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How did you afford to go to Oz?

russ and claire

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Sold the house and car. Like you, with kids (9,7,1) we weren't saving sufficient to pay the costs of flights and removals and visa and medical. I think now with the wisdom of hindsight, we may have given up easier if we'd had the house to go back too. having said that, our lives were going nowhere in the SE and we decided we'd relocate whatever happened with the Oz visas.

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Saved, no house to sell, nothing to sell in fact just furniture. Came over with $11k.


Hi wellers and whitehead, so glad i have seen your post. My husband and i (no kids) are moving to adelaide this year and will have $12k. It has taken everything to save this, we are even living in a caravan throughout winter :( I have had many sleepless nights worrying that we dont have enough. would you be willing to share with me what you spent your money on when you arrived? Did you both have jobs to go to? Thank you, Laura. x

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i used washables on our daugther from birth saved a small fortune only time i had problems was when she got the toddler stage and they would leak abit - e bay have pretty good deals if you have to buy them.


today i vote you top poster doesnt seem like you have been off here lol.



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Hi wellers and whitehead, so glad i have seen your post. My husband and i (no kids) are moving to adelaide this year and will have $12k. It has taken everything to save this, we are even living in a caravan throughout winter :( I have had many sleepless nights worrying that we dont have enough. would you be willing to share with me what you spent your money on when you arrived? Did you both have jobs to go to? Thank you, Laura. x


Hi, I can't remember exact figures of how much we spent as it was a year ago, however we spent roughly the following:

$4000 securing a, property at $500 a week, including bond, rent and a few weeks extra to help secure the place. We arrived in January so not alot of properties to look at..some you wouldn't put an animal in!! We live in Sydney, so not sure if property prices are lover in Adelaide? Would have thought so though!? We got a 2 bed flat by the sea, no point moving to not life by the sea. I've always lived by the sea so was not going to move to Oz to live in a crap area in a crap flat. Was over or budget but got declined on the nice cheaper (only by about $50) flats.

As the move was a 'forever' move, I wanted the basic stuff to be good (washer, bed, etc) I believe you pay for what you get so spent several thousand on those. We did get or bed bought for us by my aunty so that helped.

Neither of us had jobs, but luckily my OH got work as a chef pretty soon. Without his income we couldn't have managed. Lots of stuff we did buy 2nd hand till we could afford better stuff, sofa, side board, table etc. :-)

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Luckily sold the house and everything else we could. Didn't have jobs to come to but it was 1992, so the exchange rate and cost of living here was in our favour.


My wife is a nurse and found a job in a couple of weeks, after her first interview.


It was the days before the internet so the only research we were able to do was read books and go to the embassy in Manchester to chat to people. We hadn't been to Oz before and didn't have anyone we knew here. We just thought that we had always managed and got by in the UK, whatever the situation with the economy and what jobs we did, so we would be able to do the same in Aus.


Sounds a bit simplistic and we came for the weather and the lifestyle, not a career, job or money move. I was out of work for 5 months but we came expecting it to be hard, as it was the middle of a recession here as well as in the UK in 92. The only difference was we were both in good jobs in the UK and came here with no guarantees.


We realised pretty quick we would need a car so had to spend savings on that. We rented for a year until we were sure where we could afford to live that would give us the lifestyle we wanted. We always wanted to be near the coast so we could go to the beach and enjoy it when we wanted. That meant moving a fair way either North or South of the City as we couldn't afford places closer that were near enough to a nice beach.


It all worked out really well for us and we love it here just as much as the day we arrived. We have been happy with the way the kids have grown up and the opportunities that they have.


Good luck.

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Hi, I can't remember exact figures of how much we spent as it was a year ago, however we spent roughly the following:

$4000 securing a, property at $500 a week, including bond, rent and a few weeks extra to help secure the place. We arrived in January so not alot of properties to look at..some you wouldn't put an animal in!! We live in Sydney, so not sure if property prices are lover in Adelaide? Would have thought so though!? We got a 2 bed flat by the sea, no point moving to not life by the sea. I've always lived by the sea so was not going to move to Oz to live in a crap area in a crap flat. Was over or budget but got declined on the nice cheaper (only by about $50) flats.

As the move was a 'forever' move, I wanted the basic stuff to be good (washer, bed, etc) I believe you pay for what you get so spent several thousand on those. We did get or bed bought for us by my aunty so that helped.

