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Accountants to be removed from SOL?


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Hi All


Just came across this http://bit.ly/1e1QSy1 Basically it says the government is considering removing ALL accountants from the SOL, effective April / July 2014.


As someone who's just today received a positive skills assessment from Chartered accountants Australia and really excited to be submitting an EOI, this is very worrying.

Has anyone any idea if this could actually be in the pipeline? Do the Immi dept usually make these kind of changes across an entire profession? I'm surprised as accountants have one of the highest ceilings on the current list.

We may have to reconsider our options. I'm worried now that we won't get an invite, and even if we do we may not get the visa. And if we get the visa, the jobs market may be under pressure, hence the removal from the SOL.


Any way, It would be great to hear from anyone with insight into this, the reason for the removal, implications for EOI's lodged now etc. We're good to go, all documents ready, just the medicals to go. Any comments appreciated.

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My personal view is that the problem is more with the lack of positive employment outcomes for non Australian accounting graduates coming out of Australian uni's with accounting degrees than with overseas qualified accountants arriving in Australia.


I nevertheless recommend you lodge your EoI soonest.


Best regards.

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Hi Alan

Thanks for the reply

I was just doing some research and it appears that this rumour has been going around since 2011. Accountants are on the list of "Flagged" occupations, but the list contains 50 flags all together, so It's not looking as ominous as it first seemed.

Also, there appears to be a bit of mischief here from visa agents, they are the ones spinning this as impending doom, maybe to rush people into making that first payment for their services? Tut tut.

Going back to the ceiling, Accountant General has over 9k as a limit, with only 4.5k issued. That would tell me there is still demand there.


I'll get on with the EOI anyway, hope to be in Sydney for the summer ( oz winter)!

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The market for accountants is becoming tighter and will become even more so once all the big LNG projects come online in the next couple of years.


The mining companies are in a similar position with not much new major works planned and are off-shoring jobs to cheaper locations too.


It would not surprise me if accountants do come off the list (or the numbers are slashed) in the not too distant future as a result of the above.

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I would not be surprised at all. That happened in Canada some time ago and the reasons are very obvious - nowadays, there are so many non Canadian graduates, that employers started asking for professional designation even for entry level positions.

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We asked our agent about this last month, he is not too concerned as it has been flagged and unflagged several tines over the years, but an accountant of some form has been on the SOL for as long has he can remember. That is not a guarantee though so we submitted straight away just to be safe :)

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With the loss of jobs and companies moving offshore it means that people are reluctant to spend on service industries. The gov is retracting the economy especially here in Victoria with a lot of jobs disappearing so has to flow through to all other jobs as funds are not around.


I know my friend's daughter is looking to move jobs and she is a senior lawyer with one of the big four and she has applied for jobs and then the job has not been filled and taken off the market as they down size firms etc.


Also graduates are cheaper and there are an abundance of law, business and accounting students presently coming through.


I saw an article and it said the job that is in short supply and will be for some time is surveying.

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I have always wondered about the big number of international students in Australia. I know that it is a big money maker for the government/universities, but do most of those graduates manage to stay permanently after they are done with their studies? It is also amazing how many students from third world countries can afford the international fees.

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We asked our agent about this last month, he is not too concerned as it has been flagged and unflagged several tines over the years, but an accountant of some form has been on the SOL for as long has he can remember. That is not a guarantee though so we submitted straight away just to be safe :)


Hi Michala. did you submit EOI as an Accountant General?

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I have always wondered about the big number of international students in Australia. I know that it is a big money maker for the government/universities, but do most of those graduates manage to stay permanently after they are done with their studies? It is also amazing how many students from third world countries can afford the international fees.


Reason being developing world countries have their own seriously rich elites or other willing to sacrifice considerable sums to get their kids an overseas education.

The ability to stay on after the degree is the carrot. When Australia withdraw the ease foreign students remaining in this country after studies numbers declined substantially.

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Why are you concerned if you have already submitted the EOI? Most probably you will be invited after the next round and it would not matter if they take it off.


I'm more worried about wether or not a removal from the SOL of Accountant occupations is a reflection of an over competitive job market.

I'm also curious as to the possibility of the department simply stoping the issue of invites or visas to Accountant occupations now, based on whatever information has caused them to flag these occupations. As far as I can make out, this has already happened this year with some IT occupations.

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Reason being developing world countries have their own seriously rich elites or other willing to sacrifice considerable sums to get their kids an overseas education.

