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So the Job Market is pretty much dead in Canberra


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would you happen to have a link where to find those programmes? While visiting Centerlink we were not told of such. To my understanding, besides getting unemployment benefits, we should be on equal terms with the citizens on this. After all any wage is a wage...

I think maybe you misunderstand the notion - trainee ships are not really for people who have an identified skill for which they have been granted a visa. They are generally targeted at the young, the disabled or perhaps the long term unemployed or mature women returning to the workforce http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/subjects/looking-for-work and they are generally incentives for employers to get support for taking on people in the target categories or the term refers often to new graduates just starting out in an industry - low pay, learn the ropes and compete for entry when the firms advertise their programs. They really do expect you to be independent in finding work.


You haven't said what your skill set is but make an appointment with someone like Keith Cantlie (or any other - my husband went to him once and was quite impressed and he did the recruitment for my last employer), send him your cv in advance and talk about your options and the ways to go about things. Getting a job can take 3 or 4 months and you can job hop a few times before you get a perfect fit.

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Hi there. I am moving to Canberra in January. I am a librarian and am aware that I will not be able to find a job in my field in the beginning, for lack of local experience among other things. Anyway, I have been researching seek.com.au jobs for the last six months and they always have job ads for administrative assistants and positions with training on the job, especially on the retail field. Have you applied for those?


It seems that the most important thing a newly arrived to Canberra must have is a fair amount of savings to get by for at least one year.

January is probably a mistake. Apart from the fact that the place is dead because of the holidays, every man and his dog will be competing for accommodation. I'd be delaying until March or April, you've missed the boat now until then - move between March and October is best.

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January is probably a mistake. Apart from the fact that the place is dead because of the holidays, every man and his dog will be competing for accommodation. I'd be delaying until March or April, you've missed the boat now until then - move between March and October is best.


Hi there, thank you for your reply. Yes, I've talked to people who told me the same. But as I was saying, I will not be desperately looking for a job right away, as I will be doing other things before, like getting a driver's license. As far as accommodation goes, I will try and book a room at a homestay for at least three months. The savings I'm taking with me should provide some peace of mind.

Postponing, as well as returning, is not an option for me. 29 years wasted in this wretched country is more than enough.:yes:

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January is probably a mistake. Apart from the fact that the place is dead because of the holidays, every man and his dog will be competing for accommodation. I'd be delaying until March or April, you've missed the boat now until then - move between March and October is best.


We came in January a few years ago and getting accommodation was really difficult, however the situation has changed enormously. There are loads of empty properties and a big surplus in apartments so dropping prices. I mean up to 20% from what they were going for in 2012, a lot of renters are renegotiating or moving to get cheaper deals.

Business will still be slow, but arrive in Jan, get a rental and look for work in Feb/Mar might just be the best option.

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Hi All, So from what i have gathered from above is the following:

-> Getting jobs, even part time or casual jobs, is difficult between Nov to Jan

-> move between jan to mar.

Any suggestions about making a move with a Kid and an independent Mom (who would be coming on a visit visa)? Would it be easy..difficult..manageable??

I plan on taking my mom along with me, as then she can be with my Kid while i go out to look for jobs!

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We arrive mid-January for a look & see .. Just to see what the job market and rentals are like.

We hope at least we can speak to a few people even if it is all quiet


"Speak to a few people in church, or maybe a few at the swimming pool"? Sure won't be any working in employment agencies in January.

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Maggie re moving states this comes up on the forum all the time. I understand that it is a moral obligation and NOT a legal obligation that you stay in the state that sponsored you. Your visa will not be cancelled if you move. Do a search for previous posts on this subject there have been heaps. I really hope it does not come to you having to move though as I hope you manage to find something. I don't think that you should assume that Canberra is corrupt because you are being told to network as that applies anywhere in this day and age. You have to network to find out the 'hidden' job market. What type of work are you looking for?

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Hi All, So from what i have gathered from above is the following:

-> Getting jobs, even part time or casual jobs, is difficult between Nov to Jan

-> move between jan to mar.

Any suggestions about making a move with a Kid and an independent Mom (who would be coming on a visit visa)? Would it be easy..difficult..manageable??

I plan on taking my mom along with me, as then she can be with my Kid while i go out to look for jobs!


No, not Jan to March - accommodation is a bugger when all the transfers and students arrive. Better to come between March and October.

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"Speak to a few people in church, or maybe a few at the swimming pool"? Sure won't be any working in employment agencies in January.


there are zero workings as of now in agencies. Funnily two of the agencies tpld us there will be some jobs coming in in January. we think they are FoS....

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Maggie re moving states this comes up on the forum all the time. I understand that it is a moral obligation and NOT a legal obligation that you stay in the state that sponsored you. Your visa will not be cancelled if you move. Do a search for previous posts on this subject there have been heaps. I really hope it does not come to you having to move though as I hope you manage to find something. I don't think that you should assume that Canberra is corrupt because you are being told to network as that applies anywhere in this day and age. You have to network to find out the 'hidden' job market. What type of work are you looking for?


you're right, we need to network. But after weeks , we are still preoccupied with the move etc. We had to see so many places, we filed out so many applications and we heard so many times nothing. After all, it looks like we might have a place in Gungahlin. So it is natural to think that in any market you'd go to an "agency" or two to give you a hand or help, but if you are constantly being told "you better off networking" it is not much of an encouragement.


