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32 years ago it took us about 20 months start to arriving. Delays were caused by extra medical tests due to my Father having had TB at some stage of his life, getting the skills test done in Manchester, and selling our home. The market had dropped a bit just before we put it up for sale. Also, the pound went down and lost 25% of it's value against the dollar, so I hung on after a first round of redundancies after being refused, hoping for it in the 2nd round. Still was refused, so I left anyway.

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Guest guest90395

We were not thinking about moving at all until July when a job opportunity came up and my boss suggested I apply. We flew on 1st October so had a very busy 3 months! We haven't emigrated as such though, we are here on a 457 and plan to go home at the end of the 3 years.

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It's a few years back now but Interviewed on 19th August and landed on 30th November and I had never even considered a move until that point!!!!

Best thing we ever did though, and once we have made the decision even that few weeks in between dragged despite the busyness and all the organising we just got so excited and wanted to be in oz !!

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Hadn't thought Bout it until I met a couple of Aussies snowboarding in France January 2008. We started doing some research for a Southern Hemisphere snowboarding holiday and ended up deciding to migrate- we left Glasgoe airport on a snowy morning in November 2008.

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We applied and couldn't wait. We packed our jobs in, sold the house and came over on a tourist visa whilst we waited for the PR to be granted. I wouldn't advise it really, but we just thought 'what the hell'. We had 6 months holiday before the PR was granted, did a lot of travelling in WA, lived it up a bit. Spent all the money we'd made from the UK house sale but it was worth it.

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Guest littlesarah

I decided that I really wanted to migrate to Aus permanently after coming here for a 12-month working holiday in 2002/3. The plan was to go back to the UK, get married and apply for independent skilled migration after the wedding, which would have meant returning to Aus for good in about 2006. In the end it took until 2008 for me to apply for the visa, and we moved here in 2009. The delay was due to the stillbirth of my nephew, after which I wanted to be around for the birth of the two babies my sister had after that, and then I was offered a good job opportunity so it made sense to hang around for that.

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16 years!


Fell in love with Australia on a WHV in 1996. To cut a long story short, we didn't have any skills that were needed. In fact, didn't realise that it was an option until DH saw an advert in 2011 that indicated that we could get here. Moved in early 2012.

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Couple of years. We were never in any real rush, just waited till we both felt ready. Once my application was in it was 9 months or so till we landed in Aus :)

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Guest Guest66881

Coming up to three years on valentines day, the past three years have gone by so fast, feels like six months - best six months of our lives so far though:wink:

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We`ve made the decision to move in January 2012. With IELTS and ANMAC it took us until June 2012 to apply for PR visa. We`ve got our visa on November the 21st 2013 - lengthy security checks due to us previously living and working in the Middle East - "high risk" country and our extensive travel to some more "high risk" places lol. We aren`t in Australia yet but we both started applying for jobs. When the first one of us lands a job offer, we`re off, first to Europe to spend about 6 weeks with the family and than to Australia, that`s the plan :biggrin:. Hope we can be there by June - August 2014.

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Had a job offer in late 2007 and flew may 2008. Delay was just me finishing my masters. The visa (457) was granted a long time before and we had pretty much forgotten we were emigrating until 2 days before we were due to fly and then had 2 days of manic packing / rehoming 3 cats, selling a house.

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My OH and I had been saying we would move to Australia one day since the year 2000 when our relationship became serious. We finally moved July last year (2012).


We made the decision to actually go ahead and apply for my visa and start moving after a holiday to Oz in April 2011.

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Guest guest30085

Years and years - was aware of Australia as a young un as I had family over there who migrated just before I came along so Australia was always mentioned. Ive loved the place since first going on holiday/to visit family in 1996.


Went to Uni nearly five years ago to re-train.


Then nearly 12 months ago I found a possible way in, so I applied and have had my visa for nearly two months and I'm chomping at the bit as they say to get over there.

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I had the thought around 2004 but my (now ex) husband was set against it. The we split up and I got together with my new husband in 2008 and his Australian photos on Facebook were the talking point that got us back in contact and from the first date we decided it was something we both wanted more than anything... It will be 2015 before we arrive so 7 years waiting and planning and taking the retraining needed to be eligible!

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