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Have you changed your mind


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Nope. I think there have been so many opportunities for us to "throw the towel in" with the visa process and our house situation, but we have been determined to find a way out there. I must admit, I am more of a "demented giblet" than normal as the time to leave is approaching fast. Last night, OH turned to me as we were watching Simon Reeve Indian Ocean (for the second time) and said "can you believe it it is now a matter of weeks and we will be there" He is like that with holidays, starts to get excited at the last minute:err:.


We both know we have a lot of hard work ahead of us still, but it wouldn't make us change our minds. I could imagine the look on both of our Mums' faces if we did, I think we would be disowned if nothing else:smile:


If Oz is no longer for us, then so be it, we will cross that bridge if we need to. At the moment, we both go from moments of sheer excitement to trepidation.


Fi, I feel for your friends to decide not to go the day before, my God, how must they be feeling to have got so far and spent a small fortune, for it to not feel right and have to make that decision not to go.


I know when I get on that plane, my legs will be like jelly and my stomach will be in knots, but I will be getting on it.

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Guest Ptp113
That's not true about Australia. However it may be true about some areas of Australia.


Many of us live in parts where it is not necessary to hibernate in summer or winter ..... nor have the outdoors ruined by flies, mossies, sand flies or wasps.

Where I live it has been -9C to +40C and no hibernation at all. I truly wonder where these people come from, or how they grew up?

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Guest Ptp113
Nope. I think there have been so many opportunities for us to "throw the towel in" with the visa process and our house situation, but we have been determined to find a way out there. I must admit, I am more of a "demented giblet" than normal as the time to leave is approaching fast. Last night, OH turned to me as we were watching Simon Reeve Indian Ocean (for the second time) and said "can you believe it it is now a matter of weeks and we will be there" He is like that with holidays, starts to get excited at the last minute:err:.


We both know we have a lot of hard work ahead of us still, but it wouldn't make us change our minds. I could imagine the look on both of our Mums' faces if we did, I think we would be disowned if nothing else:smile:


If Oz is no longer for us, then so be it, we will cross that bridge if we need to. At the moment, we both go from moments of sheer excitement to trepidation.


Fi, I feel for your friends to decide not to go the day before, my God, how must they be feeling to have got so far and spent a small fortune, for it to not feel right and have to make that decision not to go.


I know when I get on that plane, my legs will be like jelly and my stomach will be in knots, but I will be getting on it.

Do me a favour, no make that do yourselves a favour, and don't fall into the trap that so many poms do, and think that all of Australia is the same. It's so diverse in so many ways it's hard to cope. If you don't like one state/territory then move to another.

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Great thinking!


wheres your destination


So we head to Perth first for 6 weeks, then make our way to Melbourne. Having lived in London for so many years i figure it will be an easier transition for ourselves and having a few friends there help. Also in terms of work Melbourne is great for myself (web developer). I have been to Melbourne before and the weather certainly can hit the extremes of both high and low, but for the moment its just our starting place and who knows where we may find ourselves in the years to come.

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I know you are young Stacey but time and opportunities have a way of passing by without us noticing, then suddenly you're nearly 30 and it's almost too late to get a WHV or you might feel a bit old 'cos everyone else is in their early 20's. There is always an easy excuse not to go. You might like it you might not.


No matter how many positive or negative comments you read everyone is different. I would honestly get myself out here asap, maybe Autumn time, if you have the money. You have nothing holding you back and you can go where you want and see some of it. There aren't many times in our lives when we get that chance. Usually work, partner, kids, get in the way.


I dont have the money to come out on a WHV the now anyway. I decided to at least do a year or two at college before i decide wether to come out on a whv. Gap year before uni hopefully. I see what you mean about leaving it too late and feeling too old

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I dont have the money to come out on a WHV the now anyway. I decided to at least do a year or two at college before i decide wether to come out on a whv. Gap year before uni hopefully. I see what you mean about leaving it too late and feeling too old


We went travelling at 28 and 29 and we thought we were going to be a couple of old farts, but we were the majority at that time.


You have plenty of time yet Hon.

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We went travelling at 28 and 29 and we thought we were going to be a couple of old farts, but we were the majority at that time.


You have plenty of time yet Hon.


Yeah your right, if i dont go in the next year or two then i'll definitely make sure i go by the time im 28 or 29

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I dont have the money to come out on a WHV the now anyway. I decided to at least do a year or two at college before i decide wether to come out on a whv. Gap year before uni hopefully. I see what you mean about leaving it too late and feeling too old


My daughter didn't come on her WHV till she was 31. Applied when she was 30 obviously. Came with qualifications and work experience and was able to find a good job and be sponsored. I would suggest not leaving it quite so late, as she wouldn't have been eligible for a 2nd year WHV, but there is something to be said for having a bit of work experience and qualifications when you come to make you more employable if you want to have the chance of staying here.

all the best with whatever you decide.

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If i wanted to do it so that i would be sponsored then i would have to wait till i was 28 or 29 at least. I thought about possibly coming out for a year at some point before i went to uni IF i even make it to uni, hopefully will though. I'll just see what happens. Im so awful at saving money that i'll probably never be able to afford it anytime soon

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Where I live it has been -9C to +40C and no hibernation at all. I truly wonder where these people come from, or how they grew up?



Maybe there's a Stratford Upon Avon area in Australia where the temperature is 10 degrees hotter than everywhere else, just like it is here in the UK, lol.

