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What coffee do you drink?


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Hi all,I brought a cafetierre a couple of years ago,and havent looked back since!I love fresh ground coffee as opposed to instant.I'm not a huge coffee drinker tbh,usually one or two max per day.I don't stick to any particular brand,and usually look for whats on special when I need it.Recently brought Sainsburys Taste the Difference Chirinos Fairtrade ground coffee and its a nice rich smooth flavour.We do have instant coffee on hand,and recently brought a Douwe Egberts classic roast which is also quite nice.So how do you like your cofffee?Instant?Cafetierre?Coffee maker?And which brands do you buy?PS I buy the instant for visitors as some people don't like ground coffee.

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We have a dolce gusto....in the cupboard. I think it was a waste of money and the pods are a rip off, they taste lovely but nothing 'amazingly taste bud tantalising'. I thought it would be where I could just press a button and it would do everything...but you have to press the button to fill the cup with enough water judged by yourself, rather than where it would just automatically fill to a decent level. Then if you need milky froth you have to remove pods, put back in and the whole filling up thing again....got a cafetiere now and love it. We like Starbucks ground, but have been using plain nescafe granulated since I ran out the other week and I can really tell...:nah:

Out and about I like a cappuccino or a mocha, but a strong espresso mocha with not too much sweetness. I'm a proper fart now with coffee....

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I have a metal coffee maker too,which looks like a coffee pot.Its rather tall,and when you open the lid,there is a metal cylinder looking thing which you put the coffee in (ground coffee).You then fill 2/3rds full with cold water and put it on the stove.The lid has a domed glass bit,so when you see the coffee start bubbling away you turn down the heat to simmer and simmer for 2 mins.I brought it from an aussie op shop years ago for $1,and brought it with me to the UK!lol

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I have a Tassimo, a Dolce Gusto and a posh DeLonghi Cappucino thingy... All in the cupboard.


I love my cafetiere with a variety of Taylors ground coffee depending on my mood!


When I'm at uni (3 days a week) I probably manage 1 starbucks, 1 costa and 2 standard latte's from the cafe a day. I start to twitch on my first day off lol :rolleyes:


I agree about the pods, too much faffing about for the cost of them. I think the only gadget I would like to hand is a milk frother, just for when I fancy it :D


I like having a variety of different coffee cups for different moods too, is that a bit strange :what:

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Yes Givethegirlshoes,I also like a variety of cups/mugs!I have some nice mugs atm?Fairly big,3 blue,3 red,with a morrocan design (Sort of gold patterns that look abit like morrocan lamps hahaha Hard to explain)I also like Whittards cups and saucers!:cute:

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Jodipodi:That machine sounds like hard work!haha A Cafetiere is much easier and quicker and takes up minimal space hey?I did try a cheaper coffee machine once but it never made the coffee that hot for some reason so I ended up giving it away.

YESSS!!!! It's always 'just' hot...I like it piping...Ooo I might look into one of those metal coffee pot things, sounds even better than a cafetiere!

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YESSS!!!! It's always 'just' hot...I like it piping...Ooo I might look into one of those metal coffee pot things, sounds even better than a cafetiere!

yes those metal coffee pots are brilliant!Piping hot and you also get the nice coffee aroma in the kitchen too!:cute:

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Dont drink coffee any more,swerved it yrs ago,thought "wtf,i cant ever get to sleep anyway,AND i drink coffee"


I used to drink:wideeyed:coffee:unsure:

Nicest coffee ive had?Dunkin Donuts,Florida,what species it was?,i just asked for white coffee:twitcy:

Used to have filter coffee as well,smelt gorgeous,but caffeine's a vice,no good to me:wubclub:

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I love my dolce gusto. Have a cafe au lait in the morning (after 2 cups of tea) and I have a caramel latte when I get in from work. Mine is simple to use. Cream in first then the coffee. Don't measure it or anything, just let it run till it starts to look a bit watery.



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We have had pod machines over the years and gave up after simply craving a stronger and purer coffee taste. Now have Dualit Expresso and use ground coffee of various brands. Although the machine cost a bit, the coffee itself works out cheaper than pods.


Will be taking to OZ.



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Yeah debs, mines not complicated... I just can't be @rsed to stand with me finger on the button:laugh:, I could just as easy pour from the kettle, waste of a 100quid, they went right down in price at curry's aswell abt 2 weeks after I bought mine... xx

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southern capitalist sophistication mate , I'll leave the cup of beans to you raggardy trousered northerners !is that right for a special treat you put a sausage in it and call it a ' savoury 99 ' ? :-)


Sophisticated people dont need to tell people they're sophisticated mate,day one,week one ,finishing school ;)

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Filter coffee for me! Dowe Egberts rich and smooth, having one now actually. Brought a few packs back with


me as I couldn't find it in Perth! Used to love Nespresso Volluto (with a Twilight mint chocolate) but I gave


my daughter my machine when I moved here!

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