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Everything posted by BendigoBoy

  1. I dunno. If you had a third and daddy had tapped his friend on the shoulder, you might stand a chance. And looking at the number of firsts and 2:1s they seem to just hand out nowadays, heavens only knows what it would take to get a third... probably a more difficult achievement in some respects.
  2. Hopefully they sort out the delays and hold ups getting citizenship we faced over the last few years. Wife and I waited 9 months after submitting our application for citizenship until we got the test. Then it was six months until the ceremony...
  3. If I could drop an F scrabble tile emoji as a response to that message, believe me, I would. A lot of lenders won't even do lending under $150k from what I can see on the bank websites.
  4. Not sure there's any rhyme or reason to it. This little piece is sensible enough at first glance: https://www.homeloanexperts.com.au/how-much-can-i-borrow/how-do-banks-calculate-my-borrowing-power/ But I've just hopped around NAB / Commonwealth and a few other banks' websites out of curiosity and they were throwing up borrowing figures that had a discrepancy between them (from lowest to highest) of almost $200,000 across lenders, when I put my details into their calculators. I've always held that 3x is a sane and sensible multiple to borrow as an absolute maximum, just in case the unforeseen happens. The sad fact is, for much of Australia, there's no way they could get on the ladder at all if they were restricted to a 3x multiple.
  5. To be honest, not sure many Australian employers will even have heard of this. Was a totally new one on me, entirely. Apparently it's something that came in as part of that free trade deal? https://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/trade-and-investment/benefits-tech-entrepreneurs-and-innovators/iecsep. The honest truth is, there was very, very, very little published in the news over here about the free trade deal that was signed with the UK. The deets on that website seem a little odd, as well. The short term intra-company transfers / secondments, fair enough, that makes sense. But the 3 year innovation route sounds weird: one would have thought the roles designed to fall within the scope of that would land on the skills lists for 482/189/190. Although interesting that they want the applicant to have minimum funds and proof that they can move on after the period of their visa [don't _think_ that's something they require for the 482? Happy to stand corrected]. No harm in reaching out to employers, I suppose. But the fair question is: what's the gain for them versus recruiting someone who's onshore - and on a temporary visa pathway they may very well not ever have heard of?
  6. Well, that's what we fund them for!
  7. To be honest, LinkedIn's usually my first stop. Not so much a case of looking for roles. Just update your profile, mark yourself looking for work, and then keep your phone beside you. In terms of sites, seek.com.au would probs be first port of call after that. But in terms of the industry you're looking at, I'd go (a) banks' own websites, (b) LinkedIn, (c) recruiters directly. I wouldn't bother getting in touch with recruiters until June-ish next year, to be honest. Things move pretty quickly out here when they catch a nibble. As a rule of thumb, if I find myself waiting more than 48 hours after an interview for a decision / update, I generally let a recruiter know I'm no longer interested in the role given how disinterested the client seems to be. Strangely, the client always has a decision *very* quickly after those calls...
  8. Apply through the ACS for an assessment: https://www.acs.org.au/msa/information-for-applicants.html Took me about two weeks to hear back from them. But that was 2015.
  9. Plenty of applicants for tech roles here. Just hell trying to find anyone who actually knows what they're doing, most of the time! I'd recommend taking a look at the NAB website to see what they might have published job wise at the moment. They've a fair size FX/trading team up in Sydney, you never know your luck - they might be after a BA.
  10. I guess it'll depend on what your specialism is within the field. In terms of software / systems engineering, for the Big 4 banks, you're probs best applying directly; for anything else, then there are a few really good recruiters I could happily recommend getting in touch with. There's also a fair weight of contracting work in the banks, so consultancies (thinking Dius and the like) can be good places to talk to if you're keen to stay in the sector.
  11. End of the day, it's your life and only you can decide what's best for you, mate. I don't envy you having to make the decision. Many of us here have done so ourselves. Personally, I cried my tears for a good few days before we left the UK: as you never know whether you'll see anyone again. Anything can happen on the turn of a coin, which we sadly discovered when we had a death in the family very shortly after moving out. I would make the exact same decision all over again, if I had to, though. But we're all wired up differently. To mirror Toots: good luck, whatever you decide to do.
  12. Compared to how some forum members would react to finding out someone had lied on an application, some might say that the Department of Home Affairs would seem like a good friend in the event someone was found out and faced their visa being cancelled down the road.
  13. You must truthfully disclose your medical history and any known medical conditions. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/form-listing/forms/26.pdf
  14. Plenty of MPs who have seen their fair share of manholes in their time, from what I understand.
  15. Oh heavens, yes. After all, it was Tony boy and his crew who bled the coffers dry over 13 years with public private partnerships bloating up beyond all belief and wasting money on projects that you look back on now and just think: The Hell!? As for Corbyn, least said soonest mended. It always irked me that the man who had voted against his own party over 500 times over his career went so full tilt with applying three line whips to his party. As for him sitting on the fence over leave or remain for Brexit, he was on there so long, I dare wonder whether one of the pickets did him an injustice. Not to mention, he's a man who makes jam for a hobby: and he doesn't even _like_ jam. They're all as bad as one another. My point was simply on the fact that the official line is that you vote for your MP, rather than any given party. Just sad that it would appear to be a minority of the British population who know that to begin with.
  16. Now, play fair. The rules officially say that constituents vote for their MP: by that token, it shouldn't even *really* be about the party, but rather your MP's representation of your interests in the Commons. I'm all for just sitting back and watching the UK continue to fade away into insignificance and oblivion through the sheer stupidity of the populist twonks who read the Daily Mail, but let's at least get the technicalities of how the electoral process is intended to run correct, shall we?
  17. Some might say it's bad enough as it is with the rules as they currently are and the overall drain on the coffers covering Centrelink, Medicare, and other services for those who have coat-tailed over and don't contribute.
  18. Any stick should work as long as you've got (a) software for the VPN, and (b) an account for the VPN itself.
  19. I'd do it now to make sure you have a visa in place. Because you won't be returning on 17 November without one.
  20. A very good earner, indeed. I can think of plenty of professionals who would kill to make that sort of cash.
  21. Dunno if I'd say the courses are that expensive if that's the kind of cash she's pulling in after the fact, and as a weekend gig, at that!
  22. And that goes for "into the city" right around the state. After all, costs me the same to get the train in and back from Bendigo as it would to catch the tram from the suburbs into Melbourne CBD.
  23. I remember Cabot Circus parking being pretty cheap back in 2016 before I left. They ramp the prices up?
  24. I'm more concerned about someone asking if I actually work the other six days of the week as well...
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