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16 year old returning to uk


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My 16 yr old is returning to the UK, never liked it in Perth and always said he wants to return asap. well, he left school and is returning.


what does he have to do there?, obtain N.I number I assume, then what does he look for work or register anywhere, I am not really sure what he will have to do. thanx in advance

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Guest guest30085

Can't help much Lego, just wanted to send my best, it's never easy once kids get to this age, all you can do is grit your teeth and hope for the best for them

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left school, November, year 11 had no intention completing year 12. I had fair amount of probs with him and school yet put him in a garage on work experience and he happy as, happily work 8-5 when he could have gone to school and finished at 1. I knew this moment was coming and I would not stand in his way just advise as best I can,

those who know me on pio know i love both countries and both can niggle me, asi said before i could have retired at 45 as a gas/plumber but have a quite low mortgage on a house in the UK and wondering whether to sell and buy in Perth with a 30 year mortgage, renting is a pain in the ass.


My son needs to make it there or maybe after the honeymoon period see that Perth is where he wants to be, I secretly renewed his visa, extended for 5 years so he will have a choice, still has his friends in the UK but I am not sure what he has to do re ni etc on a personal note when working in the UK as a contractor i registered with agencies to go for the work best paying, this year I have been inundated with e-mails from these agencies and ex bosses asking if I am available for work, my pals in construction all report the same so I would say its definately on the up there. It couldnt go any other way really though could it. difficult but then again I had plans and just went with them, tried it and turned to something else if it wasnt what i wanted,my son is just doing the same.

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My 16 yr old is returning to the UK, never liked it in Perth and always said he wants to return asap. well, he left school and is returning.


what does he have to do there?, obtain N.I number I assume, then what does he look for work or register anywhere, I am not really sure what he will have to do. thanx in advance


NI number for sure.


Work wise he should research what the minimum wage is for his age as it isn't much. And he won't get much from the state that I can think of. May even have to pass the HRT before he could claim anything.


Is he wanting to go on and study or do an apprenticeship? Might be tough to get on a course till next September if so as the year runs differently.


Eta - if he's been out if the UK for x amount of time then international fees would apply to uni etc. 6th form (and college) I think would still be free if eligible but uni not.

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Can't answer about the specific stuff LM, but wanted to wish your boy (and you) all the best. Think it's a good idea to have renewed the visa - just so it's easier for him to visit at the least or return if that's what he wishes. Will he be staying with family when over there. Must be hard for you, but it's lovely how supportive of him you are.

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Yes he staying with family, the dilemma now is my partner his mum is considering returning to the uk for a spell, so now I have to decide if we should all go and spend say a year in the uk then finally say our goodbyes to everyone or just see where it goes, partner grew up in perth as a 10 pound pom kid, we shall see how things go after xmas

my eldest is married to an aussie girl 2 kids etc so bit of a pull both ways and my dad becoming more frail as the dockyard work takes it toll on his lungs after all those years,

difficult but not impossible situation

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He's very young to do all this isn't he? I guess that he will be living with rellies helps. How long has he lived in Perth? If it is a significant time I think he might find things difficult in the UK as regards social support etc. Boys do an awful lot of growing up between 16 and 18- perhaps all this upheaval will be good for him or maybe it is an attention seeking thing? I guess only you and your family will know that.

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Guest Guest16631

......as long as he knows he has your support..........

.......he will work it out.......

.......the best of luck to him........for going for what he wants......

........he can only try.............same as we all did........looking for what suited our needs......

........all the best to you and yours legman......tink x

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