Don't get me wrong, we do like Canberra and in contrary to other post here, we do not expect to "just walk into a job". I am coming from an "air-force family" who moved every 3 years or so and lived in many countries and hubby's family emigrated to the US from Central Europe, than he moved back to UK for a job, and now we're both in Australia. We both have the understanding of the difficulties of a major move since we both have done it many times. Anyhow, I could write a whole book about our lives...


We looking for any job, but I got the state sponsorship for my "customer services manager" qualification, yet been a sales manager for "Heinz" back in the UK. Hubby being a farm grown boy could do pretty much anything. He was a Finance Mangers and has "non chartered" or CPA accounting qualification, but he handy with cars/motorbikes ( he used to buy/repair/sell them) on those "always" rainy days but years worked in construction, machine shops, warehouses and naturally many years on a farm. And, just my own opinion, being a natural haggler, he could probably sell ice to the Eskimos....

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It's a pity you didn't provide specific information about the type of work you are looking for when Jurls asked the question on 7 Oct. I read your thread that night and had I known you were looking for customer service management roles I could have given you a lead on a non govt role that wasn't advertised until 10 Oct.


Canberra is a networked place and many of its inhabitants are highly qualified and know how to articulate their skills and the types of roles they want. You need to get into the habit of providing specific info about the types of roles you are looking for rather than just saying you will do 'anything' as that doesn't help people to help you.


I realise you are feeling stressed and frustrated but you have taken a couple of pot shots in this thread about Canberra (corruption) and the people who live and work here (posh with multiple masters degrees). This type of thinking is unlikely to help your cause especially if it begins to influence the tone of your interactions with people.

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It's a pity you didn't provide specific information about the type of work you are looking for when Jurls asked the question on 7 Oct. I read your thread that night and had I known you were looking for customer service management roles I could have given you a lead on a non govt role that wasn't advertised until 10 Oct.


Canberra is a networked place and many of its inhabitants are highly qualified and know how to articulate their skills and the types of roles they want. You need to get into the habit of providing specific info about the types of roles you are looking for rather than just saying you will do 'anything' as that doesn't help people to help you.


I realise you are feeling stressed and frustrated but you have taken a couple of pot shots in this thread about Canberra (corruption) and the people who live and work here (posh with multiple masters degrees). This type of thinking is unlikely to help your cause especially if it begins to influence the tone of your interactions with people.


I don't check on the forum every day and may miss a post or two. We were constantly driving back and forth between Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney to sort out personal things coming here. And "could have" is no help; if you really wanted to help you could have PM-d, that comes through my email, but thank you anyway. I won't retract my post about how Canberra presents itself as a "corrupt" place. In many cultures, if you say to someone that the only way to get a job is to know someone at the right place, that in one way or another the indication of a certain level of "corruption". I didn't choose the words but the people who we met did on numerous occasions.

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I don't check on the forum every day and may miss a post or two. We were constantly driving back and forth between Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney to sort out personal things coming here. And "could have" is no help; if you really wanted to help you could have PM-d, that comes through my email, but thank you anyway. I won't retract my post about how Canberra presents itself as a "corrupt" place. In many cultures, if you say to someone that the only way to get a job is to know someone at the right place, that in one way or another the indication of a certain level of "corruption". I didn't choose the words but the people who we met did on numerous occasions.


You're missing the point - until today I didn't know what type of working you were looking for. Had I known I would have sent you a PM.

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there are zero workings as of now in agencies. Funnily two of the agencies tpld us there will be some jobs coming in in January. we think they are FoS....

You really do need to read Parachute

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Hi there. I am moving to Canberra in January. I am a librarian and am aware that I will not be able to find a job in my field in the beginning, for lack of local experience among other things. Anyway, I have been researching seek.com.au jobs for the last six months and they always have job ads for administrative assistants and positions with training on the job, especially on the retail field. Have you applied for those?


It seems that the most important thing a newly arrived to Canberra must have is a fair amount of savings to get by for at least one year.


Hi Rangel


do you mind me asking how much is a 'fair amount of savings to get by 1 year'? What's the ballpark that one should aim towards ..would be great to have an idea.




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I don't check on the forum every day and may miss a post or two. We were constantly driving back and forth between Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney to sort out personal things coming here. And "could have" is no help; if you really wanted to help you could have PM-d, that comes through my email, but thank you anyway. I won't retract my post about how Canberra presents itself as a "corrupt" place. In many cultures, if you say to someone that the only way to get a job is to know someone at the right place, that in one way or another the indication of a certain level of "corruption". I didn't choose the words but the people who we met did on numerous occasions.


It's a miracle anyone wants to help you at all. The more you post the more your people skills seem lacking.

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Hi Rangel


do you mind me asking how much is a 'fair amount of savings to get by 1 year'? What's the ballpark that one should aim towards ..would be great to have an idea.





Hi OL, no problem. In my case, a single person who will rent a room and keep superfluous spending to a minimum, I say 25k would be fine. But of course, this is a worst case scenario and I can't believe it will take me a year to get a job.

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what is Parachute?

What Color Is Your Parachute. Worlds no #1 book on gaining employment. 90% of employees seek employment using methodologies only 10% of employers use to hire. That will do for starters

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