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Rhetorical question


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Australian Visas:


My favourite saying is "common sense isn't that common" and in terms of the following scenario, I believe this to be true (although I agree with the immigration policy).


I have a friend who is in the process of applying to live and work in Oz and here are his personal details (weaknesses/benefits);


- He is a plumber & has been for 7 years (so is applying under the SOL visa)

- He nor his family have never lived or even visited Oz (so don't know if they can cope)

- He drinks relatively heavy (4/5 days per week in the local pub)

- He rents his house in the UK (has never owned a property)

- He's a 36 year old male (so older than me)

- He is in debt due to his drinking and gambling (not massively but he is & can't save for a deposit for a house)

- He is taking his family (wife and 2 kids)

- His wife doesn't work and hasn't done for years (she's on benefits)


And this is me:

- I don't have a trade I want to do in Oz (although I'm qualified in hairdressing & as a plumber but not got any exp). My experience has been in sales/retention management in the telecoms and banking world

- I have owned and run a construction firm for 7 years but I don't have a trade as I sub contract the work

- I lived and loved living in Oz in 2000/2001 and came back as I was on a WHV which is limited to 1 year

- I drink once every few weeks I'd guess as I like to keep healthy and am more of a family man

- I own 2 houses in the UK (one which I rent out). Both houses have at least £75,000 equity in them (AUD $275,000 total)

- I'm a 34 year old male

- I have no debt (bar my kitchen on 0% for 12 months haha)

- I'd like to take my partner and 1x child

- My partner has always worked and is level 3 qualified in child care (although this is not enough for a SOL visa)

- And we've never been out of work or claimed benefits in 17yrs of working (apart from child tax credit which is standard)



Now he will walk in and I won't be able to get in. What are you thoughts on this? Please be honest as I'm man enough :-)



I could get in one of a few ways, please also let me know what you think;

1) I could pay to be a student for 2 yrs at $10,000 a year - which I could do but would only be allowed to work 20hrs a week.

2) I could apply under my hairdressing and if I get tested, my barber has said I can use the salon (do you get tested?)

3) I could apply for loads of jobs and try to obtain sponsorship along with millions of others :-(

4) I was offered sponsorship in Brisbane for an IT company in 2000 but turned it down, and the company has since gone bust but the lady who wanted to sponsor me now owns her own firm but it would mean asking her firm to become a sponsor and living in Brisbane which I don't want to do really, but would if all else fails.


Which of the above options would be best?


Many thanks for reading,

Justin (newbie to the forums).

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Justin, sometimes life is unfair and throws obstacles at us and we should use this to fight more for what we want. You are still young, you have time to train and get experience behind you. A lovely young lady on here as worked her backside off to get over here which included going back to uni. She didn't complain once but got her head down and worked towards her dream. She got her visa and is heading off to Perth soon. So please don't give up. You can achieve anything you want in this world it just takes effort and sacrifice. :hug:

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I think sometimes we really have to stop looking at what others have got, or what we perceive them to have. It is really unhealthy to compare.


Your situation is different to the man/friend that you compare yourself to. So what if he drinks? Or his wife is a stay at home Mum. He rents a house, well, so do I, I don't think that makes me a inferior in anyway.


You also point out that he has never visited Oz, nor have many of the posters on PIO.


Focus on your own goals and work towards them to achieve your desire to live here.

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Your friend will walk it because:


- He is a plumber & has been for 7 years (so is applying under the SOL visa)

He has a useful skill

- He nor his family have never lived or even visited Oz (so don't know if they can cope)

No preconceptions and no "it was a lot cheaper before"

- He drinks relatively heavy (4/5 days per week in the local pub)

Support local businesses

- He rents his house in the UK (has never owned a property)

Every Aussie and his dog have an investment property. Oz needs renters

- He's a 36 year old male (so older than me)

He has the wisdom that only time can imbue

- He is in debt due to his drinking and gambling (not massively but he is & can't save for a deposit for a house)

TAB will fast track his application

- He is taking his family (wife and 2 kids)

Ideal number of occupants to fill a dual cab ute

- His wife doesn't work and hasn't done for years (she's on benefits)

Does she know a good deal on Chardonnay when she sees it?

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Hi Pom Queen - I certainly will overcome the obstacles, just weighing up the best action to take (which I'm thinking is a student visa at this stage). I'm very determined and I will do what I can to ensure my family and I are there within 18mths.


Hi Johndoe - I will as a last resort. I've lived there before and just found the city and area not to my liking really and have friends in Perth & Sydney already.


