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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.


I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...




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I think you probably should never have moved in the first place. Do the decent thing, tell your current girlfriend you are returning to the UK, the relationship is over and let her have a chance of genuine happiness with someone who loves her.

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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.


I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...





Seriously? Maybe I am just grumpy after a busy day at work, but seriously?


So you are putting 'gloomy' weather on a par with playing around with a human being?


This is not a dilemma, it is merely self indulgence.

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Weather and home conditions aside, you definitely need to be honest with yourself and your girlfriend about the situation as it's not fair on her. Have you tried taking a break from contact with your ex to figure out whether your current relationship is worth another go? I can't help but wonder but whether your feelings for your ex are compounded by struggling to meet friends, not feeling settled where you are etc. (i.e. are you reverting to back to what you know and feel comfortable with). Is there a danger that you will come back home and realise your views of your ex were rose tinted and the reality is it's not actually what you wanted after all. I think a break for a couple of months (as in a complete break and not leaving the poor Scottish girl hanging on) would help you to see things clearer and make your mind up - if the two of you are meant to be together, a couple of months won't make any difference and at least you'll be sure you're making the right decision.

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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.


I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...





And yet, despite knowing 100% that you would be with her, she is your ex. Interesting. The reason that the relationship failed is still there, but you can't see it and it will (probably) fail again.


I will tell you what I would tell my own son. Stop being so selfish and get a grip. Neither of these ladies deserve someone like you in their lives and they both deserve to find happiness. Break off with both ladies so that you can actually find something that will make you happy, as happiness comes from within, not from the person you are with, the weather or your job. You aren't content with your life so you aren't happy. Perhaps you need to take a break from messaging your ex in the UK and get out there and meet new people, broaden your social horizons and make the most of what you have right now. You say that you knew that you didn't love your girlfriend - why oh why did you move over? Stuff the money, that's not important. Good grief, if you had made wedding arrangements, paid etc, would you go through with it and have a marriage you didn't want because of the money spent? I hope not.


Leave now Josh, and find your own happiness, be it in Australia, UK or somewhere else, but please leave the ladies alone for the time being, so that you can think clearly about what you want and more importantly, who you want to be with (if anyone).


I don't want to upset you with the plain speaking and I hope that I haven't but if I was your mum, this is what I would say xx

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Thats the problem though Tas, he can't break free of current girlfriend and stay in Aus as he's on a defacto visa! Def needs to man up though


There must have been something there for the two of them to have fulfilled the requirements of the defacto visa in the first place. I suspect that this is a case of cold feet and grassisgreeneritis. I do feel sorry for both the ladies involved, being played for fools by him. The ex needs to consider that if he's messaging her whilst with the current one, nothing to stop him doing the same to her if/when they reconcile.


The part I don't understand though is this:


Defacto visa requires that you live together for a minimum of twelve months. At no point in these twelve months did he ever think that this wasn't right for him? Also, leading up to the living together, what happened there? I'm assuming they didn't meet on Monday and start to live together on Tuesday. There was some build up surely?

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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.


I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...






The answer is real simple...


...Ask your current girlfriend if it's OK for your old girlfriend to come out and spend some "special" time with the both of you.


No brainer!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Remember we don't do speculation, so I've deleted a couple of posts, nothing major, no telling you off but just a little reminder :wubclub:

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Ok I'd like to know this?If the scottish ex is so brill,why did'nt you stay together and save yourself the grief?Or did you go for the aussie for the visa only????I think if I were you,and if possible (financially)I would try and spend some time alone,with no contact with either for a while until you work out what you want.Are you 100% sure the scottish ex won't dump you if and when you get back together?No one can be 100% sure.Good luck with whatever you decide.Do you know 100% that your current gf has NO idea of you messaging your ex?Sooner or later women's intuition will kick in,and it'll end in tears and you'll have some explaining to do.Your ex is an ex for a reason right?Think on a deeper level what ended the relationship.

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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.

p.s...just noticed you were from scotland, no wonder its nice to see the sun.

I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...




dont understand as a young bloke you could be unhappy in the uk, remember girlfriends come and go and most probably you will only last the average of about 3 to 6 months, stay in oz if you are happy.

p.s just noticed you are from scotland....no wonder you were fed up of the weather.

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Have you asked yourself why your ex is your ex? And answered it honestly. Yes some couples do break up and then get back together, but often it is easy to look back on past relationships with rose tinted glasses. If you are struggling to build new friendships ect, then past relationships that are familiar may seem extra appealing to you now.


I think you need to forget the country issue and ask yourself which girl you truly want to be with. There must be something there for your current girlfriend though, you moved around the world to be with her? But if you don't love her then you need to be honest and leave, even if that means returning to the "gloomy UK weather".

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Hi all, I have read the forum for a while and just wanted to run my situation past you to see what you all think I should do.


I moved over a few months ago from Scotland with my Australian girlfriend to Melbourne on a temp residence (309 defacto visa), we both got jobs quickly and are living together in a nice apartment. I generally enjoy living here, it's sunny and the lifestyle is a lot better than home although I'm finding it hard to meet mates. I left a good job at home to come over while telling everyone I was gone for good.


In the 3/4 months before I left I got close to my ex girlfriend again. We spent a lot of time together and even since I've come over here we message each other a lot. We both say how we would like to get serious and be together etc. I know if I was at home I would 100% be with her.


I know that I don't love my girlfriend, I realised that before we moved over although I had already forked out thousands for the visa plus all the relocation expenses, medicals etc.


Now I need to make a decision. Do I stay here unhappy in a sunny place or return home where I would be happy in love but in the gloomy UK weather...





My advice in a nutshell?...Grow a pair, do the right thing and think before you jump.


This could potentially be one of those life changing moments that you can't ever undo so you need to make the right decision, for the right reason. Either way, you state you don't love your current girlfriend so surely the only options are a) leave & find a way to continue living in Oz and move forward or b) go back to Scotland and pick up where you left off. Each will have consequences (good & bad). Honesty is always the best policy...and that includes for yourself. Good Luck.

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If the Scottish ex was "the one" you would have stayed together/not left the country with another woman. There is no question you should leave your current partner, you are treating her very badly by having an "emotional affair" with your ex and are not in love so it can't be much fun for you either.


Live in the country that offers you the best all-round lifestyle. Weather is just one factor.

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