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Cost of a holiday


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Sorry that was maybe a bit defensive lol I apologise parley. My mum and gran can be a bit of a nightmare sometimes but they are the ones saying I'd be better just adding the extra money and doing the full tour


Lol,im only kidding! parley's not precious,he wont take offence,they told me YOU could be a bit of a nightmare at times,just saying like.........

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Personally if I was backpacking on a short time limit in Oz my itinerary would be something like this.


Fly into Melbourne -


Great Ocean road

neighbours tour (you have to) etc


Fly to Sydney (will cost like $60 with Tiger)


Oprah house,


Blue Mountains


Travel East coast - can be done with fellow backpackers or Greyhound buses etc


Stop by:


Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay,


Can do Australia Zoo, Fraser Island etc.

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Stacey, how realistic is it that you'll be able to afford a holiday v WHV when you stack up the costs next to each other?


You'll need a return flight for both, insurance for the WHV at least, you'll be spending money only if on a tourist visa, a WHV will also allow you to work.


Personally, as nice as the idea of a holiday is, I'd save and go for the WHV a few months later. You'll never see/do all the things people are suggesting on a 2-3 week holiday. You'll see a fraction of it and if you can afford it maybe 2 cities/states if you fly between them. On a WHV you can take your time and see them all. I am sure people from the forum would step up to put you up in their guest rooms and all that. Plus there is house sitting and other things you could do. And your regional work to get you your second year.


I did a visit to Aus for a month a fair few years back. One city, no accommodation costs to cover, just spending money.... I spent over £1000 and that wasn't doing masses of paid tourist things either. That was just food, petrol (not a hire car either), dinners out, a few evenings out, day trips to places and a few nights away etc. If you have to pay for travel, accommodation, food and everything else, even for a few weeks it'll stack up.

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Personally if I was backpacking on a short time limit in Oz my itinerary would be something like this.


Fly into Melbourne -


Great Ocean road

neighbours tour (you have to) etc


Fly to Sydney (will cost like $60 with Tiger)


Oprah house,


Blue Mountains


Travel East coast - can be done with fellow backpackers or Greyhound buses etc


Stop by:


Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay,


Can do Australia Zoo, Fraser Island etc.



I didn't know Oprah had a home in Sydney :laugh:

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Your best finding a place to live fast, only stay in backpackers hostels in the beginning while you really have to. I got a place for 130 a week here in melbourne.


Also try to live off 15 dollars I day, I manage it. But then I dont drink/smoke/Buy expensive clothes/ have an expensive mobile phone ect.

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Your best finding a place to live fast, only stay in backpackers hostels in the beginning while you really have to. I got a place for 130 a week here in melbourne.


Also try to live off 15 dollars I day, I manage it. But then I dont drink/smoke/Buy expensive clothes/ have an expensive mobile phone ect.

Well if I was coming out for a year then my plan was to do a few of those helpx thingies. I'd like to do something like help out with wildlife etc. You don't get paid but you get a room and food

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yeah it'll just be me, my friends aren't interested in that kind of travel. Unless I meet someone before then but they'd have to want to come too!


In a lot of ways it's better to travel on your own too. You can go where you want as and when, you don't have to worry about what someone else wants to do or where they would rather go. Just make sure you stay safe

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In a lot of ways it's better to travel on your own too. You can go where you want as and when, you don't have to worry about what someone else wants to do or where they would rather go. Just make sure you stay safe



I don't think I could cope going with my friends anyway, I'd want to strangle them after a week lol. None of them would come anyway, more into ibiza and things like that.


I'm sure I'd be fine alone, I know my gran would definitely prefer if I was going with someone but oh well!

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I think you should definitely aim for a WHV but give yourself plenty of time and a realistic timescale to save up so you can afford to do all the things that you want to do, also a chance to have an emergency funds in the case of an emergency so you don't have to jump on the first plane home.


In the meantime it will give you the motivation to save every penny and plan your ideal route. No one else's route would suit you. In fact, prob best if you don't even plan a route, just have an idea of places to stay and things you want to see. Invest in a few guides and maps and think of it as research.

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