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Rental Applications - need to vent


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Sorry for the rant, but seriously?


I just spend 75 minutes filling out a rental application, and of course as we are applying as a couple we get to do it all over again for applicant number two. I get that you ask for proof of income and employment as well as rental references. But two reference letters on top of that? The name, address and phone number of the company I worked for in 2005? Copies of license, passport, credit AND medicare card to reach 100 points? My Visa application was less detailed than this. And the best part... it does not even guarantee you a lease. :arghh:

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Sorry, but is does not take 75 minutes to fill out a rental application.


The information you have detailed is NORMAL to obtain a rental. If you want one, then best suck it up, get lots of photocopies of the 100 points identification that is needed and get on with it.

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Lol they are repetitive though..two completely seperate applications for a married couple is pointless..past addresses n rental/personal refs are same...not all real estate agents have long winded application forms n requirements. .we tried to avoid those ones! One wanted 8 refs in total from us and they had to be aus references only..we didnt get that rental but we did go to the anti discrimination ppl and got an apology :)

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Sorry for the rant, but seriously?


I just spend 75 minutes filling out a rental application, and of course as we are applying as a couple we get to do it all over again for applicant number two. I get that you ask for proof of income and employment as well as rental references. But two reference letters on top of that? The name, address and phone number of the company I worked for in 2005? Copies of license, passport, credit AND medicare card to reach 100 points? My Visa application was less detailed than this. And the best part... it does not even guarantee you a lease. :arghh:


Sounds very weird to me. I am sure my applications took a few minutes to fill in and I did not provide any references at all, never mind any employment history. Very weird. Maybe try a different agent?

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Must be the agent! Mine only took about 10 mins, didn't have references as never rented, estate agents took friends addresses instead, didn't have a job at time but was able to show proof of savings. Good luck finding somewhere!

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Hi Joanna, I totally understand where you are coming from. I do the house hunting activities plus securing of rentals for my clients so I fill these forms out ALL THE TIME. Some of them are reasonable but there are some agencies that are a bit OTT. Seriously, after a passport and a drivers license, is there any reason why there has to be other forms of identification? (PS. I feel like I am about to join your rant now. hahah). And then those references from previous agents or landlords... that's really part of the agents' job to call and check. I mean, sure, I try to provide that most of the times because my clients are all from overseas but really if someone is moving from Australia to Australia, they should be able to make that call themselves. That's why landlords pay them anywhere from 4.5% to 6.5% of the rental monthly plus all the marketing and management fees. I only go as far back as 3 years for previous addresses and employment history now because there is no point going any further back. If one can hold on to a job for 2 years, that's a pretty good indication. With couples applying, I fill out the common things first and then photocopy the application and fill in the rest of the individual information after. A lot quicker, although I do have to say, I got really confused with all the paperwork the first time I did this. Sorry, didn't mean to take over your rant. Dear lord, I feel a lot lighter now though!

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Hi Joanna, I totally understand where you are coming from. I do the house hunting activities plus securing of rentals for my clients so I fill these forms out ALL THE TIME. Some of them are reasonable but there are some agencies that are a bit OTT. Seriously, after a passport and a drivers license, is there any reason why there has to be other forms of identification? (PS. I feel like I am about to join your rant now. hahah). And then those references from previous agents or landlords... that's really part of the agents' job to call and check. I mean, sure, I try to provide that most of the times because my clients are all from overseas but really if someone is moving from Australia to Australia, they should be able to make that call themselves. That's why landlords pay them anywhere from 4.5% to 6.5% of the rental monthly plus all the marketing and management fees. I only go as far back as 3 years for previous addresses and employment history now because there is no point going any further back. If one can hold on to a job for 2 years, that's a pretty good indication. With couples applying, I fill out the common things first and then photocopy the application and fill in the rest of the individual information after. A lot quicker, although I do have to say, I got really confused with all the paperwork the first time I did this. Sorry, didn't mean to take over your rant. Dear lord, I feel a lot lighter now though!


Are the agents really strict about the references? I have lived in the Middle East for the last 3 years in company provided housing. I would be lucky to get some kind of documentation in Arabic, never mind English. If they wanted to call my boss, they'd have trouble unless they speak Arabic. I have cash, but foresee problems in getting a rental to tidy us over for the first year.

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Are the agents really strict about the references? I have lived in the Middle East for the last 3 years in company provided housing. I would be lucky to get some kind of documentation in Arabic, never mind English. If they wanted to call my boss, they'd have trouble unless they speak Arabic. I have cash, but foresee problems in getting a rental to tidy us over for the first year.


We didn't provide any references.

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Made me laugh, I managed to get all my qualifications as a GP with equivalent training, RACGP and register with AHPRA etc without a single reference being followed up yet when i wanted to sign a lease all of a sudden the emails started flying!

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Really depends on the agents. There are some who do check and really call up previous agents who handled the rental to see if the tenant did pay on time and kept the place tidy. But there are a few who do not even bother at all. I have yet to see a pattern on which one checks or not. Even agents in the same company do things slightly differently.


On getting a referral, do you think you are able to write something in English on company letterhead and then get someone in your company's HR to sign it off? That would help and just attach it to your application when the time comes and that normally is as good as them making a phone call or email. And it is always handy to have this with any rental application.

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I know what you mean, I just put. "As per first applicant" in most sections.


They did phone all of the references in oz and e mailed the uk one though. Even the mate we put as personal reference.


On the other hand they have been good agents and have sorted things promptly for us when needed.


Didn't mind the paperwork but hated the 15 minute opens for viewings though. I found them a little intimidating when a lot of people turned up competing for the same property. Though I now realise that few actually apply as most just seem to be checking the competition!

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