Hi Sammy1 - I know my situation is different, however, I can compare. I'm a drinker too but 4/5 times a week, more to get away from his family, is not a great example to set your children, in my opinion. She is a stay at home mum but the kids are 8 and 12, so between 9-3 she could work but he say's to me she is too lazy to find a job. And when I refer to renting a house, yes nothing wrong with it but surely you can see that going to Oz with the ability to be able buy or rent (or both) is far better than someone who can barely afford to rent. Yes it doesn't make you inferior either, it's just an observation. Flip it - does it make me inferior that I can't get into Oz because I don't have a trade? Oz seem to think so, hence the system. But what it fails to realise is that I sub contract my work to all these trades so I'm keeping them in business to a degree, and I know this as I stopped using as a particular builder and he ended up going bust. The reference to his family not visiting Oz was more of 'I know what I'm going in to' statement, as he will not have a clue and can he and his family cope. You're taking things too literally here. And I will focus on my own goals and I will get there, I was just asking for advice, hence my post. The question marks in the post refer to me looking for advice or answers to my questions, which you've not really answered but instead taken it as a personal attack as your life ticks some of my mates boxes, which wasn't the case.


Hi Xenon4017 - you made me laugh. And in answer;

"Your friend will walk it because:


- He is a plumber & has been for 7 years (so is applying under the SOL visa)

He has a useful skill

JB - I agree

- He nor his family have never lived or even visited Oz (so don't know if they can cope)

No preconceptions and no "it was a lot cheaper before"

JB - I know it's more expensive now and more than the UK, I'm under no illusion there

- He drinks relatively heavy (4/5 days per week in the local pub)

Support local businesses

JB - so do I but in other ways

- He rents his house in the UK (has never owned a property)

Every Aussie and his dog have an investment property. Oz needs renters

JB - I will likely rent to start with too so that will be handy. Can I have the contact details of the dog landlord please? ;)

- He's a 36 year old male (so older than me)

He has the wisdom that only time can imbue

JB - He is far from wise trust me... He also can't remember most of it as he's too drunk

- He is in debt due to his drinking and gambling (not massively but he is & can't save for a deposit for a house)

TAB will fast track his application

JB - I'm not sure what TAB is?

- He is taking his family (wife and 2 kids)

Ideal number of occupants to fill a dual cab ute

JB - I can't argue with that....

- His wife doesn't work and hasn't done for years (she's on benefits)

Does she know a good deal on Chardonnay when she sees it?

JB - she knows a good deal on chocolate cake...."


Hi Que Sera, Sera - I will if I have to but wanted to explore my options first.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Why not have a chat with one of the agents, most on here will give you a free ten minutes or so to tell you if they can help and your best options.

Ive known families come on the student visa and personally its not something I could recommend not if you have a wife and child. But have a look and remember if you want this badly enough you can do it, so good luck and we are here to help answer any questions :hug:

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Hi Sammy1 - I know my situation is different, however, I can compare. I'm a drinker too but 4/5 times a week, more to get away from his family, is not a great example to set your children, in my opinion. She is a stay at home mum but the kids are 8 and 12, so between 9-3 she could work but he say's to me she is too lazy to find a job. And when I refer to renting a house, yes nothing wrong with it but surely you can see that going to Oz with the ability to be able buy or rent (or both) is far better than someone who can barely afford to rent. Yes it doesn't make you inferior either, it's just an observation. Flip it - does it make me inferior that I can't get into Oz because I don't have a trade? Oz seem to think so, hence the system. But what it fails to realise is that I sub contract my work to all these trades so I'm keeping them in business to a degree, and I know this as I stopped using as a particular builder and he ended up going bust. The reference to his family not visiting Oz was more of 'I know what I'm going in to' statement, as he will not have a clue and can he and his family cope. You're taking things too literally here. And I will focus on my own goals and I will get there, I was just asking for advice, hence my post. The question marks in the post refer to me looking for advice or answers to my questions, which you've not really answered but instead taken it as a personal attack as your life ticks some of my mates boxes, which wasn't the case.




Wow, judgmental, much?.


If a parent is lucky enough to be able to be a stay at home Mum, then good on her - and really it is none of your business.


Concentrate on what YOU need to do to get to Oz rather than being jealous of somebody else who has already started the process. Australia needs skills,not complainers, simple fact.

