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Gastric banding hypnotherapy


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It sounds worth a try - albeit expensive - must be low risk... But has anyone tried it, or know anyone who has and what was the outcome:skeptical:?


Only seen people on tv, but hypno therapy seems to do wonders on people, especially for those who want to stop smoking.

Guess one of those things you never really know till you try.

How expensive are we talking?

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$600-$700 for a series of sessions.When I read up on it, sounds like they have great results - but don't know anyone personally who has given it a shot...and part of me thinks, if it was that great, why aren't more people doing it?


Good question Chortlepuss.... I have heard of people who have stopped smoking by having hypnotherapy, and I also have a friend who tried it, but it didn't work. Maybe you have to have a certain type of personality or something for it to work. It is a lot of money and I bet you don't get anything back on your health insurance, but it would be worth a try instead of a lap-band op perhaps.

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Puchased 2 deckchairs for the backyard this morning, just mowed the lawn and now sitting enjoying the green grass and relaxing with a popsicle with the young un.. its partly sunny 23C and a day off.. the moment couldnt be better

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It sounds worth a try - albeit expensive - must be low risk... But has anyone tried it, or know anyone who has and what was the outcome:skeptical:?

No, but I was seriously thinking about it when I was extremely overweight. I went for the cheap "MyFitnessPal" option instead. It'd be interesting to know whether it really works - I have colleagues who claimed great success with their clients on basic hypnotherapy weight loss programs.

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Well $600-700 is cheap compared to surgery and without risk. The concept of 'gastric band' hypnotherapy is marketing hype to me - for reasons i despair at gastric band surgery is becoming 'fashionable' or at least the norm. I even saw an article here in the UK with a surgeon saying more people should have it - truly scary. BUT regardless of this new slant hypnotherapy for weight loss can work - I would say it depends on the cause of being over-weight.


Emotional eating would be tackled well & most people who say they have no 'will power' have emotional issues as the root cause. I gained 4 stone in 5 years in Australia.....says it all!


If there is a hormonal basis though - e.g. low levels of cortisol or high levels of insulin etc. then the hunger is 'real' and it is less likely to be successful.


Weight loss/gain is a bit more complex than smoking - you can't cut out food for a couple of weeks and get over it the way you can with cigarettes (as an ex-smoker I know it isn't quite THAT easy but certainly easier than losing weight - for me anyway)


You could always give this a try...https://www.paulmckenna.com/thin

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Well $600-700 is cheap compared to surgery and without risk. The concept of 'gastric band' hypnotherapy is marketing hype to me - for reasons i despair at gastric band surgery is becoming 'fashionable' or at least the norm. I even saw an article here in the UK with a surgeon saying more people should have it - truly scary. BUT regardless of this new slant hypnotherapy for weight loss can work - I would say it depends on the cause of being over-weight.


Emotional eating would be tackled well & most people who say they have no 'will power' have emotional issues as the root cause. I gained 4 stone in 5 years in Australia.....says it all!


If there is a hormonal basis though - e.g. low levels of cortisol or high levels of insulin etc. then the hunger is 'real' and it is less likely to be successful.


Weight loss/gain is a bit more complex than smoking - you can't cut out food for a couple of weeks and get over it the way you can with cigarettes (as an ex-smoker I know it isn't quite THAT easy but certainly easier than losing weight - for me anyway)


You could always give this a try...https://www.paulmckenna.com/thin

LOL. Australia stacked 50kg on me (now all gone!) because of depression (situation specific) and emotional eating.

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Weight is a very individual condition and a lot of overweight people actually do not eat a lot. Its the damage of yo yo dieting over the years. The body gets used to being starved and fed and starved and fed and then it becomes very difficult for people to lose weight as they age.


I have had a gastric sleeve and its the best thing I ever did. I could not lose weight and my oh used to say I could live on lettuce and put on weight. Anyway I took the plunge and had the op and I am so happy, the doc told me that it would revert the brain signals and chemicals that cause weight gain. He also told me that foods I used to like I would no longer like and its so true. I used to love cheese, never eat it now. Used to love meat, hardly eat any now. Never ate cakes or chocolate before, now I eat cakes and chocolate and do not put on weight. We have to find something that suits us. I was very very worried about the operation as I am not young and the horror stories, sailed through it, no pain, no problems. The doc did tell me that they are not doing the band as much now as its the band that causes the problems and it also does not change the brain like the sleeve. The band can slip.


33 kilos gone and the only downside is few more wrinkles.


Blood pressure is good, healthy now, no more problems with food and that persistent I am on a diet thing.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Can I just say weight loss isn't everything. Yes I was a beached whale and yes in the last 10 months I've lost 46kg (over 7 stone) and it wasn't with any diet or weight loss surgery. I lost most my hair (its come back now) I've got lots of grey hairs, my skin is sagging everywhere, some days I can't stand up, my kids think I look shocking. The most I can manage is around 200-300 calories a day 95% of them from fluids.

Yes, I needed to lose some weight but right now I just want to be back to being fat and happy but I had a choice fat, happy and dead or have my operation and save my life. Some days I think I made the wrong decision.

