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Hi am new to Poms in Oz. We have made the decision to move back home. No doubt the questions I am about to ask possibly been asked before please bear with me.

It was fairly straight forward moving here but I now find myself at a loss on where to start to go home.

Do I book flights first then arrange for shipping quotes insurance etc. I have turned into a gibbering wreck the last 2 months cant seem to focus on anything. I have started to have anxiety which resulted in a panic attack last week. Any recommendations of moving companies to transit a house - personal items not the whole brick structure - :biggrin:back to the UK would be more than grateful. Any other advice on people who have returned or are in the process would be appreciated.

Thank you

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I would start with a list that will help you focus and not get too overwelmed, I would get an idea of when you would like to return i.e. 6 months etc then you know what you are working towards and everything can be arranged around that. Good luck!

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I'm not much help I'm afraid - we sent a few boxes with Grace but they were not good for us but others I know have had excellent service from them. Personally, I think I'd pick a date first and then as Jen suggested sit down and break the enormous whole into tiny manageable steps - Task: organize movers = 1. List 3 main movers in your area. 2. Call those 3 for quotes. 3. Evaluate quotes and decide

Task : Declutter = 1 set aside space for stuff you are going to get rid of (or list it) 2. Price items 3. Advertise items on your media of choice (Gumtree, ebay, local paper, garage sale, Freecycle) etc etc. seeing it as one enormous whole is enough to drive anyone to drink!


you don't have to book tickets until close to the date but you probably pay a premium on the fares for doing that (Unless you aim for a low season time)


Alternatively, you could do as I did - you leave and let your DH do all the organizing and packing up!!


Good luck! But you've done it once, it's just the same in reverse and there is something really liberating about de cluttering!

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Hi, I'm a list person too. Jot things down as you think of them, then add bits as you go along to clarify what you need to do to make them happen. Give timescales if you can, as that will help to keep things on track, although allow for things to take a bit longer than you might like.


I think I would also make the Internet my friend, with lots and lots of research. May be check out the area you are moving to, even if you know it fairly well. Doctors, dentists, the local council website, the library, the transport links, the local paper, houses for sale and to rent, the local crime rates (there is a website), the local BBC news....consider it part of the resettlement package, and perhaps it will also help you to feel reassured and in control.


Good luck. I hope all goes well. T.x

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We are moving back to our little house then so area is well known. Then putting it up for sale and moving back to our home. Dont have to worry about a mortgage just jobs so thats not so bad. Just hope it doesent take to long to sell. All things happen for a reason the tenants gave notice to move on so its fate I think. I think the best thing is to pick a date and book flights then things have to be done in time eh ... thanks people

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We are moving back to our little house then so area is well known. Then putting it up for sale and moving back to our home. Dont have to worry about a mortgage just jobs so thats not so bad. Just hope it doesent take to long to sell. All things happen for a reason the tenants gave notice to move on so its fate I think. I think the best thing is to pick a date and book flights then things have to be done in time eh ... thanks people


Just make sure you give yourself enough time, we booked the flights first when we came out here, but in hindsight it wasn't such a good idea. We totally underestimated all there was to do, although we had to wrap up a business too. It didn't help my OH was still working 2 days on it 2 days before we left. Challenge Anneka wasn't in it. Really wish we'd given ourselves more time. Such stress, we were still packing whilst family sat around us trying to sip champagne with us, and all we wanted to do was pack! Good luck with it, I'm sure it's probably easier going home than it is coming here.

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If you're selling a house you cannot book flights first but you can get quotes from removalists and declutter. Only when your solicitor tells you that the house is actually sold (rather than under contract) do you tell whichever removalist you have chosen and book flights. So- when you sopeak to your agent about any future contract, make it absolutely clear that you need at least 6 weeks AFTER the unconditional date for settlement. Settlement dates can always be brought forward but cannot be postponed. If you live in most states the agency do the contracts but it is different in NSW so please talk to a solicitor and local agents and get your facts.

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I'm not able to help with the moving stuff as I came back by myself as my panic attacks (which I only ever had in oz) got worse which developed into severe anxiety. I had to return ASAP to the UK for my health, so my OH is still in oz and will sort out the moving furniture etc when he returns. I returned a month ago, and not missing oz after nearly two years in Sydney, and dreaming of going since I was 6! Weird when u realise the place you dreamed of for 28 years isn't how u remembered it, but places change as do people.

