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Everything posted by BendigoBoy

  1. Not trying to derail, but while the subject of turkeys is raised... The Kia Cerato's a pretty solid runner (as is the Rio if you're alright with a hatchback). Neither will set the world on fire, but in 6 years, I haven't had a single thing go wrong mechanically with the Cerato. (Another benefit of our climates in general - no heavy stress on the components from a freeze over the winter months) And despite them being solid runners, I reckon the little teenage knobs who are currently doing the rounds trying to break into cars just avoid Kias because they're not flash enough.
  2. I had an absolute storm of jitters the week before leaving. Glad I got them out of me. Fear of the unknown is pretty much one of the most staple shared human experiences we have. And no, it doesn't end the same way for all of us. However, I tell you what: there's nothing that would make me move back nowadays. Whatever you decide to do, @Simontucks the very best of luck with it!
  3. Those figures look like the overseas renewal fees for an Australian passport.
  4. Rego will cover compulsory third party in Queensland. I'd personally recommend picking up a fully comp policy if you've got a vehicle younger than ten years old, regardless. And in terms of car insurance premiums, I found them about 40% cheaper than the UK when I landed in 2016. So hopefully still a fair bit less: I can recommend Budget and AAMI: I've used both over the years when someone struck me on two occasions. Everything was righted in no time at all. Strangely, no incidents of bad drivers smacking into me since leaving Melbourne.
  5. I wouldn't disagree. You didn't say there'd be no money left after paying the bills, though. Even if cost of living's a bit higher, it doesn't necessarily mean there's not a fair bit of folding left.
  6. Really? A visa, I would completely agree. But an electronic travel authorisation isn't a visa. Not challenging. Just surprised. Probably their way of trying to get more stupid fees from other good souls who want to renounce British citizenship, I guess.
  7. Wee one didn't go to citizenship ceremony with you? If born after you got PR and was here in Oz, then they'll be a citizen anyways. Correcting myself: sorry, you said yourself they were born here. You just need a certificate of citizenship. Can't quote directly, but I figured they'd be free given they're already a citizen. Worst case scenario, my read is $265. As always, I will happily stand corrected. Just super excited that it's one more soul that won't need a Blighty Blighted Passport once they get their citizenship confirmed
  8. Sorry, dude. Don't mean to sound like a dick. Context, please. Youngest under 16, aye?
  9. Absolutely agree, wholeheartedly. Especially for the tech sector. I'm in a bit of a niche place, but I always caution engineers against staying in a role for longer than 18 months to 2 years while they're developing their skills. For one, they'll end up going stale in a hell of a lot of workplaces, and - quite mercenary, maybe, but nevertheless true - they'll only really take home what they're truly worth by jumping ship the majority of the time. Being bound to an employer for a two year period, particularly with all the unknown unknowns that come with that (poor management, dick colleagues, dislike of locale), would be extremely offputting for me. It was a 189 or nothing, in my case.
  10. I didn't blame them. I simply gave a view of probabilities in my estimation and where I would lay a bet.
  11. Absolutely concur. That change was made through ATO systems. So either your friend wasn't taking adequate care of their credentials, or the ATO systems need to be tightened up. Sad as it is, and as much as it pains me to say, I'd put money on the fault being at the "victim's" end for not setting up adequate security and data protection safeguards for their own benefit, rather than on the ATO.
  12. Depends. I'm literally playing pedant on the semantics: if the account is with the bank in question as well, then they are using it.
  13. Could probably say the same about any of the Big 4
  14. I'd suggest speaking to your vet. It's not just a case of doing the trip a couple of times a year; it's for how much longer your dog could reasonably do that trip. Once a cocker spaniel hits 12/13, they're getting into the golden age: I'm no vet, but I'd be querying how much more stressful dogs in later years would find the trip.
  15. If that's what the calculator says, that's what it will be. You must have held PR for 12 months before you are eligible for citizenship.
  16. You might want to take a look at Revolut.
  17. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-processing-times/global-visa-processing-times
  18. Bear in mind that that 651 application is still in flight unless and until cancelled / processed. So if your wife is on your 482, and that 651 comes in *after* the 482 is issued, she's going to lose it.
  19. Any app/service you see suggesting it can expedite a visa request is a scam, mate. Edited to add: is your wife on your 482? In which case you better hope the 651 is issued *before* the 482 is; otherwise the 482 would be replaced by the 651 for her as far as I understand. Although, as always, I yield immediately to the wisdom of an RMA.
  20. Indeed. Mr Potato Head excels at pointless arguments, though. It has been fun watching Ley backtrack and try to make out she never said they would absolutely unwind the changes, regardless of what they might be, before they were announced.
  21. Nope. Quite pleased to see some common sense prevail. With the way things are for many people at the moment, a bit more tax relief for the majority of workers is no bad thing. A volte face for the common good is infinitely better than staying a course that just rubs salt in the wound of those struggling the most when something could be done to alleviate a little of their strain.
  22. Thought they had ditched the regional work requirements for UK working holiday makers now!?
  23. Don't do IELTS, mate; that'd be my advice. Do PTE. As someone who did IELTS, TOEFL and PTE, PTE was far more rounded and true to life than the others. IELTS is just a cash cow for its operators. It isn't unknown for those with Masters degrees in English language/lit to walk away with a 7 in writing despite hitting 9s on all other aspects. It's one for "learn by rote" rather than "actually use in real life" learners.
  24. Of course, you could find you just can't bring yourself to leave after you land with a 189. Four and a bit years for citizenship, and then you can always flit as and when you want to.
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