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Why am I not feeling "Christmassy" this year?

Que Sera Sera

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I go through the motions have done since the children became adults and had their own lives. If I had grand children it would be a different matter. I think that Christmas is for children and those of us who are religious and New Year is for the adults.


At least being a migrant our family is miniscule here in Aus so no falling out with the rellies :wink:

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God, I'm glad I don't live with you lot!


My tree and deccies was up last weekend, I have bought all my prezzies over the past month or 3, sent my UK cards, ordered my UK presents ... now onto meal and festivity planning.


Bring it on!!


I used to be just like you, if I read a post like mine I'd think you miserable bleeder :laugh: It's here somewhere that mojo but it's well hidden this year :laugh:

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God, I'm glad I don't live with you lot!


My tree and deccies was up last weekend, I have bought all my prezzies over the past month or 3, sent my UK cards, ordered my UK presents ... now onto meal and festivity planning.


Bring it on!!


Sack the twirly dicky bo tho

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Perhaps it's an age thing. Have been married for 43 years and hardly ever had a Christmas off, but no complaints about that usually. Have always taken in waifs and strays, extra to family, especially as an expat. And been happy to do so, but I think I am just tired still after the wedding festivities, and visitors last weekend and new DIL's birthday to celebrate here this weekend.

Will put the tree up today, find the Baileys!!! Put Michael Boubley's (can't spell) it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas on and try harder.

It's nothing to do with the heat, had 20 years of hot ones, and normally can just celebrate the whole spirit of Christmas anywhere.

Still remember the fake snow one year from a snow machine in a hotel in Brunei, 35' and high humidity outside. now that's made me smile, so perhaps all is not lost this year.

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It'll be my first Xmas without the missus and my youngest son Josh....................OTOH, It'll be my first with 2 of my elder sons in 24yrs, and the first with two of my grand kids..................it'll also be my first roast chrizzie dinner in 18 yrs.

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It'll be my first with my UK family in Australia..but also my first without my eldest as a part of our household. So not sure really but I think I might revert to childhood and enjoy having my Mum to 'look after' me. In reality I'll be the one doing the looking after! It was that way in the UK though so no difference! Merry Christmas Cath...count your blessings and try to find the spirit of Christmas ( not the brandy;)

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Maybe you are all doing it too early and it gets boring? My mum used to put all the decorations up at the beginning of December and the excitement just faded. We now put ours up the week before Christmas and it is very exciting and fun to look forward to.

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It'll be my first with my UK family in Australia..but also my first without my eldest as a part of our household. So not sure really but I think I might revert to childhood and enjoy having my Mum to 'look after' me. In reality I'll be the one doing the looking after! It was that way in the UK though so no difference! Merry Christmas Cath...count your blessings and try to find the spirit of Christmas ( not the brandy;)

Thanks Fiona, the brandy is safe but the vino is in danger haha

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Some days I feel xmasy some I don't! Last year our lo had her first Xmas without her dad as he was here working & we were in blighty. This year it's our first Oz Xmas & first as a family so am doing the full traditional roast etc then heading to the beach later. BUT I miss my family a lot, one of the bonuses about being here is I don't have to see the inlaws! Haha

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I feel Xmas has already been and gone!I did my Xmas shopping back in September and had it all wrapped up (literally lol)before the end of that month!I've never really been able to get into Xmas.I used to have to fake it when my kids were younger!!I'm in the UK and tbh folk where I am don't really discuss it,its not OTT.Infact I'd go as far as to say most people I know here would rather just forget about it and do a Xmas by pass!:xmas3::xmas23::xmas25::xmas1:(sorry just trying to convince myself Xmas is actually a good time of year!haha)

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