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Advice, Driving Brisbane to Syndey - safe or Wolf Creek Part II ???


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This is my first post, and I'm look for some advice from you lovely, helpful people! :wink:


I will be moving to Brisbane in October and am trying to plan a trip to Sydney, to be there for NYE. I will be travelling with a mate who has suggested a road trip from Brisbane to Sydney and see the sights on the way.


I know its a bit of a drive, so we will take our time and have stop offs/stay overs.


Has anyone done it? Is it safe (for two girls)? Is it really expensive to hire a car and drop off to another state (we'll fly back). Is there any places we should definitely see/stay, or avoid?


Or should we just fly both ways and save being in Wolk Creek II??


Any thoughts/advice would be much appreciated.



Tina x

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Or should we just fly both ways and save being in Wolk Creek II??




Hardly Wolf Creek!!!!

Your biggest problem will probably be traffic gridlock at that time of year. :biglaugh:

Christmas is the beginning of the annual summer holiday shutdown in Australia...many people spend Christmas Day at home then head for a holiday shack, resort, caravan or camping park in the next few days after that so that highway in particular will be full of holidaymakers travelling from both Brisbane and Sydney to the beaches along the coast. Accommodation could be a major problem then unless you book in advance.

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Wolf Creek- haha. Drive the coastal route- it is quite lovely, some stunning beaches.


Be sure to stop off at COFF'S HARBOUR..!! we have spent 6 months there, it is nice, go to the jetty and look at the beaches and small cafes restaurants etc....


Maybe on a sunday morning you can visit the jetty markets too..


Go up to the view point and see the aircraft land.....all good stuff, good luck..S

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We drove from Sydney up to Gold Coast so not quite as far. It is definitely not Wolf Creek - like, it is the coastal road, it is a busy highway. It is a long drive on a busy highway. I think you need to be inland do get the wolf creek feeling.

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Accommodation could be a major problem then unless you book in advance.


Thanks for the tip Skani. I think we are going to try and book up fairly soon.


Your biggest problem will probably be traffic gridlock at that time of year.


Would you say it would be best to do the coastal road then and avoid the Highway, so at least we'd have something nice to gaze at whilst stuck in a traffic jam?

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You will love it- so many lovely little towns on the way through.


Thank you!


Any recommendations of towns to stay over in? How long do you think we should allow - 2 days enough?


I'm also considering leaving a bit earlier and having Xmas on the beach...??

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http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1878189 saw this site it may help you although they were doing the trip at easter .

i stayed at grafton over night and spent new year in coffs , had lunch at balina , stopped where ever it caught my eye , had a lunch in tamworth very good if you like country music ,,,, i dont !!! i drove from sydney to gold coast which isnt quite as far as brissie .

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Guest littlesarah

Two days will mean about 6 hours of driving each day. Personally, I'd look to take a bit longer and take in some of the places along the way - there are so many lovely places to see between Brisbane & Sydney (Coffs is good, I agree) - I like Port Macquarie & Crescent Head, and of course Byron Bay, and the tourist drive through the Central Coast takes in some nice beaches and suburbs.


Don't forget to sort out your tolls in Sydney - the fines are worse than the toll fees!

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Would you say it would be best to do the coastal road then and avoid the Highway, so at least we'd have something nice to gaze at whilst stuck in a traffic jam?


For much of the route the Highway is the coastal road but, where it heads inland and there is a coastal alternative, I would certainly take the latter - providing you have the time.

Remember that it could be quite hot (and humid) at that time and you want to allow time for some swimming breaks :biggrin:...so I agree with the earlier comment and allow more than 2 days.

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In fact there are two main roads from Brisbane to Sydney - with almost identical lengths.


The New England Highway is the inland route. It has some nice scenery but I wouldn't recommend it for a first trip as it's slower with fewer bypasses and plenty of single lane stretches.


The Pacific Highway is the more coastal route but you hardly ever see the sea from it - apart from near Coffs Harbour and north of Byron Bay (from memory) - but you do cross lots of wide rivers on this road so you get to see plenty of water. If you want to see nice coastal scenery and the best towns you need to get off the highway. Definitely checkout Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie and Port Stephens. Only Coffs Harbour is on the Pacific Highway - all the others are off it.

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I drove from hervey bay to sydney in one day. Left at 6am arrived in sydney at 11pm. Long old drive. The QLD part is nice, as soon as you get into NSW watch out for the average speed cameras, they are EVERYWHERE. Driving in sydney is a pain in the *** anyway but I imagine at NY it'll be a lot worse.

There's a fair chunk that is on single carriage roads with not that much lighting so getting tired driving on them may be an issue.

I drove back over night from sydney to brissy left about 4pm had to stop twice on the way back to sleep as I was falling asleep at the wheel, driving in oz is long and boring so make sure you have someone to keep you alert and all that.

Lots of nice things to be seen along the way though!

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