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Second thoughts!


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Strange how you can get such conflicting replies in a couple of posts. One saying you can't go out as much here in the summer and you have to stay in 'cos of the heat and another saying how the daughter loves being outside all the time.


We've been here 21 years and never felt like we had to stay in because of the heat, even in the middle of summer. At the hottest parts of the summer this year it's still been nice at the beach.


Fair enough it feels a lot warmer when you get home, the temperature seems to go up 10 degrees just walking off the beach between the sand dunes to the car park.


To the poster who said they might change their mind because of the negative posts about Perth. I would check the posts from a lot of people who live here and see what the consensus is mate. For a lot of us there is no better place on Earth.

Everyone is different but to say there is no better place on earth is daft in the extreme, you have only seen a fraction of the world so how can you come to such a ridiculous conclusion, Perth is like many places in the the world...it is like marmite...some love it some hate it...you love it I thought it was so over rated and very very boring...but hey ho, would be a boring world if we all liked the same things.

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Everyone is different but to say there is no better place on earth is daft in the extreme, you have only seen a fraction of the world so how can you come to such a ridiculous conclusion, Perth is like many places in the the world...it is like marmite...some love it some hate it...you love it I thought it was so over rated and very very boring...but hey ho, would be a boring world if we all liked the same things.


I did say for a lot of us PB, not everyone and definitely not you. I see your Location reads "Gods country" I don't suppose you think that's daft in the extreme then?

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  • 1 month later...
This it it, it is where you live in the UK, stratfrd or Perth....no contest, Stratford every time, I am sure your daughter would thrive in many places in the UK as do millions of kids.


Unfortunately my daughter has Cystic Fibrosis so to thrive in the UK would be difficult due to the cold and damp, the weather here helps her condition and allows her to have a outdoor lifestyle. The temperate is not an issue and such a pleasure and relief from the constant cold and wet conditions of the UK.


I was referring to the ability to have a outdoor lifestyle due to the better weather conditions out here, which will always be good for kids and help them thrive. Weather condition in the UK lend to kids staying indoors and playing on game consoles, I know what I want my daughter to be doing.


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You know the feeling you got when you woke up, the sun was shining, your hubby had the day off and you can go to the park.


Well when you live here you can have that every weekend but with free parking and uncrowded parks. You could even swap the park for a beach if you fancied a dip.


Thing is Paul ......its 18c .....not 38c ......its about 2c from perfect .......birds are whistling .......its green ........we just dont get enough days like this though ............give me 8 weeks worth of 18 -25c i will be happy as larry

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Guest chris955
Thing is Paul ......its 18c .....not 38c ......its about 2c from perfect .......birds are whistling .......its green ........we just dont get enough days like this though ............give me 8 weeks worth of 18 -25c i will be happy as larry


I would certainly rather 18c than 38c thats for sure. Im not obsessed with the weather and cant really understand those who are, there just seems to be so many other more important things.

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I would certainly rather 18c than 38c thats for sure. Im not obsessed with the weather and cant really understand those who are, there just seems to be so many other more important things.



There was a point today where it was almost " perfect " for me personally, just another couple of degrees centigrade .........the weather is important to me ..........i grumble when its winter for sure .............but as i get older , i dont want 40c either .....sod that .

There are very few places like Britain when the sun shines .....regardless of the temperature .....and today was one of those days .....a few more please.

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It just reminds me how lucky I am to be able to call the UK home, and when I move to Aus in August, I will feel doubly lucky to have two beautiful places to call home.


I agree, I was born British, will die British, I'm proud to be British, served in the British Army,however, for now I enjoy my life here.

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There was a point today where it was almost " perfect " for me personally, just another couple of degrees centigrade .........the weather is important to me ..........i grumble when its winter for sure .............but as i get older , i dont want 40c either .....sod that .

There are very few places like Britain when the sun shines .....regardless of the temperature .....and today was one of those days .....a few more please.


Come to Cambridge! We get some lovely weather! The sun shines more days than it doesn't!


But the weather really isn't important to me either - in the past 18 months the weather hasn't stopped me doing one thing I have wanted to do. It is really exhilarating to walk in frosty weather and I have been able to wear some of the nice range of hats and scarves I have knitted. My DH has been deterred from working in the garden in the cold but now we have the long summer nights he is out there until quite late.

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It occurred to me whilst sitting in the rain watching my son play football this morning that before I moved to Australia I think I was expecting, every day to be like those incredible days in the British summer when it's 22 degrees, there is a light breeze, everyone seems instantly happier and office lunches last a little longer as people reluctantly return from parks and the evening goes on and on with kids playing in the streets until bedtime. Yes, those days are over all too soon but despite Perth's weather being 'good' for 9 months a year I haven't experienced anything as uplifting as a British summer day - and whichever country I am in it'll rain at football!

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Come to Cambridge! We get some lovely weather! The sun shines more days than it doesn't!


But the weather really isn't important to me either - in the past 18 months the weather hasn't stopped me doing one thing I have wanted to do. It is really exhilarating to walk in frosty weather and I have been able to wear some of the nice range of hats and scarves I have knitted. My DH has been deterred from working in the garden in the cold but now we have the long summer nights he is out there until quite late.



Ah cambridgeshire ....i was in stilton the other week ......that any good ? LOL


in relation to the weather , we have got hit with 2 big waves of snow this winter in the west mids ......speaking to the locals in Devon the other week , they had very little ,if any ...........

