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Why today I am so proud to be British


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You think to invade lose british lives then replace of the current dictatorship is the best option? Iraq worked a treat didn't it :err:


There is no guarantee of victory either. Who knows when one side has "won" these days. You would just replace one dictator with another. Wouldn't solve a thing and has potential to make Syria worse.


Would have helped heaps if the countries who supplied weapons to both sides just agreed to stop supplying. Never do that though there's money and jobs involved in the supply chain.

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Guest Guest66881
Germans probably. They're taking well more than the UK.



Yes but we don't like to talk about it all the time:wink:

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But there is guarantee of failure if you don't try.


Imagine if we had left Hitler alone and just said we'll take in some Jews as refugees.

My God, it doesn't bear thinking about.



ho knows what would have happened if Germany had won the war? It's a hypothetical that no-0ne can answer. Might be that we would just be all speaking German instead of English and producing better cars.

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The UK will act "with the greatest urgency" in offering the "most needy people" in Syrian refugee camps a "home in our country", says David Cameron.

The prime minister told MPs he wanted to "particularly help those who have been victims of sexual violence".

Deputy PM Nick Clegg said on Tuesday torture victims, elderly and disabled people would also get priority.




Would like to have seen them ad at least a few children who are living on the street with no parents , no food and no shelter. I am sure there are many childless couples who would be happy to offer them a loving home if it were made easy under this special situation. Yes I know there are many children in the UK and Aus living on the street but I think this situation is a little different.

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Even more so perhaps,Sweden which is taking in 9,000. That is a high proportion for a low population country.

Poms doing the bare minimum so they can hold their head up. Nothing much to be proud of really....

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As the famous quote says ... Evil prospers when good men do nothing.

This may have been said about Hitler, I can't remember exactly.


But the point is clear. Sometimes you must act to stop a dictator. Taking a few refugess won't stop perhaps millions more being slaughtered.


True it may not be easy, but you have to address the cause not just the effect, or it will not stop.


I wonder if you have much idea with regards to the make up of Syrian politics? Just who exactly are the baddies? It is clear from clear cut and for the desire of Syrian stability I'd stay with the best of poor bunch and go with Assad and the present government. Why would anybody invade in order to install a collection of extremists and tribal clans unable to form any sort of cohesive government, in turn creating yet another Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan? No body is better off and the cost of another unjust and unwelcome intervention can in no way be justified.


No the saying was well before Hitler's time. It went something like, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. A well worn phase which has little to do with the present Syrian conflict.

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Poms doing the bare minimum so they can hold their head up. Nothing much to be proud of really....


I haven't read the number involved yet. I trust it more than Australia's 500 I seem to recall being the figure. Sweden is really showing the world though and can't be overly popular at a guess with segments of its population, what with the recent riots not long back in many immigrant suburbs.

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Yes, but you know they will never be grateful to the British people. They will thank Allah for delivering them to a safe, compassionate land of plenty.


It's certainly the land of plenty. Free homes, education, healthcare, and free money every week to spend on whatever you like. And no need to worry about working to pay us back, we'll get Eastern Europeans to do that.

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I'm all for foreign aid but when is enough enough..it looks like Ukraine is now going to be in Civil War does that mean they will flood in next..just need a good plan for this otherwise London will end up overrun and won't be able to cope.


I don't know the figures but I doesn't seem as though Australia takes that many refugees, I know they take them but now they've started sending the boats back.


Immigration as a whole needs to be monitored because illegal or legal, countries can still be overrun.

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I'm all for foreign aid but when is enough enough..it looks like Ukraine is now going to be in Civil War does that mean they will flood in next..just need a good plan for this otherwise London will end up overrun and won't be able to cope.


I don't know the figures but I doesn't seem as though Australia takes that many refugees, I know they take them but now they've started sending the boats back.


Immigration as a whole needs to be monitored because illegal or legal, countries can still be overrun.


London somehow always finds a way to cope. It as a city has always tempted folk from the hotspots around the world. In the case of Ukraine many would likely prefer other countries though. Germany being the one that comes to mind. Although it looks that the government is caving in to the demonstrators demands so unlikely to get a flood leaving.


Australia has decreased their total intake to a bit over 13,000 down from 20,000 under the last government. It is very controlled but the geography allows Australia that advantage.

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Yes because Syrian people are really going to be terribly happy in Britain.... (sarcasm) Although obviously there are some of us who will be happier when britain isn't mostly british overall.


Do you mean because Scotland Ireland and Wales also make up 'British'?

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