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How did you afford to go to Oz?

russ and claire

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We'd have had next to bugger all if I hadn't been robbed a month before we left. We made nothing on our house...................I had a little studio/dark room in the yard and I'm almost certain that it was a "viewer" when the house was up for sale that broke into it at night, and stole my gear. The insurance was offering to be quick to pay out when I told 'em that we were emigrating soon, but they wanted quotes for the gear. I explained that if I replaced it with new, then i would have to pay duty on it so they offered me cash less 10% of the valuation/quotes, which netted us 7K sterling. I aso surrendered an endowment that gave us another 1K. We had no savings. The exchange rate at that time was 51p to the dollar (I remeber it because petrol was 51cents a litre) so we came with about A$18K. We lost 11K of that in our first two years due to a bum land deal.


It was much easier back then in 95, to get your feet on the ladder and some folk we knew that had come 4 years earlier had it even better. They paid 79K for a 4 bed and sold it for $280k 7 years later. We paid $111k for ours and sold it for 310K 5 yrs later. We've been lucky...............no such thing as luck for the poor buggers coming now.


Very true about much easier 10/20/30/40 years ago, as things were alot cheaper. My aunty was a 10 pound pom 40 years ago and arrived with 20 pounds (if that) in her pocket! She became a self made millionaire. Had her own business (buying/selling vintage clothing) and then buying and selling property when it was cheap enough to do so easier. Lots more opportunities then. I totally agree with John!

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We've only been in Oz for a short time and we've got 4 kids. It is difficult and very expensive with kids. I came over on my own about 6 months ago as I didn't need much space on my own. I researched areas, got a job, a house to rent and schools for the kids. My wife and kids came out about 3 months ago and they've settled in really well. We're in Camden which is a really nice suburb, I travel by train to Sydney for work which takes awhile, but is much cheaper than travel in England.


It's definitely worth it, the weather is beautiful, the people are friendly, the economy is good and the prospects for the kids are great.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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Hi jpmangley,


Thank you for that information. I may consider going out myself before my Wife and kids too although time will tell.


I can understand it being hard before you get on your feet as it is totally different. We are looking at Brisbane although we are in the early stages so not yet settled on that. Do you mind me asking how much you took out there? Did you get a skilled job and how hard was it for you to find work?


We've only been in Oz for a short time and we've got 4 kids. It is difficult and very expensive with kids. I came over on my own about 6 months ago as I didn't need much space on my own. I researched areas, got a job, a house to rent and schools for the kids. My wife and kids came out about 3 months ago and they've settled in really well. We're in Camden which is a really nice suburb, I travel by train to Sydney for work which takes awhile, but is much cheaper than travel in England.


It's definitely worth it, the weather is beautiful, the people are friendly, the economy is good and the prospects for the kids are great.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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Kevin, I took a minimal amount, got together enough to ship the family and possessions over, did a couple of months doing casual work which got cash together for the bond on a house. I was a mortgage broker in England, now I'm working in a bank, not a particularly skilled job, but good and good potential. Getting a job around Sydney is easy, but you do need to work hard.


Just go for it, It'll work.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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Thanks mate your information is much appreciated. So what Visa did you all get because I've been considering trying to get myself and Wife a Skilled Visa but it's still all quite new to us. The more and more I look at this site I want to just dive straight in. Why did you choose Sydney if you don't mind me asking?


Kevin, I took a minimal amount, got together enough to ship the family and possessions over, did a couple of months doing casual work which got cash together for the bond on a house. I was a mortgage broker in England, now I'm working in a bank, not a particularly skilled job, but good and good potential. Getting a job around Sydney is easy, but you do need to work hard.


Just go for it, It'll work.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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We are going to tidy up our house and garden :) This week the baby will go into cloth nappies and reusable wipes and that cuts down the costs :)





Hi russ and claire:


Terry nappies are good for many reasons. You can buy nappy liners and rubber pants to make life a bit easier, although you'll need a bit of elbow-grease and a bucket or two for soaking them in sterilising solution but it'll all be just dandy and you'll save heaps. And you definitely don't need wipes, whether they're reusable or not. A good old-fashioned soft cotton flannel and warm water and baby soap will do any job that wipes do -- and it's better for the environment, as well as your purse!!


All the best for 2013!!

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I can't help you much with the visa as my wife was born in Australia so I got a spouse visa and we went to Sydney because that is were her family is. Having family here helped, but if you can get s visa to get here, everything else will be good.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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Ok thanks for your help.



I can't help you much with the visa as my wife was born in Australia so I got a spouse visa and we went to Sydney because that is were her family is. Having family here helped, but if you can get s visa to get here, everything else will be good.


Sent from my BlackBerry 9380 using Tapatalk

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We're heading over with about $12000 and have another $3000 already in Oz. We just saved as much as we could, even though we don't earn much really (although we haven't saved much for the past 9 months as I have been on statutory maternity pay which is only £500 a month, which doesn't even cover my share of our rent in our London flat), although between shipping, a couple of holidays to Thailand, and our wedding in Las Vegas, we have blown quite a bit! However, we don't have any accom costs to think about or nor do we need to worry about bills as we're staying with my parents, and we won't have to pay any food costs until we get jobs, and I already have a new car there, so we're lucky in that respect. Hubby does have a flat (interest only mortgage) here in the UK but we don't really want to sell it, hopefully we can save enough whilst living with my family to get enough for a mortgage without it.

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Going over with little to nothing...


New job is paying flights and moving stuff over, as well as visa etc. only thing I need to worry about is rent and beer! Pay £800 a month here, so I suppose if you times that by 2.5 that's $2,000 a month...seen a lot better places for that than the equivalent 10 x 10 box you get in London so not worried.


Most stuff, having drilled down into my own lifestyle and expenditure will be a little cheaper overall in Sydney (I know that's not the case across the board, just mean what I spend my money on!)


So will be going over with last wage, circa £3k after tax and not worrying about clearing overdrafts etc here yet!


Also should have inheritance, but seeing that as bonus money rather than what I will live off...


Not that worried at the moment

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