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Immigration Bus, advert saying, Go Home'

Guest The Ropey HOFF

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Anyone seen this bus around their area? It's a joke to me and also pretty nasty.




Government hails success of ‘Go Home’ immigration ads in converting racist morons into supporters


The government has admitted it is much cheaper to spend money on adverts on the side of buses than it is to educate people about the reality of immigration.


The Government has spoken of the success of its bus-based campaign aimed at people who think this sort of thing has any effect at all on immigration.


A Whitehall source told us, “None of these people want to know about policy changes, or the stark realities of complex familial cases around immigration. They just want to know that we want them to go home.”


“Let’s be clear, these ads aren’t for the immigrants – they’re for the simple-minded voter to show them that we’re doing something.”


“Even if that something is just convincing simple-minded voters that we’re doing something.”


“I think the recent success of UKIP shows this is a winning strategy.”


Illegal immigrants targeted with ads


Illegal immigrant Shane Williams told us, “Admittedly some of us live in fear of the immigration services breaking down our doors in the middle of the night.”


“What we don’t live in fear of is the number 66 bus driving past with a message most of us can’t read.”


“But if it makes a few morons happy then who are we to mind?”

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i dont think its a bad idea, as those that are illegal may realise there is a way back home for free i hasten to add without fear of getting into trouble. i dont think nasty it just highlights the fact there is many illegal and may make them more aware that we as a society are aware ........no harm in trying a different tactic xx

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
i dont think its a bad idea, as those that are illegal may realise there is a way back home for free i hasten to add without fear of getting into trouble. i dont think nasty it just highlights the fact there is many illegal and may make them more aware that we as a society are aware ........no harm in trying a different tactic xx



If they are here illegal, I might be wrong but most probably wouldn't be able to read it?


Looks like a cheap and nasty trick to me, to try and hoodwink us in to believing they are trying to tackle immigration, especially when they have admitted they have no idea who is coming in or out of the country.

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i agree the way immigration has been handled in this country is atrocious but really u will be surprised how many do actually read and write english. Many dont of course, many of them are actually students needing english to initially get in this country and then subsequently overstayed. as well as those that came by other means involving hiding in trucks. Alot are brighter than they are given credit for! x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
i agree the way immigration has been handled in this country is atrocious but really u will be surprised how many do actually read and write english. Many dont of course, many of them are actually students needing english to initially get in this country and then subsequently overstayed. as well as those that came by other means involving hiding in trucks. Alot are brighter than they are given credit for! x


I work in a prison and you will be surprised how many don't speak English, it cost us millions using Big Word.


Just checked the bus and it's in English, I think it's the only thing related to this that's only in English. Lol

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Hypocrisy is rife in government, I wonder if the person driving the bus is an Aborigine?



Its here in the UK not Oz mate, lol


The Lizard Cameron will do anything to win votes and it's working, useless Labour are slipping in the polls.

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i dont think its a bad idea, as those that are illegal may realise there is a way back home for free i hasten to add without fear of getting into trouble. i dont think nasty it just highlights the fact there is many illegal and may make them more aware that we as a society are aware ........no harm in trying a different tactic xx

I agree....it isn't nasty if you're here legally! And you should be worried if you are here illegally!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I agree....it isn't nasty if you're here legally! And you should be worried if you are here illegally!


I don't think they are worried really at all, well the majority of them, I remember that programme where the police stopped two illegal immigrants walking at the side of a motorway and they said they were in the country illegally. The police gave them a few quid and told them to report to the nearest immigration office, Yeah right.

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I don't think they are worried really at all, well the majority of them, I remember that programme where the police stopped two illegal immigrants walking at the side of a motorway and they said they were in the country illegally. The police gave them a few quid and told them to report to the nearest immigration office, Yeah right.


I used to work in police cells and they would be brought in and would claim be 15yrs or so when they so obviouly werent but its prob that difficult to prove hol old and where theyre from sometime where do you send them back to?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I used to work in police cells and they would be brought in and would claim be 15yrs or so when they so obviouly werent but its prob that difficult to prove hol old and where theyre from sometime where do you send them back to?


i work in this area, it's a nightmare, I know.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Are you not missing the point entirely here? Are the ads not aimed at small minded UKIP and EDL supporters not actual illegal immigrants in a bid to win more votes by looking like they are doing something about the amount of people here illegally?




Go to the top of the class, lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Ropey HOFF

Just a quick update, the government are being investigated over this stupid bus, by the advertising watchdog, over it being inflammatory and racist. You couldn't make it up, lol.

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Just a quick update, the government are being investigated over this stupid bus, by the advertising watchdog, over it being inflammatory and racist. You couldn't make it up, lol.


I think the bit that you can't make up is that an advert aimed at telling illegal immigrants to go home is accused of being racist. It's not racist at all, it is telling you to go home because you are here illegally. It makes no reference to race. If you are not here illegally there is no need to take any offence, it is not aimed at you. If you are here illegally who really cares if you take offence or not, you are here illegally, go home!


The whole pandering to the EDL and UKIP bit is nonsense too, typical left wing tripe. This is nothing to do with racism, it is to do with people who have no right to be here and who need to go away.


Fair enough I doubt the adverts will have had much impact, but at least they are trying something, unlike labour who did absolutely nothing and just accused people of racism any time they questioned their ridiculous approach to immigration...