Anyway I don't want to sound morbid but please people love yourself for what YOU are not what you could be.

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If you're considering it Chortle you must be desperate. Have you considered exercise and diet and actually committed to it.

I actually thought it might suit hubby who exercises & eats excellent food but struggles with portion size. He is one of these people who never seems to feel full and I do think it is hard for people like that. Difficult subject to raise though!

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I actually thought it might suit hubby who exercises & eats excellent food but struggles with portion size. He is one of these people who never seems to feel full and I do think it is hard for people like that. Difficult subject to raise though!


I have a bad reputation where food is concerned. I eat just about whatever is put in front of me. If I'm away on work trips and don't get to do as much exercise as I do at home and I go mad at every meal 'cos work are paying, then on top of that drink a few beers every nigh, 'cos work are paying, then I put on weight fast.


As soon as I get home though I make sure I exercise even more than usual and it goes again. It's not rocket science. Calories in calories out is all it mounts up to. Not that the people selling diets, ready meals, slimming potions and even the guys running boot camps will let you believe that. They want your money for their latest miraculous cure when anyone can do it themselves with a bit of willpower.


Shouldn't be a difficult subject to raise, it's just some people don't like the answers and don't want to hear you have to actually exercise. They are all looking for the easy way.


We have friends who are really overweight and the husband has started exercising. He goes swimming running and goes to the gym a couple of times a week. He could do better if he swam without fins on and pushed himself a bit harder but he backs off when it gets hard. The wife has had a few medical problems and has been to see the doctor who's told her it's all weight related and she is morbidly obese. She was devastated that the doctor said that to her and has gone to another doctor. Her hubby bought her a bike but she doesn't use it. She talks about trying to lose weight all the time and has joined several gyms to go a couple of times then makes excuses not to go again. Pity really she is one of the nicest ladies I know but really struggles when it comes to diet and exercise.

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If you're considering it Chortle you must be desperate. Have you considered exercise and diet and actually committed to it.


Typical male response :biggrin:


Almost tempted to report the post as offensive but I'll just laugh instead!

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I have a bad reputation where food is concerned. I eat just about whatever is put in front of me. If I'm away on work trips and don't get to do as much exercise as I do at home and I go mad at every meal 'cos work are paying, then on top of that drink a few beers every nigh, 'cos work are paying, then I put on weight fast.


As soon as I get home though I make sure I exercise even more than usual and it goes again. It's not rocket science. Calories in calories out is all it mounts up to. Not that the people selling diets, ready meals, slimming potions and even the guys running boot camps will let you believe that. They want your money for their latest miraculous cure when anyone can do it themselves with a bit of willpower.


Shouldn't be a difficult subject to raise, it's just some people don't like the answers and don't want to hear you have to actually exercise. They are all looking for the easy way.


We have friends who are really overweight and the husband has started exercising. He goes swimming running and goes to the gym a couple of times a week. He could do better if he swam without fins on and pushed himself a bit harder but he backs off when it gets hard. The wife has had a few medical problems and has been to see the doctor who's told her it's all weight related and she is morbidly obese. She was devastated that the doctor said that to her and has gone to another doctor. Her hubby bought her a bike but she doesn't use it. She talks about trying to lose weight all the time and has joined several gyms to go a couple of times then makes excuses not to go again. Pity really she is one of the nicest ladies I know but really struggles when it comes to diet and exercise.


Paul whilst you are a very nice chap and make such well informed and balanced posts on PIO and PP, I think you might be missing something about the weight issue here. We all know about the calories in/out argument, but it isn't always about that. I have a friend who rides a bike every day (doesn't drive), eats well, doesn't drink or smoke, but was still 50 kilos overweight and was getting sicker and sicker. After many many medical tests, it was found that she had 4 necrotic ulcers in her stomach (that is ulcers that are eating her stomach away and are impervious to medication to cure). The only answer for her was to have the portion of her stomach containing the ulcers surgically removed. One year later after a gastric sleeve, she is on goal weight, has never been healthier and what remains of her stomach is performing at 100%. Hers is only just one case of weight not just being able to be controlled by the calorie intake etc... It could be thyroid issues, hormone issues... so many other reasons. Weight is such an emotive subject, but bottom line, you are what you are underneath and not everyone can see that unfortunately.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Paul whilst you are a very nice chap and make such well informed and balanced posts on PIO and PP, I think you might be missing something about the weight issue here. We all know about the calories in/out argument, but it isn't always about that. I have a friend who rides a bike every day (doesn't drive), eats well, doesn't drink or smoke, but was still 50 kilos overweight and was getting sicker and sicker. After many many medical tests, it was found that she had 4 necrotic ulcers in her stomach (that is ulcers that are eating her stomach away and are impervious to medication to cure). The only answer for her was to have the portion of her stomach containing the ulcers surgically removed. One year later after a gastric sleeve, she is on goal weight, has never been healthier and what remains of her stomach is performing at 100%. Hers is only just one case of weight not just being able to be controlled by the calorie intake etc... It could be thyroid issues, hormone issues... so many other reasons. Weight is such an emotive subject, but bottom line, you are what you are underneath and not everyone can see that unfortunately.

