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For the Love of our Pooches


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According to some, "I have more money than sense" to be taking the Hooligans to Oz with me and I am being cruel to put them through the ordeal of a 22 hour flight in a box and then for them to be locked in a cement cell for a month.


I can honestly say I would not be going if my two dogs could not come with me. My OH also understands that it has been a huge decision for me and knows that when I have a bad day over there, my two pooches will make me feel better. Of course, given the choice he would rather save the money, but totally understands how I feel about the Hooligans and wants what makes me happy.


Has anyone been given a hard time from people when you tell them that you are taking your pets with you?


Has anyone else experienced similar comments?

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Just do whats right for you and your partner.


I had the opposite - people telling me that we were cruel for thinking about leaving eric behind with daves mum if we had moved anywhere. They thought we were to knock back the NZ job offer which we did end up doing and regret a bit sometimes although we could move again.


I can completely understand why you wouldnt want to move without them, they will be fine with the travel, most dogs are x

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Just do whats right for you and your partner.


I had the opposite - people telling me that we were cruel for thinking about leaving eric behind with daves mum if we had moved anywhere. They thought we were to knock back the NZ job offer which we did end up doing and regret a bit sometimes although we could move again.


I can completely understand why you wouldnt want to move without them, they will be fine with the travel, most dogs are x


Perhaps it is just people then Hon if you had a rough time about not taking Eric.

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I have had people saying that I'm ridiculous to spend £2000 to take my cat! But he's part of my family and I don't think I could leave him with just anyone, if my parents could of had him I might of considered it but they have a dog so they can't and I would miss him too so I'm taking my little moggy with me!!

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I think there are people who can't understand why you take them and those, that have pets, who understand why you do. Everyone's going to have a different opinion and you have to do what's right for you and your pet.

I'm taking my two cats, Dave and Gary, with me when I go later this year. Me and husband couldn't leave them but I am worrying about the flight and the month in jail. The pair of them freak out when I take them to the vets and it's only a couple of min drive away! Of the whole move it's the thing that is worrying me the most. One loves the sunshine and rarely goes out when it's cold and the other is very clingy to me and so they both need to come with us...but too be honest, however you try and justify it, we just couldn't leave them behind.

As long as you are making the right decision for you and your pet then ignore what others say.

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Have you tried one of those feliway collars for them?


Taking eric for us was never going to be a option, the journey would of killed him. Hes a very nervous dog with noises etc. Then he was diagnosed with a heart disease which will get worse eventually. So it was either let him stay with daves mum or not move anywhere at all. Daves mum is desperate for him to come live with her even now lol he was staying there for 2 days this week and i dont think she wanted him to leave! Hes totally spoiled there - has a recliner chair that he sits on!

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Hi ScottishStacey, Lucky Eric to have two loving homes!

Thanks for the advice, every time they go to the vets I spray the carrier with Feliway spray (they wont wear collars) but it makes no difference. Maybe it's like catnip - only effects some cats.

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According to some, "I have more money than sense" to be taking the Hooligans to Oz with me and I am being cruel to put them through the ordeal of a 22 hour flight in a box and then for them to be locked in a cement cell for a month.


I can honestly say I would not be going if my two dogs could not come with me. My OH also understands that it has been a huge decision for me and knows that when I have a bad day over there, my two pooches will make me feel better. Of course, given the choice he would rather save the money, but totally understands how I feel about the Hooligans and wants what makes me happy.


Has anyone been given a hard time from people when you tell them that you are taking your pets with you?


Has anyone else experienced similar comments?


Some folk thought i was totally mad paying all that money to take my pooch, dog lovers however understood. There was never any question my dog wasn't coming with me, he flew out on the 11th of this month and i have to say i was on pins until he landed on the Monday, Byford quarentine emailed me to say my dog was well and very happy to be out the crate, unfortunately there were bushfires in the area of the quarentine centre and my son phoned me the early hours wednesday from perth to say my dog Bob was being relocated to a safe area away from the bushfires along with all the other pets, unfortunately they can not tell me where he is but he is well and being cared for by their staff. After a week in the kennels quarentine phoned my son to say they would let my Bob out early but my son had a dog and 2 cats so they can't let him out. I am still in the UK but hope to fly out next week and move in a place of my own so my first port of call will be to collect Bob, i can't wait to see him. Even though he has had a bit of a traumatic time i am told by friends whose dogs go into kennels how ressiliant dogs are. I have worried something rotten while he has been away but quarentine have been very good and kept me informed he is well and eating. I don't regret my decision so far and i am sure you won't either. They are worth every penny.:animal-dog:

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I totally agree with you. My dog is family, she is everything to me, she's like a child. Putting a three year old child through a 27 hour flight would be considered cruel, surely? But people do it. I realise it ISN'T cruel but to some it might seem so. I don't see the problem with putting my dog through the flight to be honest; she's crate trained, she's a very happy traveller, I think she'll be peachy.

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I know how you feel, We will be taking Oscar our 8 year old Cocker Spaniel, I could no sooner leave him than I could the children. Yes it is expensive and people say you could buy 6 new dogs for the cost of shipping him, but he is part of our family. I know the flight will probably frighten him and I know he wont understand that we will all be together again soon, but hopefully when we pick him up from the quarantine centre and take him for a lovely run and lots of cuddles, he will understand that it is all over and he will never have to go through that again.

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Guest Guest26012
According to some, "I have more money than sense" to be taking the Hooligans to Oz with me and I am being cruel to put them through the ordeal of a 22 hour flight in a box and then for them to be locked in a cement cell for a month.


I can honestly say I would not be going if my two dogs could not come with me. My OH also understands that it has been a huge decision for me and knows that when I have a bad day over there, my two pooches will make me feel better. Of course, given the choice he would rather save the money, but totally understands how I feel about the Hooligans and wants what makes me happy.


