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Everything posted by BendigoBoy

  1. I will leave the specifics of how feasible it is to find a teaching role while overseas to those more in the know. @InnerVoice might be able to provide some insight on that. In terms of moving only a month before the job starts, I would just ask you to consider whether that's realistically time enough. I moved over in August 2016, and it was a different world for rentals at that time. We were very fortunate in booking a short term apartment for two weeks on arrival and then landing a 12 month rental agreement two days later. If you have to juggle house hunting alongside starting a new full time job, it could be worth sitting down to consider if maybe a little more leeway (another month or so) on arrival to sort out long term accommodation and get yourself grounded in the country is something to consider. (Although I appreciate that's also potentially another month without an income stream).
  2. It is getting insane, to be honest. I've been vehemently anti negative gearing since I learned it was a concept.... ...But this year's been surreal. So much so that the wife and I are currently on the hunt around Melbourne for a decent flat to buy and rent out below market rate. Won't even make a scratch at a national level, but if we can at least help one soul find a roof over their head and leave them with a bit in their pocket to build up some savings to right foot themselves, we'll feel a little easier. (Edited to amend lack-of-caffeine-induced typo)
  3. If resources allow, why not take a flight to Melbourne or Hobart for Christmas? My wife and I have had Christmas at home since the pandemic, but are slowly coming back out of our shells. Lunch by the river, not too much humidity, and a chance to meet some new friends was a highlight of our first four Christmases in Australia. Homesickness hits us all in different ways. We certainly found ours abated that first year by the wonderful social atmosphere along the river and down the lane ways of Melbourne. Whatever you choose to do, I hope the homesickness doesn't hit you too hard over the holiday season. From the wilds of Country Victoria: Merry Christmas
  4. Yeah, been using Revolut for a while now. They're snappy and swift. No concerns from me with them. Although depends what you mean by large sums, but had no issues going into six figures with them.
  5. In terms of borrowing for a house, the banks are more likely to put weight on your job role, industry, likelihood for salary progression, and take home pay after expenses than they are a credit rating: it's a handy check for risk assessment. But when people working in the banks are showing people how to lie on mortgage applications, you have to wonder where the real risk is.
  6. I haven't actually. I'm too fat and lazy to get off the sofa and give a damn to look. It's one of the absolute god sends about working from home. I can't stand the woke, vegan masses of the tech community in Melbourne.
  7. You can. They choose not to. Frankly, I think people who have fitness watches ought to be sectioned for the good of society...
  8. Not trying to be ahead of anyone mate. Just trying to be autonomous and a Good Australian.
  9. We're of a similar mind, my friend. I have a cheap little Android phone, my development machine is seven years old (and still a powerhouse), and I write software for a living. People walk around with veritable super computers from 20 years ago in their pockets and use them for looking at cat videos and porn. We are marching into an era where people will be living in tents on the ruins of great buildings because me, me, me, now, now, now has done sod all except make rigour, hard work and saving look like a dirty, wasteful way of being.
  10. Yes, I was. Afraid I can't offer any more insight beyond what was on that page: it'll most likely be down to your existing SIPP scheme rules if you can transfer it in, I imagine.
  11. You _might_ be able to move to an HL SIPP. I've been using them since 2010 when I was working in finance in the UK, never had any issues. https://www.hl.co.uk/help/sipp,-drawdown-and-annuity/sipp/eligibility/am-i-eligible-for-a-vantage-sipp
  12. I'm just a bog standard software engineer. Bit of a polyglot, but just a chap who writes code at the end of the day. In short: yes, I need to take people on; just need to get the new product we're building in our team of three up and turning coin so that the boss will open the purse strings for hiring.
  13. Indeed. Never have, never will.
  14. Ah, to be fair, if you're flying under the radar, you can work in some decent holidays without using up annual leave. Took the laptop with me to Thailand a while back. Worked during the height of day when it was just way too hot and humid outside, went touring in the mornings and evenings. Two week "holiday" using only 8 hours of annual leave.
  15. Well, we certainly need interest rates to be closer to a healthy 5.5-6.5%, I'll concur. Sick to death of interest on my savings being below inflation for nearly 20 years.
  16. You're a citizen in both countries, so you don't need a visa. Whether your employer has an entity set up to be able to pay you in both countries would be another matter. That said, if they are happy with you working fully remote, then it could slip under the radar if they don't know where you are as long as the work gets done. Then they just pay you through the one account. Could be tax implications @Ken would be aware of beyond the standard double taxation treaty maybe?
  17. Ah, sorry, I've no idea either! Just calling it out, as it's one that could slip under folks' radar if they've been on a couple of 482s, for example, then get an offer of a 186. A lot of employers don't always seem to know about the age cutoffs.
  18. Yeah, but the under 45 rule will still apply, as I understand it.
  19. Is this still something that the department is entertaining? Appreciate they waived first entry dates during the pandemic, but travel routes have been fully reopened for quite some time now. On looking at the document the department issued, it would appear 476 wasn't one of the visa classes eligible for first entry date waivers, either? There's an email address on there that you might want to try contacting the department on. That said, I can't see any suggestion that they'd delay or waive a first entry date from the current department website for the 476 https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-recognition-graduate-476#When
  20. All good. All good. It makes things "potentially" a wee bit more difficult to navigate. Regardless of what you and yours choose to do, all we want to do is try and give you as much rounded info as we can. Selfishly, I hope you love it here, grab PR and settle into a great life in VIC.
  21. That's helpful info. That's a temporary visa, then. From that perspective, please be aware that there won't be any support for university expenses from the normal public funds route (commonwealth supported places etc) unless you have permanent residency; more options open up with citizenship. From the perspective of a potential extension, if your kids were out here 3 years before deciding they wanted to go to uni back in the UK, they would also be subject to international fees there.
  22. Listen, pal, you keep fighting evolution. I'll fight the winner. Alright?
  23. For someone who wants no part, you seem to be more than a tad confused on how to go about implementing that. Now, tais toi.
  24. Nonsense. Utter nonsense. Below 80, I'd go there... But 50 is insulting.
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