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lovely week on the way


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there you go again playing your cards Bob ....the weather is irrelevant ...but I like to draw you out ....


I don't need to play *** for tat ...lifes very good ...but I do like to put the bait on the hook and cast , but I keep catching the same fish ....


Weather is irrelevant and you start a thread with the title "lovely week on the way"???

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I must admit I find it a bit sad that some posters feel the need to constantly have a pop at the "other country"! A lot of the posters also have not either been to Britain for a good while or even lived in Australia yet feel they have the authority to slag it off by posting links to newspaper articles giving them a platform to spout a load of drivel. Fair enough if you live in that country and you have every right to have a whine but when you don't live there and still feel the need to post about it then it is all a bit sad and desperate.


Anyway back on track, the weather here is absolutely glorious and we slept with the window open last night for the first time this year, there is no doubt about it but a bit of sun certainly makes you feel better.


I don't think they are always "having a pop" as you put it Andy. A lot of people only have the two countries to compare anything, whether it's weather, price of bananas, cost of a pint. You will always get comparisons.

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I don't think they are always "having a pop" as you put it Andy. A lot of people only have the two countries to compare anything, whether it's weather, price of bananas, cost of a pint. You will always get comparisons.

This is true, and a good debate with different views should always be encouraged (we are all Individuals at the end of the day and the world would be a blimmin boring place if this were not the case). However I still stick to what I said previously that certain people seem to have an almost habitual fixation on posting controversial headlines from UK tabloids, often of a negative nature. Ironically enough, they appeared to have dropped off this thread:eek:? On a brighter note the weather continues to delight us sun starved Brits. The birds are a singing and the trees are a budding! Bring on the summer...:wink:

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However I still stick to what I said previously that certain people seem to have an almost habitual fixation on posting controversial headlines from UK tabloids, often of a negative nature. Ironically enough, they appeared to have dropped off this thread:eek:


You must get a different PIO thread feed to me...because none of the people on this thread fit the category you describe.

Meanwhile...elsewhere...the usual suspects in the anti Oz brigade are going at it hammer and tongs. Nothing new there.

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Weather is irrelevant and you start a thread with the title "lovely week on the way"???



As I said Paul , at the risk of repeating myself , the subject matter is irrelevant .As soon as someone posts a *** bit of positivity about the U.K , out trot the usual suspects .

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You must get a different PIO thread feed to me...because none of the people on this thread fit the category you describe.

Meanwhile...elsewhere...the usual suspects in the anti Oz brigade are going at it hammer and tongs. Nothing new there.

I could of swore blind some were on here? Can you take your post off once it has been posted? Either that or it's official- I'm losing the plot, well even more so?

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I could of swore blind some were on here? Can you take your post off once it has been posted? Either that or it's official- I'm losing the plot, well even more so?


Yeah the poster can remove or edit your post so I guess that's possible. Not likely the mods would delete anything unless it was abusive.

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Ha ha, I'll put the Alzhiemers test on hold for now then....


If someone had deleted their post but someone had quoted them then you would still be able to see them. I don't remember seeing any bad posts on this thread though so can't comment, my memory is terrible though!

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I could of swore blind some were on here? Can you take your post off once it has been posted? Either that or it's official- I'm losing the plot, well even more so?



The only current PIO posters who fit the description of

an almost habitual fixation on posting controversial headlines
- from anywhere - are simmo and Perthbum...and I don't think they're on this thread.
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The only current PIO posters who fit the description of

- from anywhere - are simmo and Perthbum...and I don't think they're on this thread.

Skani, the said 'offenders/offender' (I'm not gonna name names) are not the 2 you mention believe it or not. It was usually always a UK tabloid (sometimes Oz, but mainly UK). What's funny about it though, is the fact I havn't seen anything posted from them since, which is hilarious really. Come on guys- no more hiding, you know who you are:biglaugh:

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Loving the sunshine this week. Took the children to the park yesterday and we're off to Peppa Pig World tomorrow to continue DS 3rd birthday celebtrations. I love Australia but it is nice to go out in the sunshine not needing to put sunscreen on (16degrees yesterday at the park, pleasantly warm - to me and the children). Obviously a few degrees warmer and they'd be covered in it still. Ideal temp to me are late teens - early 20s

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I love Australia but it is nice to go out in the sunshine not needing to put sunscreen on (16degrees yesterday at the park, pleasantly warm - to me and the children). Obviously a few degrees warmer and they'd be covered in it still. Ideal temp to me are late teens - early 20s


Agree with you on ideal temps...which is why I live in this (cool) part of Oz. :cute: But remember that the need for sunscreen is determined by the UV index...not the temperature. So you can still have a high UV index at lower temperatures. I wouldn't think that would be an issue this early in the year in the UK..but it might be in later months.

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Loving the sunshine this week. Took the children to the park yesterday and we're off to Peppa Pig World tomorrow to continue DS 3rd birthday celebtrations. I love Australia but it is nice to go out in the sunshine not needing to put sunscreen on (16degrees yesterday at the park, pleasantly warm - to me and the children). Obviously a few degrees warmer and they'd be covered in it still. Ideal temp to me are late teens - early 20s



This was the temperature when we arrived in WA in mid winter and I was walking my son to school in shorts and T-shirt wondering why everyone was dressed in jeans jumpers and boots. :laugh:

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It's amazing how people acclimatize - whichever way they go.

I've just arrived back in the UK and although I appreciate the weather is warm for March, I don't have the same feel good feeling as everyone else because it was 30 degrees and sunny when I left Australia!


To to be fair though, I'm right up in Leeds at the moment and it looks a lot better down south.

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some more gorgeous early spring weather......played football last saturday in 16/17 C and sunshine.....altho its cooled a bit during the week I am still waking up to blue skies and mild weather.....havnt seen any rain for weeks now....could be shorts to work time anyday now.

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