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Aussie Driving?


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Guest Guest16631

.......I learnt to drive here.........so used to it.....

.......but I leave a big space in front....

.......often filled in by other cars though.....

........I tend to not look in the rear view when this happens......

..........visions of being run into.......and have been....!

.........though did come unstuck when it was police with flashing lights.....

.........pulled over when I heard the sirens......

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.......I learnt to drive here.........so used to it.....

.......but I leave a big space in front....

.......often filled in by other cars though.....

........I tend to not look in the rear view when this happens......

..........visions of being run into.......and have been....!

.........though did come unstuck when it was police with flashing lights.....

.........pulled over when I heard the sirens......



Not used to Seeing speeding up to Cars Breaking! Just can't explain! Äussie Driving is Bad!

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When this happens to me I flick my headlights on for about 30 seconds, this puts your rear lights on, and from behind it looks like you are braking! Car behind you will brake, you don't lose any speed obviously because you didn't slow down :) My dad drove a lorry in the UK and they would use this trick on a daily basis because cars would be driving way to close behind them! It's not just an Aussie problem, the UK is just as bad.

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My wife had someone right behind her the other day. The car in fronts bonnet flew up, causing her to make an emergency stop. The car behind her had swerved into the next lane which was free luckily. There was no way they would have avoided my wife otherwise. You have to be prepared for anything. When I have a tail gater I just slow down and pull over. If I'm not in a position to pull over, then I put on my fog lights and slow down.

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There are many areas where the Australian driving rules are different - for example who has priority when two lanes merge. I wonder how many expert driving poms bother to read them - ever - before proclaiming Australian drivers as bad?

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I have to say that from what I have experienced you take your life in your hands on Aussie roads, it a bit like the wacky races, loads of under taking, lane jumping I could go on, think the trick is to be so aware of everything around you, either that or get in one lane and stay there......... The other thing I have found, every day when listening to the radio, the amount of crashes / road accidents, is something else, there at last 5 by 8am, it mad,

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There are many areas where the Australian driving rules are different - for example who has priority when two lanes merge. I wonder how many expert driving poms bother to read them - ever - before proclaiming Australian drivers as bad?



my ozzie husband sent me for driving lessons. said i was driving to the wrong countries driving rules and that i was dangerous. i was pretty insulted until I had a lesson and the instructor told me all the little things i was doing wrong that could of caused a accident.

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Will I ever get used to the Aussie's driving so close to my backside? The driving I have seen so far is scary and funny in a strange way! Can't imagine how they would cope with a manual car! He-he!:jiggy:


How do you know they're Aussies? :biggrin:

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Never noticed much difference when we were over in UK. It all depends on people's individual comfort zone whether they drive close or not. Hanging back is great in heavy traffic as you then get to hang back further and further lol as every man and his dog jump into the lane without indicating.


People udercut because people who are turning right in 200 km time tend to get in lane early have you not worked that out.


Merging who merges, drive in wink and hope. If you are in front and hit from behind its their problem.

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Will I ever get used to the Aussie's driving so close to my backside? The driving I have seen so far is scary and funny in a strange way! Can't imagine how they would cope with a manual car! He-he!:jiggy:


Strange statement, why do you think Aussies dont drive manual cars?


I am also amazed that people can tell the nationality of a motorist by glancing at them when driving. if they dont like their driving style then they must be Australian and if they drive "OK" they must be British. Oh well once this thread ends it will be at least two weeks before someone else complains about the driving standards..... With any luck we will make it to new year without another driving thread.

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Guest Guest16631

........I have three sons......only one born here so the Aussie.......

........they all learned to drive here .......

.........and not a lot of difference......:dull:

..........I don't think it's usually your nationality......

..........it's what your used to......

..........all countries have their idiosyncrasies to driving.....

...........in Tehran they drove on the pavement and pedestrians had to move.....:shocked:

..........so I guess it's just getting used to the.....how.....

...........and adapting your learned habits accordingly..........ime......

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I wish they would flash their lights when letting you go. Usually ends in some kind of Mexican stand off.



That unfortunately could lead to even more confusion, different countries, different rules!


In Scotland if someone flashed their lights at a junction it would mean that they are letting you in/you can go first. In Singapore, the same light flashing means that the car flashing their lights are telling you that they are going to go first so you DO NOT move!


Perhaps if it was mandatory for all immigrants arriving in a new country to take a 3 month driving course there wouldn't be so many moans and groans about it?

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Perhaps if it was mandatory for all immigrants arriving in a new country to take a 3 month driving course there wouldn't be so many moans and groans about it?

Do you mean so that they can learn to drive badly as well?


Otherwise it would make more sense if the locals actually went on a driving course

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I wish they would flash their lights when letting you go. Usually ends in some kind of Mexican stand off.


I actually think flashing you lights is stupid and dangerous. Especially in the winter months, the amount of times it's happened to me when te car is only 5-10m away and you are temporarily blinded by the high beam. If I see a gap and can get in or through then I will make my own mind up thanks, I don't need anyone to be telling me when and where I can fit in.

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Do you mean so that they can learn to drive badly as well?


Otherwise it would make more sense if the locals actually went on a driving course



Unfortunately your quote could also relate to those still living in the UK, there are just as many bad drivers who could benefit from going on a driving course as there as in any other country!

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