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Well Justincredible,don't worry about what your "mate"is doing/not doing.That should'nt concern you hon.I think I would re focus your attention on what you need to do,and get the ball rolling.As your mate's a plumber,is he planning on walking straight into a secure plumbing job?Because chances of that happening are probably slim!Does he know about this forum?Point him in the right direction and ask him to tap in "Plumbers"in the search box and read a few posts!

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Wow, judgmental, much?.


If a parent is lucky enough to be able to be a stay at home Mum, then good on her - and really it is none of your business


Well, if they are in debt as said in the first post maybe she should go get a job and help pay back some of the debt (as the male could by cutting down/stoping drinking).

I wonder if they will pay off the debt before they leave (ha, yeah right) or just do a runner and leave it.


Justin, life is not fair mate, I learnt that a long time ago. :-/

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Hi The Pom Queen - that's a great idea, thanks. How do I find and contact these please? (I'm new) Why wouldn't you recommend a student visa? My partner could study and I'd work full time to ensure a steady income (that was my idea anyway). I do want it bad enough and will get there, even if I have to go on a student visa but that will be my last option, based off what you're saying. Appreciate the support too - thank you.


Hi Sammy1 - my partner was also a stay at home mum pretty much for 6 years, bar a couple of hours child care in the evenings, and yes she was lucky enough to have this privilege as my income is pretty decent. His family are in debt, can't save up to ever own and is on every benefit going (including ones they shouldn't be which is my point, and people are entitled for benefits if needed obviously - just saying before someone on benefits jumps down my neck...). And none of my business....well we'll have to agree to disagree here - he shouldn't moan to me about how cr*p his life is now and tell me about all the benefits they're on, that's how I know. Also, I pay all my taxes so indirectly I can judge.


I am concentrating on ME, if I wasn't I'd be reporting them for benefit fraud and not be on this forum. And jealous lol, far from it, it was mealy a point and I'd not want his life for any amount of money or even a visa.


Oz does need skills correct, well done you. But Oz is also in debt and his situation won't help that fact... I am not complaining either, just pointing out facts and asking questions about my possibilities, so if you don't wish to help, please keep your thoughts to yourself.


Hi abz123 - I don't mind mate ;-) just appreciate the advice.

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Hi Melza - my focus is on the family and I obtaining a visa I assure you. I suppose I was just pointing out a situation where 'one shoe doesn't fit all' and maybe should have left that bit off :-( haha. Not sure what his plans are for a job but I know he doesn't have one to walk in to. I could point him to this forum but he doesn't own a PC so may struggle (his invoices are in writing or he does cash jobs).


Hi Tappers2Oz - thank you for your support - great points raised and I hope life is better now friend.


And can we stop the debate around the 'rhetorical question', abz123 was just making a joke. Let's get back on point please.

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I agree with those who are telling you that focussing on others is ultimately self-defeating. I hope to get there by virtue of having the good fortune to fall in love with and marry an Ozzie citizen. We are all dealt different cards in life but it's how you play those cards that count. Wish you good luck in your endeavours.

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I thought you started off by saying this man was your friend, but guess I misinterpreted that part...!!


Hi Sammy1 - I know my situation is different, however, I can compare. I'm a drinker too but 4/5 times a week, more to get away from his family, is not a great example to set your children, in my opinion. She is a stay at home mum but the kids are 8 and 12, so between 9-3 she could work but he say's to me she is too lazy to find a job. And when I refer to renting a house, yes nothing wrong with it but surely you can see that going to Oz with the ability to be able buy or rent (or both) is far better than someone who can barely afford to rent. Yes it doesn't make you inferior either, it's just an observation. Flip it - does it make me inferior that I can't get into Oz because I don't have a trade? Oz seem to think so, hence the system. But what it fails to realise is that I sub contract my work to all these trades so I'm keeping them in business to a degree, and I know this as I stopped using as a particular builder and he ended up going bust. The reference to his family not visiting Oz was more of 'I know what I'm going in to' statement, as he will not have a clue and can he and his family cope. You're taking things too literally here. And I will focus on my own goals and I will get there, I was just asking for advice, hence my post. The question marks in the post refer to me looking for advice or answers to my questions, which you've not really answered but instead taken it as a personal attack as your life ticks some of my mates boxes, which wasn't the case.
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I agree with those who are telling you that focussing on others is ultimately self-defeating. I hope to get there by virtue of having the good fortune to fall in love with and marry an Ozzie citizen. We are all dealt different cards in life but it's how you play those cards that count. Wish you good luck in your endeavours.

Now that's just the lazy way to get here :wink::laugh:

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