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barbaitch last won the day on December 22 2016

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About barbaitch

  • Birthday 26/07/1940

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  1. barbaitch


    Oh, this is such sad news. I have only just read that dear Gill (Gollywobbler) has passed away and I'm filled with sadness at such a huge loss, especially to members of Poms in Oz/Poms in Adelaide, many of whom owe everything related to their migration to Australia to her. She was one in a million and I'm so very sorry to know she's no longer with us. What a treasure she was! My deep condolences to her family, both in the UK and in Australia. What a warm, caring, kind, generous and wonderful human being she was. So sad.
  2. Hi B4T: We're in Adelaide at present and know just what your Tassie rellies mean about feeling freezing cold at 14c!! It was about that today and I've been huddled in the lounge all day with the gas heater on! I was only saying to an Aussie friend the other day that in England we get proper excited when the tv weather presenters announce that 'we're heading for double figures tomorrow' when doing the forecast, and that might only mean 10 degrees celsius!!! Mind you, we have central-heating all winter in the UK, so perhaps we've become a bit soft, but I'm telling you, since we've been here in South Oz for the past couple of years, it's flipping freeeeezing indoors during winter once the temps drop below 15 or 16C without central heating!! Or maybe it's just me being a wimp. Btw, my husband and I are visiting Tasmania in November for five days and really looking forward to it. Sounds gorgeous and we can't wait!
  3. With respect, mungbean, I've been using my uk 4-socket powerboard for four years while on three x 3month visits to Australia, prior to coming here two years ago, during which time I've used it on a daily basis, albeit not all sockets at once for much of that time. I still use my powerboard for my uk electric hair dryer every day, the only uk appliance I have not yet replaced with an Australian appliance. My suggestion for using a uk powerboard for uk appliances while in Oz was intended as a temporary arrangement until people newly arrived from the UK eventually purchased Australian replacements. I still say it's a great tip for people coming to Oz on a visa validation trip, or for new arrivals who may not wish to replace their own uk appliances immediately. It's worked for me very well and I know it's been a great boon for many other newcomers to Oz. Happy days!
  4. Yes, Ceri, your UK electrical appliances will definitely work okay in Oz with an adaptor. Here's a great tip I picked up on PomsInOz a few years ago: You'll only need one UK/Oz adaptor plug, but also bring a UK 4 or 6-point UK powerboard with you!! You're bound to have a number of appliances that'll need a UK plug at the same time (for instance, charging cameras/mobile phones/tablets etc) and if you're bringing small appliances, like an iron/kettle/toaster/hair dryer/straightener, as plenty of people do, you'll find a powerboard an absolute boon until the time your UK appliances die and you want to buy Oz replacements. It was a great tip and I'm happy to pass it on. You won't be sorry, I promise! All the best!

    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi Barbaitch,</p></p>

    <p><p>Thanks for the message. I havent been on here for 3 or more months whilst studying hard for Airline Transport rating exams. I'm finally taking the required steps to getting an airline career.</p></p>

    <p><p>Trouble is there are no jobs and I'm probably too old but it is something I always wanted to do.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>No I never got my parents out. My dad has medical complications which means he is now quite tied to the UK medical system. He has multiple myloma which, although treatable with chemotherapy, the drugs have caused him to lose all feelings in his lower legs. They wont be coming out.</p></p>

    <p><p>I'm left feeling I should return to the UK to be closer to them in their final years. My sister is back on the scene in the UK after a 10 year disappearance which takes a little pressure off me but Im feeling very unhappy, single, voluntarily out of work not wanting to go back to I.T. and living off savings (not dole). Aaaaagh!</p></p>

    <p> </p>



    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Hi TheVet: I hope you're keeping well and life is treating you and your family kindly.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>I was wondering if you were successful in bringing your parents back to live in Oz. I do hope so.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>I wish you well in all ways.</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>Best regards, barbaitch x</p></p>

    <p> </p>


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