for both options and the people allowed to choose themselves. It actually annoys me that Labour and the Lib Debs continue to ignore the fact huge huge sections of the electorate who believe this is the way to go.

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I hope at the next general election UKIP tell people to vote Tory. They have promised to give the referendum and I do believe they will give it if they are voted in on their own right.

I'm not convinced that leaving the EU is the correct way to go, but I think it is such a pivotal issue now that the cases need to be made for both options and the people allowed to choose themselves. It actually annoys me that Labour and the Lib Debs continue to ignore the fact huge huge sections of the electorate who believe this is the way to go.


I guess if either the UKip or the tories get back in and the UK ends up leaving the EU there are few scenarios.


1. It could all turn out fine and the UK would be a better place not in the EU.


2. It could turn to crap with sanctions being applied form the other EU members and loss of trading. I suppose if that happened you could beg to go back in and I can't see why they would not let the UK back in, they will need all the money they can get to bail out the other EU members in strife. Wouldn't be a good look for whichever party took the UK out of the EU though.


3. It could carry on about the same as now.

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Ukip voters are idiots as far im concerned,a party thats even more to the right than the tories,who have one policy more or less,get out of Europe,and when we do all the workers rights that the EU have given us can be watered down,which the right would love,


Why are they idiots? What if the voter thinks the Tories are too far to the centre?


You couldn't get a fag paper between the policies of Lib/Lab/Con which is all big government, big tax, pro EU.


I think UKIP have the right idea of quotas of migrants, and open it up to ALL countries, not just ones in the EU.


I also agreed with their flat tax (but they dropped it for the next election) and small government ideals.


They wont get in, but they may get the idea across that there is another way to govern that doesn't involve MORE bureaucracy and MORE money to the EU for little in return.

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Why are they idiots? What if the voter thinks the Tories are too far to the centre?


You couldn't get a fag paper between the policies of Lib/Lab/Con which is all big government, big tax, pro EU.


I think UKIP have the right idea of quotas of migrants, and open it up to ALL countries, not just ones in the EU.


I also agreed with their flat tax (but they dropped it for the next election) and small government ideals.


They wont get in, but they may get the idea across that there is another way to govern that doesn't involve MORE bureaucracy and MORE money to the EU for little in return.


Because they're a party of with no experience for one,and times are far too precarious for anyone to seriously think of voting in a totally inexperienced gvnmt, i'd have thought anyway.

Also because they seem to base their whole manifesto on one issue,getting out of Europe,and not much else that i've seen.

The flat rate tax idea was nothing to do with Farage according to him,and i wouldn't want a flat rate anyway,more reductions for high earners and increases for the less well off?nah,not something i'd vote for anyway.

Their plans to attack workers rights i find totally wrong too,talk of abolishing maternity leave in small firms,their talk of abolishing European employment rights to paid holidays and breaks in the working day,whether they would be brave(or stupid)enough to carry some of these policies out is another matter,but you get the general gist of their thinking right enough!

Nobody knows exactly the cost benefits of being in or out of the EU afaik,it's hard to estimate something so complicated obviously,what i do know,is that half of our trade is with the EU,and if we weren't part of the EU our trading with the EU would be hit with financial punishments,that's for certain.

One of the main reasons i think we should stay in the EU is simple though tbh,if Germany think the EU is a good idea(and they contribute far more than us i think)then that is a good indicator to me,because they have a habit of getting things right more often than not.

The average worker would be better looking deeper into this massively right wing parties ideas on their employment rights before they vote for them

I doubt very much there are many people with any misguided ideas about "just" how right wing the tory party are,the way its going under them the whole country will be on zero hours contracts soon

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Guest Andy
Because they're a party of with no experience for one,and times are far too precarious for anyone to seriously think of voting in a totally inexperienced gvnmt, i'd have thought anyway.

Also because they seem to base their whole manifesto on one issue,getting out of Europe,and not much else that i've seen.

The flat rate tax idea was nothing to do with Farage according to him,and i wouldn't want a flat rate anyway,more reductions for high earners and increases for the less well off?nah,not something i'd vote for anyway.

Their plans to attack workers rights i find totally wrong too,talk of abolishing maternity leave in small firms,their talk of abolishing European employment rights to paid holidays and breaks in the working day,whether they would be brave(or stupid)enough to carry some of these policies out is another matter,but you get the general gist of their thinking right enough!

Nobody knows exactly the cost benefits of being in or out of the EU afaik,it's hard to estimate something so complicated obviously,what i do know,is that half of our trade is with the EU,and if we weren't part of the EU our trading with the EU would be hit with financial punishments,that's for certain.

One of the main reasons i think we should stay in the EU is simple though tbh,if Germany think the EU is a good idea(and they contribute far more than us i think)then that is a good indicator to me,because they have a habit of getting things right more often than not.

The average worker would be better looking deeper into this massively right wing parties ideas on their employment rights before they vote for them

I doubt very much there are many people with any misguided ideas about "just" how right wing the tory party are,the way its going under them the whole country will be on zero hours contracts soon





I agree with you on this, zero contract hours have a place for maybe temps and casual staff and used in the right way could benefit both employer and employee however this is clearly being taken advantage of and is used as to massage employment figures by yet another government lying and cheating about pretty much everything.

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