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Air pollution: High levels to spread across England.

Guest Guest 47403

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Guest Guest 47403

People in England are being advised to not exercise outdoors over the next couple of days, keep an eye on any elderly you know or those with lung or heart conditions and those that may suffer from breathing difficulties.


Government health warnings have been issued amid warnings pollution spreading across England will again hit high levels later.



Defra issued the warnings after high pollution levels were recorded Tuesday.



The pollution - a mix of local and European emissions and dust from the Sahara - is forecast in parts of south England, the Midlands and East Anglia.



Full article here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26844425

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There was really bad pollution in Beijing not that long ago, pretty common occurrence there I think, but they know it's because they have too many cars and people, so it's not going to get any better. I was surprised to hear a few days later that the pollution in Paris was even worse than Beijing and the French had tried to limit the number of cars by banning odd plates one day and even plates the next. Typically the French chose to ignore the ban and drove in any way.

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It was at levels higher than Beijing last night, not any better today. Will only start clearing tomorrow when the wind changes to SW. Currently all of europes pollution is coming up from the SE and mingling with the sand and ours and choking us all.


Can exercise inside or in air conditioned gyms, it's fine in there.


It's really not nice, itchy red eyes and coughs galore.

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The smog and Sahara sand, either separately or at the same time are nothing that new, but it happening in early April is. David Cameron even didn't go for his morning jog today. The smog plays havoc with his floppy fringe you see.


IF (and obviously is a big IF) the UK gets the hot summer that more and more experts are now predicting then there could be more issues like this come July/August. The smog that is, not DC's floppy fringe.


Now, where did I put that face mask...:wink:

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I have not seen any smog or noticed anything changed in the atmosphere, I wonder if its us Brits being big girls again, I expect there will be panic buying if it carries on :daydreaming:

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Guest Guest 47403

Hope that dirty air has cleared for you all down South now and you're breathing a bit easier :wubclub:

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