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Chocolate & Tea Bags


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If you take them you'll have to declare them - if they're retail packed chocolate and teabags/leafs then you'll probably be allowed to keep them. Even if not you'll not be in any trouble as long as you declare them.


However, are you sure you want to fill up valuable luggage space with chocolate and tea? There is a damn good selection of tea and chocolate in Oz - especially if you happen to find yourself near one of the Haigh's Chocolate stores :yes:

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We haven't even got there, but my Mum is packing her suitcase and planning what she will be taking - she likes to be organised LOL.


My Dad drinks tea like it is going out of fashion and my Mum thinks it will cost a small fortune to keep him watered. We were chatting about chocolate, she brings it over to Spain for us each time she visits - she is here next week. We always look forward to getting our "goodies". She was asking me if she could take some to Oz and I didn't know.

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We took chocolate and teabags in last time and declared them.

It was brilliant, because we had declared something we got sent to a separate line for checking and when they knew what we were declaring, they just sent us straight through.

Jumped all the queues!

Good luck.......

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Haha - my parents take teabags wherever they go - UK or abroad. I think it must be a generational thing.


Not that my parents are quite that old but aparently during the war the UK government split the nation's tea stocks up and stored them in different places across the UK. The thinking was that tea was so important to the British way of life that if the tea stocks were lost through bombing then morale would take a dive and the war might have been be lost...


I get through about 6 or 7 cups per day so I'm probably not one to criticise. :eek:

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Can you take chocolate and tea bags to Oz in your suitcase. I have been talking about this important issue with my Mum and we are not sure whether you can take them in your suitcase? Anyone know?


You can definitely - we bring cadbury's chocolate, PG Tips, Lemon Curd and lots of other things. They are mainly concerned about meats, dairy and fresh items. They did check how much egg content was in the lemon curd - so egg content might be something to watchout for. But you MUST delcare ALL foor items. We pack a box with all our food and keep a list so when they ask what we have we can give them the list and the food is easily accessible.

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I was at my Friends the other day & her Daughter had a huge bag full of chocolate, creme eggs, easter eggs, mini eggs, penguins, lindt bunnies etc, her Dad had bought them over for her from the Uk....So as other posters have said, im sure its Ok, if you declare it :yes: Yumm!


My friend always gets her mum to bring out cadburys choclate, pg tips and hellmans mayonaise!



I bought hellmans mayo in Coles the other day, granted it cost $6 odd, but it lasts a while & tastes the same, so figure it was worth it :wink:

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We took chocolate and teabags in last time and declared them.

It was brilliant, because we had declared something we got sent to a separate line for checking and when they knew what we were declaring, they just sent us straight through.

Jumped all the queues!

Good luck.......



Great tip ~ Will be sure to tell visitors the MUST BRING ME CHOCOLATE!!! ~ For there own sake of course! :laugh:

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Guest JK2510

You can buy pg tips here....cadburys just doesn't taste the same.....I now prefer cadburys caramello or crunchie as I think it makes the choc taste better....I was always a fan of dairy milk in the uk....I think OHs mum and dad will be told what to bring....:laugh: Will advise them not to worry about clothes and line the suitcase with choccie!

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do bear in mind that luggage may be sat around on the tarmac in warm conditions during transit in Asia. If you want to make sure your suitcase doesn't arrive with a lovely sweet brown coating on the inside, you might want to carry the chocolate in hand-luggage rather than checked luggage.

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Guest HeywoodMonkey

To be honest I wouldn't bother bringing any cadbury's over, you will only upset yourself when you run out and cannot get any more, sure there's an Englush shop selling imported cadbury's but do you really want to spend a fortune for a Freddie Frog ? Just accept that your taste buds will be battered into submission and you will in time think that Aussie cadbury's is ok, ( honest ) lol

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Why would you? You can buy all of it here. Supermarkets stock most of e UK brands such as tetley tea, pg tips and things. Some people say Oz chocolate doesn't taste the same, personally I can't tell the difference but in any case you can get the uk version at the British sweet shops

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We took chocolate and teabags in last time and declared them.

It was brilliant, because we had declared something we got sent to a separate line for checking and when they knew what we were declaring, they just sent us straight through.

Jumped all the queues!

Good luck.......


Same thing happened to us in February, we declared our tea bags and got sent to a separate queue with no one else in it. The kids were screaming, they didn't even bother to check any of our bags. It's the quickest we've ever been through immigration and quarantine.

Just remember to declare it and pack all your food together so you only need to through one bag.

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  • 2 months later...

We always bring loads of chocolate and anyone visitng then thats the requirement to stay with us LOL

I asked about tea when I went over and the Aussie customs told me only commercial, with clearly labelled exactly whats in it as they need to know its pure and not contaminated.

When we came back and declared the chcolate they were shcoked we did not have any Bisto, must be a common thing to bring back .....

We forgot it though!!

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Guest Ptp113

Fantastic organic chocolate made here, but like anything good in Oz it's not available at any supercrap.

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