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Sorry to hear that it has not worked out for you, but at the end of the day you have to be where it is right for you and your family, The best thing to do would be to sort out the shipping and insurance and then when you have a date for that book the flights. You do not want to be in the situation where there has been a hold up with the shipping, with things not getting sorted out and for your flights to be approaching.


Good luck witht he move back, hope it all goes well.

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Sorry to hear that it has not worked out for you, but at the end of the day you have to be where it is right for you and your family, The best thing to do would be to sort out the shipping and insurance and then when you have a date for that book the flights. You do not want to be in the situation where there has been a hold up with the shipping, with things not getting sorted out and for your flights to be approaching.


Good luck witht he move back, hope it all goes well.


Incidentally, we used John Mason coming here, their partners in Perth are Wridgeways, not sure where you are, but the were brilliant, not one thing lost or damaged. They took a lot of the stress out of it, having had a nightmare being ripped off by a con artist previously. You could always google them and find their partner where you are, just thought. Good luck and hope you are getting sorted out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not able to help with the moving stuff as I came back by myself as my panic attacks (which I only ever had in oz) got worse which developed into severe anxiety. I had to return ASAP to the UK for my health, so my OH is still in oz and will sort out the moving furniture etc when he returns. I returned a month ago, and not missing oz after nearly two years in Sydney, and dreaming of going since I was 6! Weird when u realise the place you dreamed of for 28 years isn't how u remembered it, but places change as do people.



Oh you poor thing I can truly understand. I too am presently suffering from anxiety its not take over my life but it is getting slightly worse. I am fine when my husband is home but when hes not ............ Have never been a clingy person and I am determined not to be either but some days it is hard.

The total isolation of this place and the difficulty making friends is a big part something I never experienced back home. I just keep looking forward to being back in my own home, with the freedom it gives it keeps me going.

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We booked flights to leave a couple of days after the moving company emptied the house. The ashes is in Nov so it may be a busy period, and then there is xmas. Saying that, I just booked a flight for two weeks times with no issues. You can ship your stuff for storage if you are selling your uk house. Are you buying another uk house or renting? I'm sure it will all work out. Just make a list, and try and work around things.

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Well moving company came today to estimate our move back home. Yes it will all fit in a 20 ft container - this we knew - but they have to follow policy etc and come and estimate.

Yes it is now real yipeee

Next step obtain the quote early next week.

Step two fill in the dreaded insurance itemised list and obtain a quote from them.

Then obtain a quote for marine insurance from Lance Percival as they on times work out cheaper - if anyone has another shipping company insurance firm to obtain quotes all suggestions gratefully received.

Step three we just have to pick a move date - this is proving the most difficult

Step four book moving date after accepting quote etc


Then lastly book flights to leave for home taking in a few sights for about 5 weeks on the route as we will be furniture less for up to 10 weeks. So by having an extended tour it will only be 5 weeks giving time to repaint house etc while camping out in our house - this should be fun ...........

We have discussed the fact of not returning in the mid of winter possibly April for Welsh spring.


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We booked flights to leave a couple of days after the moving company emptied the house. The ashes is in Nov so it may be a busy period, and then there is xmas. Saying that, I just booked a flight for two weeks times with no issues. You can ship your stuff for storage if you are selling your uk house. Are you buying another uk house or renting? I'm sure it will all work out. Just make a list, and try and work around things.




We still have our homes back in the UK. Luckily tenants have just vacated our little house so we are moving back into that decorating etc then putting it up for sale. Then we will move back to our home .................. So we are lucky in that respect

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Oh you poor thing I can truly understand. I too am presently suffering from anxiety its not take over my life but it is getting slightly worse. I am fine when my husband is home but when hes not ............ Have never been a clingy person and I am determined not to be either but some days it is hard.

The total isolation of this place and the difficulty making friends is a big part something I never experienced back home. I just keep looking forward to being back in my own home, with the freedom it gives it keeps me going.


Same..I'm very in dependant but all the stuff mounts up, isolation, lack of support network, etc etc gets too much! Let me reassure you, I am soooo much better now I have returned home back to the UK, still working on going out alone but so much better overall.

In oz I tried yoga, only did one session as left oz shortly after, it made me less anxious for about 4 hours and felt so relaxed. I did go with a friend which I had to do, another Pom also suffering anxiety since getting to oz!!

Maybe go to your docs and see if they feel you would benefit from anti depressants ( I'm not depressed but they seem to work for both anxiety and depression). This may take the edge off and prevent you getting worse!?

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