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Are any adults here that can't swim? I can't swim but looking to take lessons soon but have been slightly put off by a comment from someone that said they'd be embarrassed at taking lessons so late in life (38). I guess not all of us had a chance to learn when we were younger.


I'm not such a fan of beaches as I can't swim and have no interest in tanning myself on account of the fact I'm already Brown! Beaches (until I learn to swim lesson) are only good for walks and ice cream for me personally!

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I used to teach adults to swim & it was lovely :) there's nothing better than seeing someone's confidence grow in the water, & it's absolutely never too late to learn to enjoy the sense of freedom swimming brings after years of being afraid of water. Go for it & enjoy it ! (fancy feeling old at 38 ...that's a bit sad ! ) :cool:

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I learnt as an adult. Best thing I ever did (almost) - ignore people who say they'd be embarrassed, if you never had the opportunity then it's no surprise ot to be able to do it


It's easier than you think. Virtually any aquatic centre in Sydney - and there are dozens - will offer adult classes. Just pick one that's doing it at a time that suits you


There are loads of smaller swim schools too

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I used to teach adults to swim & it was lovely :) there's nothing better than seeing someone's confidence grow in the water, & it's absolutely never too late to learn to enjoy the sense of freedom swimming brings after years of being afraid of water. Go for it & enjoy it ! (fancy feeling old at 38 ...that's a bit sad ! ) :cool:


Thanks for the encouraging words. Did I say I feel old? Oddly enough I felt old when I hit my 36th birthday but that's largely because I was unhappy with some things in my life at that time. I feel young enough and happy enough right now. :biggrin:

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Go for it mate. Swimming is great exercise and something you are never to old to learn how to do it. Great for later life to when your joints start seizing up, and other stuff heads North/South depending on the item of anatomy. :wubclub:


Are any adults here that can't swim? I can't swim but looking to take lessons soon but have been slightly put off by a comment from someone that said they'd be embarrassed at taking lessons so late in life (38). I guess not all of us had a chance to learn when we were younger.


I'm not such a fan of beaches as I can't swim and have no interest in tanning myself on account of the fact I'm already Brown! Beaches (until I learn to swim lesson) are only good for walks and ice cream for me personally!

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Don't be put off by the comment! Easily said by somebody who presumably already knows how to swim or is not interested in learning to swim.


We didn't really swim in our family growing up, I just about learned to doggy paddle when I was about 10 but then we didn't do any swimming in secondary school and so I never progressed.


I started to take adult swim classes when I left university at age 22 but then I had to move away for work so that didn't get beyond the first two lessons. Finally at age about 27 I took some private lessons at Wimbledon baths with someone called Barry. I could swim a bit, so was not learning the absolute basics, but I couldn't even swim a length as had no technique. It only took maybe 5 - 10 lessons to get where I wanted to be and I am very glad that I did it and I learnt whilst plenty of other swimmers were around to see me.


Since the new year, I started swimming regularly about 40 lengths three times a week. I am glad I can swim so I can better enjoy all the water based activities that Australia has to offer.


Just do it.

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Nothing to be embarrassed about, wouldn't worry about what other people think.


I was a swimmer and trained and swam competitively, was a life guard for many years, a pool I use to lifeguard at had some people learning to swim that were in their 60's.


Its not easy learning to swim as an adult, I think you are very brave.

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I'd recommend you have a look at the Total Immersion style of swim coaching. Personally I was never a great swimmer and am pretty much teaching myself how to do it properly through watching TI videos, and copying and practicing the drills, you can find loads on youtube. Its an absolute pleasure to watch the TI freestyle method it looks so effortless, and since I started using a snorkel/mask, I've come on in leaps and boundse: it enables me to practice over and over the perfect sequence of movements. Swimming is NOT a natural activity, you have to 'imprint' a completely constructed set of movements in your muscle memory. Effectively it means started from scratch and learning all over again. But now I really enjoy swimming and I'm looking forward to a swim in the morning.


Here is a good example



So if you're shy, teach yourself!

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Thanks for the encouraging words. Did I say I feel old? Oddly enough I felt old when I hit my 36th birthday but that's largely because I was unhappy with some things in my life at that time. I feel young enough and happy enough right now. :biggrin:


haha no I meant the "someone" who said they'd be embarrassed at taking lessons "so late in life " !

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I can't swim either...... Was a bit like Rupert - did bits n bobs in my childhood, but never got the chance to progress. I absolutely LOVE being in the water (if it's warm enough!), and will happily do my 'version' of swimming (holding my breath for a long time, and swim like a fish under the water!), but I won't go out of my depth. I had some lessons when I was in my 30's, but time was a problem with work and children, so didn't get as far as I would have liked. A friend went on an intensive course, and learnt to swim - wish I could do that!

Go for it - we're all supporting you!! :)

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