Neither of us had jobs, but luckily my OH got work as a chef pretty soon. Without his income we couldn't have managed. Lots of stuff we did buy 2nd hand till we could afford better stuff, sofa, side board, table etc. :-)


Thanks for your reply :) we are looking at Glenelg and should get a rent for around 350pw so its comforting to know that you managed. I have a job to go to but its agency. I think I am just at the reality stage of the move where everything has suddenly started to feel real and I panicked... Completely agree with you about furniture ect. xxxx

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After doing it myself with the mrs recently I would say you need a hell of a lot of money to go to perth if you want to live anywhere half decent. The cost of Perth is astronomical and that is comparing to salaries paid in Oz (in vs out). Remember you end up paying about half of your money in tax and you have a lot more outgoings here in the way of rent, private medical etc.... so the inflated wage you think your going to get is actually lower than you think after bills.


You will need the cost of cars, container, flights, a few months rental money and rental deposits. You can do things a little on the cheap but then the quality of life you came here for is not there.


personally I dont think I will be here long, for the money (yes thats not all of it) the standard of living is actually lower here in perth than it is in the UK.

Forget the dream of buying a house as for a tiny place in a reasobable area your looking at 500-700K and forget it if you dont have a 25% deposit to put down and also have the savings for the stamp duty.


I can see if you have kids and just go to the beach etc here is a good place but if your a couple who tend to socialise outside of the house then you realise your UK life may be a better option....maybe buy a house in Spain or holiday a lot more to somewhere sunny?


That said Perth is very plesant and it seems friendly enough. I guess its all depending on what your life style was before ariving and I can see mine was better in terms of freedom from much more disposable income.


Then I didnt sell the house and dont ever intend to

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i used washables on our daugther from birth saved a small fortune only time i had problems was when she got the toddler stage and they would leak abit - e bay have pretty good deals if you have to buy them.


today i vote you top poster doesnt seem like you have been off here lol.




Lol baby Jacob has a bad cold so he was either crying on me, sleeping on me or feeding, so time was spent on here also lol.

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Thanks for your reply :) we are looking at Glenelg and should get a rent for around 350pw so its comforting to know that you managed. I have a job to go to but its agency. I think I am just at the reality stage of the move where everything has suddenly started to feel real and I panicked... Completely agree with you about furniture ect. xxxx


Myself and Mrs Kash arrived with about $11k, no jobs. Mrs got a job within a week but her job is in v. high demand here (accountant). I was applying for all sorts for about 2 months absolutely nothing, eventually got a job in a car wash then got a decent gig after about 5 months.


As long as one of you finds work fairly soon youll be fine, just live on the one wage and dont go mad eating out etc, its very pricey here. Once your both earning its happy days, were actually sending any spare cash back to UK at the mo due to high dollar rate :wink:


good luck, if you have work to start with, even agency thats half the battle as its all about Aussie work exp and references here, hence why I struggled at the start.

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We were quite well off in the UK and were able to save and build up quite a lot of equity in the house, which we sold. We also sold off quite a few bits on ebay, did a couple of car boot sales and sold the cars before we came. It's a good thing we did as we have already spent most of the money from the house on a block of land and still have a bit left in savings here.

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My hubby going on holiday visa (selling van for ticket) and his future employer will be applying for a bridging visa for him when he gets there otherwise we would have to wait 6-9? months if it was done from here. He needs him by February. He will then work until June/July (when I'm finished college), and save up to bring me and the 2 kids. He will probably come back for a couple of weeks to help me pack the house into a container.


Still wondering whether to bring the car or not. Weighing up the pros and cons. Definately bringing container as it would be cheaper than to buy new household of furniture. That said, we will probably leave the white goods behind.


Then it's the dog which we will leave with the in-laws until we can afford his astronomical air-fare. Friends say to leave him behind but that's akin to leaving one of my kids behind...almost. I know how much he will love the outdoors there and couldn't bare to deny him that. He is only 6 so hopefully got many more years with us and the girls love him dearly......damn and I spent many an hour training him to be such a clever boy.

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My hubby going on holiday visa (selling van for ticket) and his future employer will be applying for a bridging visa for him when he gets there otherwise we would have to wait 6-9? months if it was done from here. He needs him by February. He will then work until June/July (when I'm finished college), and save up to bring me and the 2 kids. He will probably come back for a couple of weeks to help me pack the house into a container.


Still wondering whether to bring the car or not. Weighing up the pros and cons. Definately bringing container as it would be cheaper than to buy new household of furniture. That said, we will probably leave the white goods behind.


Then it's the dog which we will leave with the in-laws until we can afford his astronomical air-fare. Friends say to leave him behind but that's akin to leaving one of my kids behind...almost. I know how much he will love the outdoors there and couldn't bare to deny him that. He is only 6 so hopefully got many more years with us and the girls love him dearly......damn and I spent many an hour training him to be such a clever boy.