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No I would never change my mind, because I've always said I would at least give everything I want to do a go. The UK has had some lovely times recently but it doesn't make me want to move to Australia any less... Why? Because I want to experience everything I possibly can in life. Some people don't want to try anything new and are perfectly happy with their lives living in the same town forever, that's great, for them, not for me. It's great that good things are happening in the UK, some things I'm sure I will miss but it doesn't mean I can't 'replace' them with other things that make me smile. I will have my husband and my children with me, I have never needed all my extended family close by and have lived away from home since I was 18 and had to cope by myself living in another country, no family (or friends really) apart from my 2 kids, husband in Afghan and I'm just fine.


Will always give it a go, would never want to look back with regrets.... Never regretted anything I've tried so far... Just the things I wanted to do but never have :) XXX

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No I would never change my mind, because I've always said I would at least give everything I want to do a go. The UK has had some lovely times recently but it doesn't make me want to move to Australia any less... Why? Because I want to experience everything I possibly can in life. Some people don't want to try anything new and are perfectly happy with their lives living in the same town forever, that's great, for them, not for me. It's great that good things are happening in the UK, some things I'm sure I will miss but it doesn't mean I can't 'replace' them with other things that make me smile. I will have my husband and my children with me, I have never needed all my extended family close by and have lived away from home since I was 18 and had to cope by myself living in another country, no family (or friends really) apart from my 2 kids, husband in Afghan and I'm just fine.


Will always give it a go, would never want to look back with regrets.... Never regretted anything I've tried so far... Just the things I wanted to do but never have :) XXX


Great post!

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Guest Ptp113
No I would never change my mind, because I've always said I would at least give everything I want to do a go. The UK has had some lovely times recently but it doesn't make me want to move to Australia any less... Why? Because I want to experience everything I possibly can in life. Some people don't want to try anything new and are perfectly happy with their lives living in the same town forever, that's great, for them, not for me. It's great that good things are happening in the UK, some things I'm sure I will miss but it doesn't mean I can't 'replace' them with other things that make me smile. I will have my husband and my children with me, I have never needed all my extended family close by and have lived away from home since I was 18 and had to cope by myself living in another country, no family (or friends really) apart from my 2 kids, husband in Afghan and I'm just fine.


Will always give it a go, would never want to look back with regrets.... Never regretted anything I've tried so far... Just the things I wanted to do but never have :) XXX


You sound like a pom that might actually make it.......................

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A month of nice weather is the only one of these that has any actual impact on our daily lives. The other things are of no more than passing interest and even a short stretch of nice weather is not a reason enough to change life plans. We still can't afford to live here anymore, we still have to make radical changes to our lives if we are to survive.

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FFS get off hoffs back! Hes already told you his wifes ill



Who pulled your chain? chill out it was an honest statement from someone who wants to be in Oz and is in the Uk . jeese what IS your problem. sun got to you?


some people DuH!

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Do me a favour, no make that do yourselves a favour, and don't fall into the trap that so many poms do, and think that all of Australia is the same. It's so diverse in so many ways it's hard to cope. If you don't like one state/territory then move to another.


I totally agree, we have often thought that it is like travelling to a new country just by crossing the borders in Oz.

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fifi are you sure they are not going to read this lol


They might:embarrassed: but TBH we more or less said to them what I've said on here. Some people shouldn't move, and there's nothing wrong with that. They have a fairly decent life in the UK, but were just going thru a bad patch due to outside factors when they came upon the notion that all could be solved by moving to Oz. The job situation would have been solved but other things would have been worse.


The last thing the wife said to me in the run up was "I'm a bit of a worrier.....it's all right for you, you've got friends there"


Yes we do have friends here, and we have a brilliant life, but she forgets that less than a year ago we arrived knowing not a soul and basically had to start from scratch again. But that Didnt faze us, we just got on with it, but its not so easy for others.

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No I would never change my mind, because I've always said I would at least give everything I want to do a go. The UK has had some lovely times recently but it doesn't make me want to move to Australia any less... Why? Because I want to experience everything I possibly can in life. Some people don't want to try anything new and are perfectly happy with their lives living in the same town forever, that's great, for them, not for me. It's great that good things are happening in the UK, some things I'm sure I will miss but it doesn't mean I can't 'replace' them with other things that make me smile. I will have my husband and my children with me, I have never needed all my extended family close by and have lived away from home since I was 18 and had to cope by myself living in another country, no family (or friends really) apart from my 2 kids, husband in Afghan and I'm just fine.


Will always give it a go, would never want to look back with regrets.... Never regretted anything I've tried so far... Just the things I wanted to do but never have :) XXX


My sentiments exactly!

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Sounds pretty normal to me, Australia is geared up for the hot weather, air con in cars, buildings and houses, if you haven't got air con, or live in a crap house, it's not Australia's fault, there's a lot of crap houses here in the UK and unlike Australia, none of the houses have air con, so on the rare occasion it's hot and humid, we have to suffer, but like I say ..... It's rare that happens.

most Uk houses are insulated against hot a-n-d cold to a much higher standard than Australian houses, I havent had a car here for years that doesn't have AC. Stop talking cr4p hoff:laugh:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
most Uk houses are insulated against hot a-n-d cold to a much higher standard than Australian houses, I havent had a car here for years that doesn't have AC. Stop talking cr4p hoff:laugh:



You need to read my post more s.....l.....o.......w.......l.......y I was referring to Australia not the UK, the only reference to the UK was no air con in houses. Durrrrrrgggggghhhhh.:wink::laugh:

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You need to read my post more s.....l.....o.......w.......l.......y I was referring to Australia not the UK, the only reference to the UK was no air con in houses. Durrrrrrgggggghhhhh.:wink::laugh:

sorry mate, silly me.. derrrrrr... there was i thinking "there's a lot of crap houses here in the UK and unlike Australia" was referring to the uk and australia...

my fault :goofy::biglaugh:

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