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Ok, I will through in another opinion. What makes you happy? For me it is my partner. I can live anywhere as long as I have her. Where are you compared? Also, what is it you think Oz is going to give you? You still need to go to work, pay the bills, get rained on, worry about this and that, live in a first world society with all of the issues that brings such as crime, social issues and the like. Employment in IT has been, according to posters on here recently, been poor and several have returned.


So you have to put all of that in perspective and then decide what the future holds for you both.


Is this the girls you want to marry and have children with?


Does she have, and I think she has, a valid point that life for her and maybe de facto, not as good in Oz for you both?


You need to do a lot of thinking.

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Hey man, I feel for your situation, was in a similar position.

I'm South African, came over to the UK during my gap year and loved it. Went back to SA with full intention of getting my degree and coming right back over to UK perm. Whilst studying I met met the girl of my dreams (now my wife) but we broke it off because she'd been to UK and hated it (No offence - just the weather's cr@p) and I insisted my life plan included me migrating to UK. Anyway, long story short we knew we wanted to be together (and happy wherever we landed up). We came to a compromise, I came over a year before her and maintain the relationship long distance and she'd follow me over and give it a year. If after a year it didn't work out I'd follow her wherever she wanted to go. So, it's now 6 years later, married for 5 and although we're still happy here in UK we've made the decision together to immigrate to Aus.


Basically what I'm saying is if she feels like 'the one' (cheesy I know, sorry) then try find a compromise between you. If you have doubts, make decisions that feel right for you!

Good luck man!




PS: My Mrs' folks were also very well off and she admits now that she was completely spoilt. Getting out of her comfort zone was the best thing she ever did (her words not mine) and I've seen her grow exponentially!

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  • 1 month later...

I tried to persuade my partner of 3.5 years to go out there with me. I ended up staying here as he didn't want to go, then he left me and I am furious with myself for not doing what I really wanted. Now even if I totally fall for someone before I get there I am still going! You're 29, don't wait until 37 like me!

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  • 8 months later...
Me and my ex split up earlier in the year... it was hard and still hurts now but she was prob not the 1 hey if we have diff dreams..


Very hard decision I'm sure.

If you had a dream for that long it's difficult to ignore the chance of fulfilling it if/when the opportunity arises.

Super news about the PR visa though. :-)

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Guest The Pom Queen
So the end to this story goes like this:


I got my perm visa today :)

That's great news on the visa. Thank you so much for updating your thread, there are lots of members who post and then I wonder what happened to them. So where are you heading?

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Guest guest30085
So the end to this story goes like this:


I got my perm visa today :)


Congratulations on gaining your visa :)


Sometimes it comes at a cost (mine was my sanity ;) ) but I hope things all work out for you in your new adventure :)

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