Wouldn't bother with the car, dog or kids.:wink:


Seriously though, wouldn't bother with the car. Look around when you get here. I know a lot of posts say how expensive cars are but you have to take into account they've never been in contact with any salt on the roads and older cars are generally in much better nic here. There are some cheap bargains to be had privately too. My mate brought his XJS jag with him but that was because he was offered next to nothing for it in the UK. In general cars are bigger here and 4 wheel drives and SUV's very popular.

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Reading how much it cost others, I don't quite know how we did it, but the 2 of us managed to emigrate to Sydney 15 months ago with a $4000 re-location allowance from my employer and a further £6000 savings between us.


This combined amount covered the cost of 175 visa application inc. medicals and getting our UK qualifications recognised, flights, a second hand Yaris, 10 days in a b&b (also had 3 weeks accomodation for free with friends), basic furniture, washing machine and TV, crockery and cutlery etc, and the cost of shipping 7 boxes of books and clothes. (I haven't included the bond on our rental flat actually, that was an extra $2360 - which we'll be getting back shortly!)


We weren't getting any income from our UK flat as it was occupied on 'mates' rates' for the first 12 months.


I think we got by on a lot less than most! But we had the security of both having job offers before we left the UK, with start dates 4 weeks after arrival (during which time we were still earning annual leave pay from our UK jobs, before we'd technically left our posts).


15 months on and I feel I've accumulated / bought too much stuff and wish I could go back to having next to nothing like when we first arrived - it was liberating!

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We will only move if Russ has a job to go to and I will try and find a job after getting the kids settled and depending on when we move over.


Yeah, I can understand stressing about the $£ if there's kids in the equation. We've picked the most expensive place to live though, so you can definately make your money go further than we have if you choose to live somewhere more affordable.


Good luck!

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Yeah, I can understand stressing about the $£ if there's kids in the equation. We've picked the most expensive place to live though, so you can definately make your money go further than we have if you choose to live somewhere more affordable.


Good luck!


Thank you for that, we are planning to move to Perth, north side, so nervous about £$.

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Myself and Mrs Kash arrived with about $11k, no jobs. Mrs got a job within a week but her job is in v. high demand here (accountant). I was applying for all sorts for about 2 months absolutely nothing, eventually got a job in a car wash then got a decent gig after about 5 months.


As long as one of you finds work fairly soon youll be fine, just live on the one wage and dont go mad eating out etc, its very pricey here. Once your both earning its happy days, were actually sending any spare cash back to UK at the mo due to high dollar rate :wink:


good luck, if you have work to start with, even agency thats half the battle as its all about Aussie work exp and references here, hence why I struggled at the start.


Hi jonny kash, thanks for your response. My job is in high demand or so iv heard. I am a mental health nurse and mark works in customer services. Hopefully we will be ok. We have a place (rent free) to come on arrival. We just have us so can scrape food costs ect st first. Positive energy attracts positive things so I'm trying not to worry x

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Inheritance and savings for us, will have between 30 and 40k, won't sell house as done a lot of work on it and would only make a little if sold it now


i know many people have done the move on a lot less so will try and be careful with our money when we first arrive, I can imagine how quickly it goes!

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Interesting post and alot of people fortunate with employment and relocation allowances. We will have savings and possible house sale plus sale of clutter giving circa £200k so hopefully will help in providing a solid start.

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our house is rented for next few years and we have literally saved like mad! were staying with friends for first 3 weeks and both have interviews lined up. Were coming with about £10k. weve paid for all our visas, meds and flights by saving up and also shipped 15 boxes, large sofa and chair, fridge and toys.

Have you contacted Ramsay Healthcare regarding sponsorship and jobs? They have a large part to do with hospital in Joondalup in Perth?


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We are hoping to emigrate in June/July this year so now getting rough shipping quotes.....which are coming out as really expensive...£5-£7k.....makes me think now about selling all our furniture here (might get £1k) and putting it towards the £5-£7k we would save mu not shipping it and get the new main bits in oz, then replace other things as and when money allows....plus this would remove the stress factor from shipping. Decisions!


We are hoping to go out with $15kAUD (if we decide to ship our furniture) to get us sorted, would ideally have more but I think it could be done on this budget.



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Hi me and my husband and 9yr old daughter are thinking of moving to oz as our friend moved here last year and are really selling us the idea of a lifd in oz, we have not gone into full details of visa ect just a quick look up on internet. But my friend has told me that the job i do HOME CARING, is on the wanted list but i was wondering if anyone has heard of any care companyies that do the sponcered visa as this seems on first glace to be the quickest and more reliable (job wise) way to go. Any advice would be very welcome. Thanks

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