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Guest Ptp113

I'll take 38 over 18 every day as long as the humidity is low, and it is 99.99% of the time here. Just had the best summer and autumn in living memory, can't ask for more than that.

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Unfortunately my daughter has Cystic Fibrosis so to thrive in the UK would be difficult due to the cold and damp, the weather here helps her condition and allows her to have a outdoor lifestyle. The temperate is not an issue and such a pleasure and relief from the constant cold and wet conditions of the UK.


I was referring to the ability to have a outdoor lifestyle due to the better weather conditions out here, which will always be good for kids and help them thrive. Weather condition in the UK lend to kids staying indoors and playing on game consoles, I know what I want my daughter to be doing.



Certain medical conditions respond better to different weather patterns, my son has Ehler Danlos Syndrome which causes dysautonomia, he wasn't diagnosed when we came to Perth so it wasn't a factor in our decision. If he had been we might have thought twice as he suffers in extremes of temperature - particularly hot and is much better in the more temperate climate of the UK.


(I know Perth is officially temperate but I find it hard to believe sometimes with about a 45 degree difference between minimum and maximum temperatures)


Whether kids in general thrive better is Australia is a matter of opinion, I personally think not. The kind of outdoor stuff we did as a family in the UK is nowhere near as accesible here, my son didn't even have a games console in the UK - he does now!

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Yep people on here who are moving to Australia say that children in the UK are stuck indoors on games console's.. I think who's fault's that then....? And then blame it on the weather!!! There's more to do for kids in the UK than here in perth.

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Guest chris955
Yep people on here who are moving to Australia say that children in the UK are stuck indoors on games console's.. I think who's fault's that then....? And then blame it on the weather!!! There's more to do for kids in the UK than here in perth.


​Yes it is the most ridiculous thing ever, the country isnt going to make your kids outdoorsy. Our kids are born and bred Aussies but just like thier friends in Brisbane would rather be inside.

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Guest Ptp113
Yep people on here who are moving to Australia say that children in the UK are stuck indoors on games console's.. I think who's fault's that then....? And then blame it on the weather!!! There's more to do for kids in the UK than here in perth.


​Like what?

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​Like what?

A more wider range of activities to do in your local sports centres for a start, looked up joondalup and not as

as much selection. Plus I used to go dry slope skiing as a kid and indoor and out door go karting. Plus there's lots more general entertainment there, ie waterparks theme parks etc.i sometimes feel sorry for kids having to grow up here..

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I am not necessarily saying it's a bad thing but moving to Perth with a 5 year old I noticed straight away it is not as child-centered. Not sure if this is a Perth thing or a general Australia thing but certainly amongst the families we've met, entertainment seems to be more adult focussed - going to BBQ's or the footie or cafe's/restaurants and kids are brought along and entertain themselves.


In the UK it was much more focussed on doing things with the children such as the things Paul1977 mentions and adults would have there own nights out etc.


Like I said not saying it's a bad thing - children are marketed to in the UK and I spent a fortune on god awful shows at the SECC for example and I'm not sure being so 'child centered' is necessary good for the child. It is nice not having to think about babysitters when you are invited out but on the otherhand, it worries me how much children are exposed to drinking in Australia and I so miss a night out where I can be truly badly behaved :)

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I think the UK offers some incredible, beautiful weather. When the sun shines it's so glorious, even on a cold windy day, when the sun is up you feel hopeful about everything. Plus the UK has some very diverse weather, you're never looking at the same day twice, don't think I could ever get bored with it. I do feel sometimes it restricts me but I'm a crafts kind of girl so it doesn't spoil anything, most of the time.

In Aus the weather is just as interesting, and for me I'm looking forward to it, not just because it will be warmer, but because it's something new and exciting for me. I'll be able to go out on excursions and not worry about the weather (though the sun poses its own risks) and be able to make more outdoor plans. Some people seem to think that if you're moving to Australia it's because you don't like the UK, well that's not true for some of us. Some of us love both countries and want to experience both ways of living.

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There are too few days like this.

I feel as if the kids and I have been stuck inside for months.

Everybody talks about a better quality of life for their kids on Oz.

I'm fed up of hearing myself talking about going and not taking the plunge.

If we don't we'll never know whether it was the wrong decision.

As a good friend said to me the other day 'life is long'!

would you let your kids out to play in 40 degrees or keep them inside ?
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Guest Ptp113
would you let your kids out to play in 40 degrees or keep them inside ?


My daughter is out in 40+. For wimpy poms that's probably a no.

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I'll take 38 over 18 every day as long as the humidity is low, and it is 9.999% of the time here. Just had the best summer and autumn in living memory, can't ask for more than that.



So Wendee, you only get the perfect temps less than 10% of the time, jeez and here I was thinking that it was paradise every day LOL. :wink:

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Guest guest74886
This is really interesting to read. We're coming out as a bit of an adventure on a 457 for 2yrs. Fully intend coming home but see it as a fab opportunity to experience something new. Haven't really considered the 'aint broke don't fix it' too much as if I did we wouldn't leave sunny Stockport. Although we're in Bramhall and Bramhall people always just say Cheshire and leave out the Stockport bit ;) Kids in Great school and we live in a great village but with Manchester, the Peak District and The Lakes on our doorstep. Oh well! Renting out the house means we can come home after 6mths if we hate it, hopefully all the better for the experience.


I think Bramhall folk might find Australia a bit of a shock to the system, dinner table chat here once was the best way to kill cane toads, freeze them or run over them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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