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Hello - moving to Melbourne


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Hello :)


Myself and my Aus girlfriend are just starting to gather information and what's needed in order to go ahead with a prospective marriage visa. I'm a 20 year old accountant living in Notts, registering on here seemed to be a good thing to do.


Thank you in advance if anyone reading this ends up helping me in the future.

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Hello :)


Myself and my Aus girlfriend are just starting to gather information and what's needed in order to go ahead with a prospective marriage visa. I'm a 20 year old accountant living in Notts, registering on here seemed to be a good thing to do.


Thank you in advance if anyone reading this ends up helping me in the future.


welcome TristanH hope you are going to find the site useful, its a mine of information ...

am also in Notts and looking to move to Melbourne ;-)

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Hi There, just wanted to say Hi and welcome, you will I am sure find what you are looking for here, if you are unsure of something just post the question, there is always someone on the site who can assist.


I found PIO invaluable when we were making our move, and to be honest I don´t think we would have done it without the help we got, or maybe would have done it, but spent hell of a lot more money than we did, particularly on shipping, I found the shipping thread to be particularly helpful, and the reassurance I got regarding medicals was wonderful.


Good luck with everything.

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@Britchickx Hello and thank you, I'm sure I will :)


@Eggwise Hello! Thank you for the offer, I'm sure I will be asking you about things in the future! I'd hope you'd say that the process was manageable :)


@Barbie We are quite similar in what we are aiming for. I hope we're both successful :)


@Love Shoes I will be milking PIO for everything I could ask for don't worry. Luckily my girlfriend has a family member who met his now Canadian wife who have gone through the process so they were able to reassure us that this process is, in-fact, achieveable :)

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@Eggwise Hello! Thank you for the offer, I'm sure I will be asking you about things in the future! I'd hope you'd say that the process was manageable :)




Your welcome! The process is quite straight forward although it does look daunting at first. Just really familiarise yourself with the form and have a good look through the partner migration booklets and checklists that are on the immi website. They give you all the info you need as well as guidelines on the kind of evidence you should send with regards to your ongoing relationship.


Best of luck to you....and remember to post any questions you have!

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@eggwise I'm glad you think so. My GF and I printed out the actual form and had a good look through it to make sure that we knew what all the questions meant and what were being asked for - which, at the moment, we are in the process of doing. :)

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