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I think the bit that you can't make up is that an advert aimed at telling illegal immigrants to go home is accused of being racist. It's not racist at all, it is telling you to go home because you are here illegally. It makes no reference to race. If you are not here illegally there is no need to take any offence, it is not aimed at you. If you are here illegally who really cares if you take offence or not, you are here illegally, go home!


The whole pandering to the EDL and UKIP bit is nonsense too, typical left wing tripe. This is nothing to do with racism, it is to do with people who have no right to be here and who need to go away.


Fair enough I doubt the adverts will have had much impact, but at least they are trying something, unlike labour who did absolutely nothing and just accused people of racism any time they questioned their ridiculous approach to immigration...


Oh dear the oral dysentery hasn't cleared up mate

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Oh dear the oral dysentery hasn't cleared up mate


Typical response, no rational argument so just hurl a quick insult.


Illegal immigrants have no rights to be here, a campaign to remind them of that fact is surely only a good thing.


The reaction against such a measure demonstrates much of what is wrong with the world. Rathering that critising people who are breaking the law, you critise the people who are trying to enforce it.


The bit that really annoys me is the lazy claim of racism. I am absolutely not a racist and I support this campaign 100%. People of all races who are in the UK legally should support a campaign of this nature as it is rightfully trying to do something to reduce the problem of illegal immigration created by Labour.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I think this bus with the writing on it, is pretty pathetic to be honest, like I said before its just a gimmick by this horrible Tory government who would sell their own granny to stay in power. Labour were useless as well, it was announced yesterday that the UK population increased by over 400,000 which is unsustainable IMO, the pressures on all our services, coupled with all the cuts, is creating problems almost everywhere.

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Typical response, no rational argument so just hurl a quick insult.


Illegal immigrants have no rights to be here, a campaign to remind them of that fact is surely only a good thing.


The reaction against such a measure demonstrates much of what is wrong with the world. Rathering that critising people who are breaking the law, you critise the people who are trying to enforce it.


The bit that really annoys me is the lazy claim of racism. I am absolutely not a racist and I support this campaign 100%. People of all races who are in the UK legally should support a campaign of this nature as it is rightfully trying to do something to reduce the problem of illegal immigration created by Labour.


Get your facts right for starters , illegals were the thatcher bitches baby , her boys ESP in the building game were payin peanuts to illegals when locals wee on the dole , all countries have illegals even Oz and woopy do a lot of them are Brits. And the EDL , love the Spanish branch , cool for an anti immigration organization . Australia has One Nation an anti immigration party same as EDL so against you !,

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Get your facts right for starters , illegals were the thatcher bitches baby , her boys ESP in the building game were payin peanuts to illegals when locals wee on the dole , all countries have illegals even Oz and woopy do a lot of them are Brits. And the EDL , love the Spanish branch , cool for an anti immigration organization . Australia has One Nation an anti immigration party same as EDL so against you !,


Get your facts right? Are you having a laugh? The Labour government are squarely to blame for the majority of the issues we now face in regards to the illegal immigrant problem we have in the UK. Blaming it on Thatcher is laughable. I am guessing though that in your mind Thatcher is to blame for most of the worlds ills.


I am sure there was to some degree a level of illegal immigration when Thatcher was in power, probably was the case before she came to power too, but nothing like the open borders ask no questions policy of the Labour government. She also has not been in power for more than two decades, so if she did start it surely Labour should have done something about it rather than letting it get out of control and just calling people racist if they questioned any element of immigration policy.


If there is a party in Australia who are against people like me coming to their country then I respect their right to their opinion. I personally have nothing against immigrants who come here legally. I do however have something against the government policy that failed to control immigration properly, the people who brand anyone with a different view to their own as racists and the people who come here against the rules. It would also appear that my opinion is relatively mainstream given the recent protest votes towards parties such as UKIP, which have forced the more mainstream parties to wake up to views of the voting public on the subject (and that of EU membership).

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there are thousands of 'illegals' who have asked for asylum, and a chance of citizenship, who have applied using the right channels.

their paperwork has been in the Liverpool office for years.

the office stall applications until the government make a feckin decision.....

the case i've direct experience with asked their MP for an update as they were being fobbed off and were informed by him of the details of this complete shambles. they do have an idea of how many, as most of them have applied, but they just don't want to act.

and so far, they just play to the media now and then.

its a sham, and it sickens me.

the only way they can make a living is to work illegally, and to have a chance at citizenship they can't even do that. however if they do land a job, the government are happy to take the tax.

if home wasn't a hive of corruption, where it's usual for grandparents to bring up the children, as all life's opportunities are beyond the borders, or a war zone, in a war that the UK was instrumental in starting, I'd also encourage them to go home, as the UK is a joke!

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I think this bus with the writing on it, is pretty pathetic to be honest, like I said before its just a gimmick by this horrible Tory government who would sell their own granny to stay in power. Labour were useless as well, it was announced yesterday that the UK population increased by over 400,000 which is unsustainable IMO, the pressures on all our services, coupled with all the cuts, is creating problems almost everywhere.


Yep bloody ridiculous, we cannot possibly cope with these sorts of increases in population and i would guess that a proportion of this is down to people emigrating here or children of those that have emigrated over the last few years. Immigration to this country should be stopped now in my opinion until it is under control.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Nothing? At least you get a universal aged pension unlike Oz.


I thought the state pension in Oz was good?

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