Has anyone been given a hard time from people when you tell them that you are taking your pets with you?


Has anyone else experienced similar comments?


We brought our beloved dog with us five years ago! Cost a fortune but we wouldn't have come without him! He passed away last year but he loved the beach and settled really well here! Don't listen to others, they don't have a clue! Dogs are part of the family! Bring them, you would be unhappy otherwise.

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We are family of 4 moving to Perth and we have an Engligh Cocker Spaniel "Huggy" that we could not posible leave behind! He will be 5yrs old in May and it very much part of the family, the kids love him and I think having him with us will help the kids to settle as he is as much a comfort to them as he is to me and my husband! Yes we have had comments too about the cost etc... even my mother in law said oh you could get a lovely home for him easily!! Pah!! She wouldn even take him for a few weeks to save on kennel fees!!!! Dont get me started! LOL Anyway we are organizing it all, I am selling off stuff in the house to go towards his bills!!

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I just think people should do whats right for them and their pets. I can completely understand why people want their pets with him, they are our family lol.


I think people who dont bring their pets (for whatever reason) get hassle off people too which i dont think is fair either.

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"....Yes it is expensive and people say you could buy 6 new dogs for the cost of shipping him...."


People who say this just don't get it do they Sue & Ian ?


I'm taking my three furries back after bringing them over to the UK three years ago..... expense - oh yeah baby !

I've lived on meagre rations for months (they haven't !)


"...I am selling off stuff in the house to go towards his bills!!...." I'm with you on that one Sadie Star !

I've sold nearly everything on eBay to help pay for their flights - but don't regret a single penny.....


I once had a boyfriend who questioned (in the days I had multiple horses) why did I bother to transport five horses from NSW to Queensland when I could just buy 'new ones' there..... (deep breaths needed here....)

That relationship didn't last long !!!


Normality ?.jpg



Normality ?.jpg

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When weve brought dogs into our family, they are just that.. family. Ive gone out and adopted them just like some people may go and adopt a child.


It wouldnt even have crossed my mind not to bring my boys they are as much my responsiblity as my human daughters. Would i have turned round and said hey sorry girls mum and dad are moving to Oz but we cant afford the airfare for you, so off you go to the orphange!!


I really dont get where people see taking on a pet as a temp measure if it suits. Although i do totally understand that there maybe some pets that just wouldnt make the trip. We did end up rehoming our 16year cat to my sister in law after we took advise from vets/shippers on it. Mind you she was a very independent cat who we only saw at feeding time and she is as happy as larry living in her new home.

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Thanks Guys. I knew you would understand. As has been said, I have found this to be the worst part and I am worrying myself silly, but after speaking to Bob(PetAir) who is really lovely, he has put my mind at rest. It is reassuring to speak to someone who understands how I feel. My OH always says if I had the choice to put the Hooligans upstairs and put him downstairs, he knows where he would be sitting on the plane:biggrin:

The Hooligans will have 22 hours in their crates to plot their revenge:mad:, but we just keep thinking that they will have lovely lives Down Under.

Friends say if they were reincarnated, they would want to come back as my dogs:biggrin:

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I adopted 2 rescue dogs in Sydney and I will be going back to Spain with them! Before we got them we knew we would be heading to Europe at some point so we factored that into our decision to adopt in the first place as leaving them behind was not an option! Yes I'm worried about it but they are a major part of my life and for us it was the missing piece of the jigsaw that helped us settle in Sydney having lost 2 of our dogs within 5 months of each other when we emigrated.................they were 11 and 17 when they passed so although they had a good life it was tough and after being "dogless" for a year our current Babies helped us heal and we credit them with helping us settle and enjoy life here in Oz

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Either you get it or you dont! if you have pets you totally get why they are flown all over the world, if you dont have pets then you think that pet owners are mad to pay the money they do to fly their pets with them!


Not sure if any of you knows, but i would love to see a study of returning emigrators and see the effect of having pets with them and if it helps people settle or not. I am sure that having your pets with you must make it feel like home that much faster!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Candygirl,


I walk dogs (private walker nothing to do with aqis or the Government) in Melbourne ... and I have read many similar stories here about how sad owners are at putting dogs through an ordeal. I would not like to have to do it with my dog, but I would never leave him in another country if I moved.


From what I have seen by about the end of the first or second week, most dogs have gotten over the ordeal and start behaving relatively normally. I have only had probably one dog that I walked in quarantine that retained some very strange mannerisms, but I think that was the dog/ breed.


The more your dog can get out into the exercise yards, and be on grass and look into open space, the much better it is for their mind. But if you cant do that for them, remember that it is only 30 days, and then you are most likely going to go back to your regular relationship with the dogs.


Dogs are the most brilliant animal ever, and they have truly won their spot beside's their human owners. Good luck on the whole journey!

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Hi Candygirl,


I walk dogs (private walker nothing to do with aqis or the Government) in Melbourne ... and I have read many similar stories here about how sad owners are at putting dogs through an ordeal. I would not like to have to do it with my dog, but I would never leave him in another country if I moved.


From what I have seen by about the end of the first or second week, most dogs have gotten over the ordeal and start behaving relatively normally. I have only had probably one dog that I walked in quarantine that retained some very strange mannerisms, but I think that was the dog/ breed.


The more your dog can get out into the exercise yards, and be on grass and look into open space, the much better it is for their mind. But if you cant do that for them, remember that it is only 30 days, and then you are most likely going to go back to your regular relationship with the dogs.


Dogs are the most brilliant animal ever, and they have truly won their spot beside's their human owners. Good luck on the whole journey!


Thank You xx

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