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It's magpie season!


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For the next 6 weeks, until the end of September (school holidays last 2 weeks of September) it's magpie season and in protecting their nests the blighters aren't polite about it. They'll swoop (usually from behind) if you're near a nest and can give you a mighty thump on the back of the head. That's why you see so many cyclists with 'aerials' (black zip ties glued onto) their helmets, so the magpies veer off before connecting. The one and only time I've been caught by a nesting magpie it felt like someone had thrown half a house brick at the back of my head.

So, beware!

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  • 1 month later...

Swooping birds !!! Probably one of my biggest 'pet hates' about Aus, lol.. If it isnt the Magpies it is the Plovers. A couple of years ago my son and 2 of his mates were attacked riding home from school resulting in all 3 falling off their pushbikes,lol (none were hurt so i can laugh now).

Why do they attack over here ? as i never really noticed it back in the UK?


Cal x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great idea for a website - love it!! Somewhat of an entertaining (yet empathetic) read. I've been swooped once this year. Last year, I lost count. There was one at the bus stop that let no man (or woman, or child, or dog...) go un-harmed. So I started using the other bus stop further up the road (admittedly slightly counter-productive but probably saved myself a few injuries).

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My son was swooped while we were walking the dog yesterday, I wouldn't mind but we were in the middle of the oval, well away from trees! He freaked out and screamed, we told him to flap his arms so he looks like a big bird if it happens again, it went back three times till we let the dog off lead to chase it! Little buggers....its not just magpies, wattle birds swoop the dog as do wagtails. When we finished the walk there was a juvenile Nagpur on the grass that we walked right up to, mum was nearby and didnt bat an eyelid! Strange creatures...am not much for birds as a rule.

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If they're still swooping (and they should have stopped at the end of September) you can contact the local Council and notify them, because if the magpie continues to be a nuisance, Council can arrange to have it relocated.

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... if the magpie continues to be a nuisance, Council can arrange to have it relocated.

When you say 'relocated', what exactly do you mean? :eek:

I can imagine the Council guy talking to the magpie: 'I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse'!

Also worth noting, willy wagtails swoop as well. Had one bang into the back of my head a few years ago. For some reason he thought I was on his territory.... couldn't explain why he wasn't paying the mortgage and I was though!!

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I used to joke with my husband that Australia takes animals and makes them deadly! I've only been swooped at Miners so far, and the dog. I spoke to my colleague about it and she said her Bernese Mountain Dog is very paranoid about them!

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Only been swooped by a Miner bird this year.


Though he set up shop in a tree right next to our driveway. Got my girlfriend every day on the walk to the train station

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