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  1. Thanks, this is really helpful. Think we will take a chance with the wicker, declare it, and see what happens. Just been googling how to change a moulded plug. Looks pretty easy. Might give that a go on some of my power tools. I kind of assumed that modern moulded plugs would be a nightmare to change, compared to the older style ones that just unscrewed. Only thing is I won't know if it actually works until I get to Australia and plug it in ! And yes, my wife did tell me that we can't mess with electrics in Australia. We are moving to NSW, and need a few light switches changed over. It's not really where my expertise is, so will probably get someone in for all that.
  2. I am moving in 50 days time, and need advice on the following please ! : Can I bring wicker picnic baskets if I declare them ? Wife has a couple that are gifts she doesn't want to part with Can I bring the Dyson vacuum cleaner if thoroughly cleaned of dirt ? How easy / expensive is it to change plugs on appliances ? Thanks
  3. Thanks, will definitely take a look at NAB. I'm not due to be there until around August 2024, so plenty of time to get all my ducks in a row. I assume LinkedIn is also a good starting place ? I'm job hunting at the moment in London,.and that seems to be where I'm getting the most joy. We also use Jobserve website as well, you'll get lots of companies and recruiters advertising roles there. Are there any similar sites that are well regarded in Australia ?
  4. Thanks ! I've been working as a BA / Change manager for the last few years. I'm more Ops based than Tech, but loads of experience with FX, Liquidity and payments. Got a couple of ICA qualifications too, and been looking into learning some coding recently. I've not heard of Dius, but certainly interested in contracting. I should have a fairly easy start in Australia, as we will be able to live with family for as long as we need. Just hoping the job hunting doesn't take too long. London is very competitive right now, too many applicants for not enough jobs.
  5. Hi all, I'm moving to Sydney next year on a partner visa. At the moment I work in Banking & Finance in London. Can anyone recommend any good agency contacts to enquire about work in Sydney ? TIA
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