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Heavy heart.


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So, after two years and four months, the decision to return back to the U.K. has been made. Not an easy thing as we are a family of four, and all have our own opinions of what is best for our future. My wife has an elderly mother and the last few months has been up and down health wise, so that is a big concern for her. My eldest has just started high school, so he is starting to fit and settle a little more, and will probably miss Australia more than he realises, even though he didn't settle initially. My daughter has never really settled here, even though she made lots of friends very quickly, when relations left after their visits she was unconsolable for days. And that leaves me.


At first it was hard, but an adventure. after a week I found work, being a carpenter it was a bit strange to adjust to Australian ways and terminology they use, and still is to be honest. But the building industry is always volatile, and jobs came and went. since December it has been an absolute nightmare, having worked only about six or seven weeks since mid December. Rent has gone up, as it does, bills come in, but work has dried up.


We started talking about going back a few months ago, so we booked return flights, we said we would see how we felt after that. but now we see it as an opertunity to sort out schools and accommodation for when we go back for good.


Yes Australia has warmer weather and an outdoor lifestyle. but it is unbelievably expensive, and despite the efforts of advertising campains across the world, not that friendly. I went to watch Wigan Warriors play the Roosters a couple of weeks ago, and it made me realise how much fun the brits are, and started to miss being there soon after the game.


Push has now come to shove, and its time to start the process of returning to blighty. Will I regret it, possibly, that's what I've got to live with. but I wont be back.

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Guest Guest66881

Sorry to hear that mate, hey you gave it a go, and no one can hold that against you - good luck back in Britain.

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We, like yourselves, are moving back with mixed feelings. My son has health issues and we just don't have the support out here so ultimately it's for the best but we still have doubts.

i think the best thing to remember is that you have done something a lot of people wouldn't have the balls to! We don't see it as it not working out but just the end of this adventure. And once you get home you'll appreciate everything that bit more (except the weather!)

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Guest Guest40285

Good luck to ya bud, You gave it a red hot go, Im sure you will be alright, Family is everything so you can all lean on each other, I struggle now missing family being the only one here and having two children on my own, I agree with you on everything being expensive, anyway all the best and happy days, Cheers Matt.

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Sorry to hear that it hasn't worked out the way you planned but you can only make the best decision you can, armed with the information you have today! There will, undoubtedly, be days where you wish you were back (heck, even I have them!) but one always tends to compare the bad of the now with the good of the then and the mind tends to airbrush out the bad bits that drove the move in the first place. Hope it all works out really well for you!

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Not an easy decision, and I am sure you will miss it - but you are going back to a brilliant 1st world country - and there is a lot to be said for being surrounded by supportive friends and family. I don't feel rich or 'gung ho' enough to enjoy Australia - sounds bonkers, I'm on a good wage, but with temp work you never know how long it's going to last. I don't feel I can plan holidays, and even feel a bit guilty about eating out after going thru a very skint period...and feeling pretty anxious. I miss the camaraderie of Brits, the banter, humour, relaxing down the pub with a quality newspaper.....

Good luck for you in the next stage of your journey - I'll be heading home next year about this time if all goes to plan....

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You gave it a fair go, if its not for you then go back with with your head held high and say... We gave it all we got.... its not for us...

Australia is not everyones idea of the perfect place to live. Good luck to you and now start to enjoy the rest of your life.

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Hello mate nice to see a prestonian on this site,are you going back to Preston? I might be joining you soon.not Preston though.basically had enough we have been here in Adelaide over 6yrs!.I believe the building game is picking up back there which is good.which company's did you work for we may have crossed paths .i used to work for the livesey group at Walton summit that's near you then John turners at longridge,RPH at fulwood ,JDM at Wigan and numerous agency work any how good luck mate let us know how you get on

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So, after two years and four months, the decision to return back to the U.K. has been made. Not an easy thing as we are a family of four, and all have our own opinions of what is best for our future. My wife has an elderly mother and the last few months has been up and down health wise, so that is a big concern for her. My eldest has just started high school, so he is starting to fit and settle a little more, and will probably miss Australia more than he realises, even though he didn't settle initially. My daughter has never really settled here, even though she made lots of friends very quickly, when relations left after their visits she was unconsolable for days. And that leaves me.


At first it was hard, but an adventure. after a week I found work, being a carpenter it was a bit strange to adjust to Australian ways and terminology they use, and still is to be honest. But the building industry is always volatile, and jobs came and went. since December it has been an absolute nightmare, having worked only about six or seven weeks since mid December. Rent has gone up, as it does, bills come in, but work has dried up.


We started talking about going back a few months ago, so we booked return flights, we said we would see how we felt after that. but now we see it as an opertunity to sort out schools and accommodation for when we go back for good.


Yes Australia has warmer weather and an outdoor lifestyle. but it is unbelievably expensive, and despite the efforts of advertising campains across the world, not that friendly. I went to watch Wigan Warriors play the Roosters a couple of weeks ago, and it made me realise how much fun the brits are, and started to miss being there soon after the game.


Push has now come to shove, and its time to start the process of returning to blighty. Will I regret it, possibly, that's what I've got to live with. but I wont be back.



now the emotional roller coaster begins ....ups ...dpwns ...good days ...bad days ....happy ...sad ....ive done the lot

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Hey u r moving from one of the best countries in the world to one of the best countries in the world. I know u r gonna have all kinds of cr*p to sort out coz there always is when u move but "she'll be right mate". Good luck.

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I hope it all works out for you. Sounds like you're another victim of Sydney which is insanely expensive. Unless you are earning big money I would say to people avoid Sydney.


I wouldn't say avoid Sydney cause that's abit misguided, everyone just needs to be aware of their individual situation because not all states are the same and costs vary. When deciding where to live it is important to ascertain what money you would need to survive in that state / city.

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I think we will go back to Leyland, not entirely sure as I am from Wigan originally. We had the good sense to keep our house and rent it out, because we couldn't get a decent offer, unfortunately, new tennents have moved in and we cant kick them out for a year. I know both the livesey group and john turners, but only by reputation, I was a house basher for redrow mostly. I thought liveseys went **** up?.

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I think we will go back to Leyland, not entirely sure as I am from Wigan originally. We had the good sense to keep our house and rent it out, because we couldn't get a decent offer, unfortunately, new tennents have moved in and we cant kick them out for a year. I know both the livesey group and john turners, but only by reputation, I was a house basher for redrow mostly. I thought liveseys went **** up?.

Yeah they did. And by reputation do you mean crap payers if so you are right.

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I hope it all works out for you. Sounds like you're another victim of Sydney which is insanely expensive. Unless you are earning big money I would say to people avoid Sydney.


If the work is constant, which it hasn't been for a while now, Sydney can fine if you choose the right suburb, We live I Parramatta, which is getting more expensive by the day. Now we are flat broke it's a worry.

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