The ability to stay on after the degree is the carrot. When Australia withdraw the ease foreign students remaining in this country after studies numbers declined substantially.


I have been watching "Border Security" lately and it is surprising how many students are crossing the border. What I find even more surprising is their level of english, considering the fact that most of them are into business and accounting degrees. Even if they have the money, how do they manage to get IELTS 6 or 6.5, which is a requirement for most of the degrees?

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I'm more worried about wether or not a removal from the SOL of Accountant occupations is a reflection of an over competitive job market.

I'm also curious as to the possibility of the department simply stoping the issue of invites or visas to Accountant occupations now, based on whatever information has caused them to flag these occupations. As far as I can make out, this has already happened this year with some IT occupations.


The "accountants will be removed from the SOL" soon is something that I have heard many times over the years. I bet it won't happen and would not use it as a yard stick to measure competition int job markets. Do that research separately and yes you will find that the competition for accountancy jobs is intense.

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It depends on what kind of Accountant are you? I'm a taxation accountant myself who happened to find a job straight out of uni (yes I was an international student who hailed from a developing country). One mistake people make is generalise Accounting profession and come to a conclusion. If you are a Taxation, Insolvency, Business services Accountant you'll find it relatively easy to find work as oppose to either Financial or Management Accountant. If you already hold a professional qualification which allows you to become a fully qualified CPA (such as CIMA), your chances are even greater.

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hey guys I am new in this forum, just saw this post when I google up accountants removed from SOL. I would like to share my story. I myself is an international students whom graduated nearly 2 yrs ago and struggling to get PR in australia. the oz government and ICAA requirement is damn high. they asked for 7 all band academic, which makes me spend ard AUD 3000 to get it, yes, 10 tries of ielts academic to get 7 but ive always got 6/6.5. sucks:skeptical:. Ive gone back and forth to my home country to do the test and finally I got them on december 2013. was about to apply for nsw sponsorship but then fcuk it they close on 24th december. I thought they only close from 24th december to 6th jan for xmas n new year holiday. then I found out they close the sponsorship on the 24th dec. which means my effort to get ****in 7.5 in writing is a waste.


More waste if the govs really erase accountants in sol , change all the stupid requirement and making life more difficult. Now I regret for spending hell lots of money on ielts, when government is being so **** to international student.

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Actually wrote blog about Accounting and SOL and included outlook or prospects.


The issue with many news reports is that they defer to Dr. Bob Birrell of Monash university, MARA people would know him. Any 'research' or opinions he expresses about immigration, students, foreigners, refugees, Asians, English language skills etc. should be taken with a large grain of salt :)

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Given CIMA and Hays have just published this article... i too would take this with a pinch of salt.... (CIMA work in partnership with CPA so i'm sure this would have been checked out, they'd look pretty stupid publishing this now if the visa was about to be taken away). I for one hope (and am sure) the info about it being removed is incorrect. I cannot apply until after July this year, at which point I will do so as soon as possible.


Strong job prospects for accountants in Australia



February 2014



Professional-in-Australia.jpgAccording to recruitment consultants, the demand for accountants in Australia is currently so high in certain sectors that some organisations will even cover the cost of relocation.

The Emigration Group has revealed that Australia is on the look-out for trained accountants. Having the potential to grow with the market and clients is essential to succeed in accountancy overseas.

The opportunities are found in the major cities, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Experienced financial accountants are in high demand in these cities, and the level of roles they are recruiting for vary from newly qualified to those with new experience.

Australia’s economy has been ranked as the world’s most resilient for six out of the last eight years. However it’s the laid-back lifestyle that was the biggest attraction for the majority of people who have already chosen to emigrate.

The country offers affordable quality housing, low cost living and one of the best educational and social systems in the world, not to mention the extensive healthcare benefits.

Paul Arthur, Director at The Emigration Group, said: ‘This is an exciting time for accountants looking to move overseas. Recent developments in Australia have left them with a huge shortage.

‘The country prides itself on providing people with a comprehensive range of financial services and they are on the look-out for newly qualified and trained accountants to move overseas and fill these roles.

‘The key business centres in Australia include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. The Australian economy continues to expand leading to more jobs while many other economies across the world are struggling.’

Australia is a country built on emigration and it continues to be the most popular destination for the thousands of Brits who move overseas each year. According to a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) earlier this year, Melbourne retained the crown of ‘the most liveable city’ for a second successive year.




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