This is so true and we have had this argument numerous times on here before. There are lots of factors to take in to account. Before I had my op I use to eat 1000 calories max a day, always have skimmed milk, no butter, no fried food, basically I lived off chicken and salad, yet if you saw me you would have said I sit there eating cream cakes and chocolate, or eating a full English breakfast. My weight gain was the meds I was on, but people don't stop to think. In fact on my way down to have my major op the woman on the plane in front of me reclined her seat right back, I couldn't put my tray down when they came around with drinks and I asked if she could put it up, she called me a fat slut and said maybe if you lost some weight. I just said well after I've had my cancer op in 2 days I will think about it thank you. She went bright red and apologised, but it was to late, I was so upset, she didn't know why I was big but she chose to judge me.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I also have a friend she is so active she puts me to shame, she can run 10km, does boxing, gym, cycling yet she is a very big girl. I've never asked why though as I don't care the reason why but I know its not with what she eats or that she doesn't do excercise.

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Can I just say weight loss isn't everything. Yes I was a beached whale and yes in the last 10 months I've lost 46kg (over 7 stone) and it wasn't with any diet or weight loss surgery. I lost most my hair (its come back now) I've got lots of grey hairs, my skin is sagging everywhere, some days I can't stand up, my kids think I look shocking. The most I can manage is around 200-300 calories a day 95% of them from fluids.

Yes, I needed to lose some weight but right now I just want to be back to being fat and happy but I had a choice fat, happy and dead or have my operation and save my life. Some days I think I made the wrong decision.

Anyway I don't want to sound morbid but please people love yourself for what YOU are not what you could be.



PQ I knew you had been sick but I had no idea just how sick.... how do you keep going? And more importantly are you getting better? Jolly well hope so!!!

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This is so true and we have had this argument numerous times on here before. There are lots of factors to take in to account. Before I had my op I use to eat 1000 calories max a day, always have skimmed milk, no butter, no fried food, basically I lived off chicken and salad, yet if you saw me you would have said I sit there eating cream cakes and chocolate, or eating a full English breakfast. My weight gain was the meds I was on, but people don't stop to think. In fact on my way down to have my major op the woman on the plane in front of me reclined her seat right back, I couldn't put my tray down when they came around with drinks and I asked if she could put it up, she called me a fat slut and said maybe if you lost some weight. I just said well after I've had my cancer op in 2 days I will think about it thank you. She went bright red and apologised, but it was to late, I was so upset, she didn't know why I was big but she chose to judge me.


You poor girl!!!.... I hate how people judge others by what they look like and not by what they are. I wonder why and can only assume that they are feeling insecure with their own lives and it makes them feel better. Sad....


Bottom line though PQ..... look after yourself and I hope you are on the mend....

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I also have a friend she is so active she puts me to shame, she can run 10km, does boxing, gym, cycling yet she is a very big girl. I've never asked why though as I don't care the reason why but I know its not with what she eats or that she doesn't do excercise.


It can be as simple as metabolic rate too.... we all have a natural metabolic rate... some are fast, some are so slow they are snail like. In our family, we are snails it seems but we are all healthy eaters and exercise, but we all fit the "Built for comfort not for speed" look. Base metabolic rate is inherited and yes you can increase it with food choices and diets, but you are stuck with what you inherit. Couple that with health issues and you are totally up a creek without a paddle!

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Typical male response :biggrin:


Almost tempted to report the post as offensive but I'll just laugh instead!


That's what I used to get from my wife:wink: until we were committed to going back to the UK for my nieces wedding last year. Suddenly she enrolled in a gym and a weight loss program and lost a lot of weight before we went back and really toned up.:Randy-git: Made her feel a whole lot better about everything. She was getting up easier and earlier, looking forward to going to the gym before work. Everyone back in the UK complemented her how well she looked, which was the point of the exercise I guess.


Whatever it takes I reckon. It was after years of me saying you will have to do some exercise to lose weight and getting the typical female response of it's allright for you, I have to hoover, wash, clean the house, or whatever excuse popped up. Eventually blokes stop trying as it just gets them in lumber (and the wife usually gets fat).


Luckily she started enjoying the gym and exercise so much she went running with me a couple of times in the UK as we were eating and drinking loads. She kept on when we got back but then gave it away over Christmas and New Year. We both got a bit slack tbh. My wife found it hard to start going back as she felt like she was starting all over again but she's back into it now.

She's off on holiday at the moment and was down the gym at 6:00 this morning. Her friends coming in a couple of weeks though so she has another driver.:wink:

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It can be as simple as metabolic rate too.... we all have a natural metabolic rate... some are fast, some are so slow they are snail like. In our family, we are snails it seems but we are all healthy eaters and exercise, but we all fit the "Built for comfort not for speed" look. Base metabolic rate is inherited and yes you can increase it with food choices and diets, but you are stuck with what you inherit. Couple that with health issues and you are totally up a creek without a paddle!


We all have a natural metabolic rate that gets lazy. It can be speeded up by doing exercise. Especially early morning stuff.

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